Dream Guide

Chapter 579 Grave robbing or corpse fraud

Just coming out of Chuncheng Airport, Shi Dazhuang saw the burly Peng Jiahu standing among the people picking him up. Peng Jiahu came up and punched Shi Dazhuang: "I heard that he was promoted to director, Shi Tai, you can do it!"

Shi Dazhuang said: "Deputy."

Peng Jiahu glared: "In a big city, the deputy is also a decent person. Don't be dissatisfied. The brothers are waiting for you to buy a drink!"

Shi Dazhuang said: "It's been two years since you became the captain of the Baoteng cadre, are you about to be promoted?"

"Hey, you can ask me to catch drug dealers, but you can't be an official. I have to sit in meetings and study all day, and my head is getting big!" Peng Jiahu waved his hand and turned to look at the poppy, "Hey, the beauty has grown taller!" He didn't care. At eleven, he picked up the beauty in his arms and kissed her face without a shaved beard.

The beauty was tickled by him, and she giggled and shouted: "Ah, Peng Yeye, your beard is too stiff!" She then shouted to Yao Jingjing, "Jingjing, help me!"

Only then did Peng Jiahu see Yao Jingjing, put down the poppy, and said with a smile: "Oh, I'm sorry, this...can't be my sister-in-law, right?"

Shi Dazhuang scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about! She is a famous woman who has her own rights. It was just a coincidence."

Peng Jiahu rubbed his head and said he was sorry. After introducing each other, he invited Yao Jingjing to have dinner with him. Yao Jingjing declined because she was anxious to return to Cuanzhou.

After saying goodbye to the beauty, she hailed a car and went to the high-speed rail station.

She recalled that night two years ago, when she took a taxi to the high-speed rail station in the same way. Although so much time has passed, Yao Jingjing still can't help but tremble every time she thinks of that thrilling scene.

If Aoki hadn't arrived in time, her life would have been ruined at the hands of that driver. If the mother has leukemia and the daughter encounters another accident, how unfortunate will this family become? But they were undoubtedly lucky. When they met Qingmu, everything turned out to be safe, and their days became better and better.

However, what about those families who did not encounter the same situation as Aoki?

There is only one Aoki in this world, and this one has gone to nowhere.

Yao Jingjing returned home and found no one, so she called and found out that her cousin had taken her parents to Cuanjia Village. Yao's mother asked her to drive there by herself. The car was parked in the community and the car keys were placed in the small drawer of the coffee table in the living room. He also told her to be careful on the road. It rained heavily some time ago and many mountains collapsed.

This car was bought not long ago. After Yao's mother and Yao's father came back from Wuzhong, Yao Jingjing strongly suggested buying a car for her father so that it would be more convenient to take care of her mother. At that time, they were no longer short of money, but Yao's father finally bought a second-hand car after choosing it, saying it was cheap and easy to use.

Yao Jingjing took the key, took the car from the garage and went straight to Cuanjia Village. As Yao’s mother said, rocks from the mountain landslide are still piled on the road. This section of the road is inherently difficult to drive. It is winding, narrow, and blocked by rocks, making it very difficult to drive.

When turning a sharp corner, there were a lot of rocks on the road ahead. A sharp-edged stone lay across the middle, but it was too late to avoid it. Yao Jingjing heard a rattling sound from the car's chassis and had a bad feeling in her heart. She drove the car forward to avoid someone turning sharply from behind and hit her, and then pulled over to the side.

There was a very faint mark on the ground at the rear of the car, like dripping oil. She took out the jack from the trunk, propped up the car, leaned down to take a look, and found that the fuel tank had been cracked by a stone, and oil was seeping out of the crack.

This place is out of the way and has no shops. If you want to repair your car, you have to drive back.

Yao Jingjing got out from under the car, looked at the rolling mountains and sighed. She took out two pieces of chewing gum from her pocket, peeled off the wrappers, and stuffed them into her mouth.

The stones on the road from afar are still lying there with edges and corners, waiting for the next unlucky person.

