Dream Guide

Chapter 582 The Horn of War

As for Ronald Cohen, Aoki is not willing to believe him. From Lester to Xia Wenyuan to Old Wolfe, there is too much evidence that the invasion of the consciousness of these people is related to Cohen. Even if he is not the mastermind, he is undoubtedly an accomplice. Even if he is playing Infernal Affairs, he has a longer-term plan, but there is no need to sacrifice a great man like Lester, right? What's more, if Lester hadn't warned mankind at the cost of death, people would still not know about the invasion of parasitic consciousness.

However, everyone has been analyzing for so long and has not found any very conclusive loopholes to prove that what Cohen said is false. Especially when Situ and Mrs. Larry were present, one was a former awakener and physics genius; the other was a dean of ancient civilization and linguistics.

"What on earth should we do?" Boris shouted.

Everyone looked at Qingmu and Situ. They hold the scepter and are obviously the most powerful people here. They didn't speak, and others had to remain silent. In fact, no one knew what to do next.

Boris became increasingly anxious. He was used to doing things boldly, and Mr. Stone had arranged all the things before. This was the reason why he admired Situ. Now, suddenly, these people became hesitant and looked to him like a bunch of pussies in aprons.

"How about we just kill those savages first, Redbeard? Haven't you always suggested doing this before!" Boris looked at Petru, who was holding half a scepter in his hand, and felt that half a scepter should also have a certain value. The right to speak, just encourage it.

Petru said nothing, glanced at Mrs. Larry, then lowered his head to look at the red coral branch in his hand, and began to think deeply.

"Please allow me to say something." Anderson said suddenly, "I think everyone is just worried about whether Mr. Ronald Cohen has lied to us. Then should we change our perspective? If, I mean, if we didn't see We didn’t find Mr. Cohen’s last words when we got to this ship or even got on the ship, so what should we do next?”

Anderson's words made everyone's eyes light up. Yes, the content of Cohen's last words was so shocking that people were too entangled in the stakes. But in fact, they are now in Ramla, far away from the Earth's Orion cantilever. In an unknowable position, they should have their own plans whether Cohen appears or not.

Alice looked at Anderson with admiration in her eyes, and she added: "Yes, if Cohen is telling lies, who is he telling it to? Is it us? How does he know that we will find this ship? And we got on the ship. If Mr. Stone hadn't insisted, we wouldn't have found Cohen's bedroom in the dark, and we wouldn't have seen these last words. If he wanted to lie to us, he should have written them on the deck. .”

Situ frowned slightly as he looked at the three suns in the sky. He sighed and said, "Yes, I did think too much. You are right. Regardless of whether what Cohen said is true or false, we should act according to our own ideas."

Seeing that Situ recognized her point of view, Alice became excited and said, "Then, should we ask ourselves, what would we do if there was no Ronald Cohen? You now have the sacred staff in your hands, This thing can activate the altar and may also send us back to Earth. No matter what the probability is, shouldn't we give it a try? Even if there are unknown dangers, it is worth it. It is better than waiting to die in Ramla! "

Mrs. Larry also said: "That's true, Alice, you made a good suggestion."

Situ looked at Qingmu and Su Huilan and said, "What do you think?"

Su Huilan said: "I have no objection."

Aoki always felt that there was something wrong here, but he couldn't explain it clearly. He admitted that Alice's suggestion was right. Regardless of whether Ronald appeared or not, activating Ramla was the right thing to do. He just didn't know that the scepter in his hand had such a great effect at the time.

But there was always a lingering shadow in his mind, along with those hidden memories that gave him a headache whenever he thought about it. He took a deep breath and said, "Just do it this way. You'll never know until you try it."

"I wish I had said this earlier, working with smart people is just tiring!" Petru waved his fist excitedly, "Then let's go and kill the Itsa people on this island now, activate the altar here, and see Let's see what miracles will happen! Oh, by the way, madam, what did you say is here...the wind of Uracan...that Itsa wizard is holding the soul of wind, right? Then let's activate the soul of wind. Altar it!”

"Do you know how to activate the altar, Boris?" Ivan asked calmly.

"This is not my business." Boris said nonchalantly, "This problem should be solved by those who hold the scepter. They are the chosen ones!"

Speaking of the Chosen Son, he looked at Petru, looked at the half of the Fire Soul in his hand, and muttered unconvincingly, "Ivan, why don't you let me get it? Maybe it's not that hot. I can pick it up!”

Aoki didn't know how to activate the altar. At the Wooden Altar, he just rushed down to save Mrs. Larry and came up. Mrs. Larry was the most familiar with the inside of the altar, and even Petrou had seen more than him.

He thought for a while and said to Situ: "No matter what, let's find the Soul of Wind and the Altar of Wind first."

Situ looked at the undulating mountains in the distance and said, "Okay, let's find the location of the Ulakan tribe first, and then the people from the two tribes will circle around and surround us