Yao Jingjing took one look, then walked back and moved several large rocks to the side of the road so that cars coming from behind would not be hit again.

Returning to her car, she leaned against the car door, looking up at the blue sky in a daze.

It wasn't until the chewing gum had lost its sweetness that she leaned under the car again, stuck the chewed gum on the crack in the fuel tank, and pressed it firmly with her fingers, so that the oil stopped leaking out.

"This method really works!" Yao Jingjing got out from under the car, patted the dust on her body, and suddenly burst into laughter.

She remembered the day Hou Biao came back from the United States and gave her a box of gifts mysteriously. The carton is wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper and tied with ribbons.

Yao Jingjing didn't expect Hou Biao to give her a gift. This tattooed man didn't look like a delicate man who could pack gift boxes. She asked with a smile:

"You didn't make this, did you?"

"Ask the girl from the stationery store to help wrap it up." Hou Biao said, stroking his bald head.

"It's not a piece of stationery, is it?"

"No, no, it's not."

"what is that?"



Yao Jingjing suddenly remembered that that day she wanted to talk to Professor Mei about the key. When she called Hou Biao, she heard the sound of him eating, and asked him at that time: "What are you eating?"

Hou Biao said on the phone: "Eat something delicious and I will buy it for you when I come back."

She didn't expect that he would actually buy it for her, and the unexpected surprise made her feel a little warm. But this food is too mini, even a little girl can’t get enough!

She couldn't wait to open it and saw that the box contained two boxes of chewing gum, the kind you can buy in supermarkets. She immediately became happy and said:

"Isn't this the delicious thing you said?"

Hou Biao touched his bald head with his big hand, laughed, told what happened in Beverly Hills, pointed to the chewing gum and said:

"This is a good thing, a must-have for our line of work."

Then he talked about a lot of benefits of chewing gum.

It was the first time Yao Jingjing heard that chewing gum could be used in so many ways. It was an eye-opener. She finally understood Hou Biao's intentions. He was teaching her a job! However, from Hou Biao's expression, she could also feel that he sincerely gave her the gift, but a man like him would probably not give anything to please a girl, so he could only take this opportunity to give her chewing gum. What.

From then on, she also started carrying chewing gum with her.

After temporarily "repairing" the car, she hit the road again. It was already evening when she drove to Cuanjia Village.

People in Cuanjia Village have been in panic these days.

At first it was rumored that it was a thief, but everyone in the village had no shortage of things. Only a few broken rooms in the old house on the mountain were turned over, old lady Cuan's grave was dug up, and the body was missing. Who would rob a tomb that had been buried for decades and contained nothing of value?

Some people said that the old lady's former enemies came to her door. The old lady was a cruel person back then. She had made revolution, joined the army, and been a bandit. She had killed countless people. The enemies back then did not dare to come to seek revenge, so they must have asked their descendants to dig up the graves and whip the corpses.

Some people also say that the old lady faked the corpse. Cuanjia Village moved to a new address, and no one took care of the old house. The old lady got angry and crawled out of her grave to settle accounts with the younger generations!

Because of this, the villagers invited Mama Yao back. After all, she was the closest to the old lady. Yao's mother was exhausted mentally and physically by this incident, and she was restless all day long.

"I'm hoping that your grandma will really come back to life, but I don't want it to be true. I feel so uncomfortable!" As soon as she saw her precious daughter, Yao's mother began to complain.

Yao Jingjing first went to the old house to take a look. Old Mrs. Cuan's room had been rummaged through, and the photos under the glass on the dressing table had been moved. The box containing the photos and the album inside were missing. She then went to the Cuan family’s ancestral cemetery. The old lady's grave had been dug, and rainwater had accumulated in the pit.

She knelt down and took a closer look, and found that there were traces of fingernail scratches on some hard earth and rocks beside the pit. The entire pit does look a bit like it was dug by hand, but I don't know whether it was dug from the outside in or from the inside out.

Yao Jingjing remembered the dream her mother had when she was sleeping with the photo album box in her arms. Her intuition told her that this matter might be related to the desert in her dream.

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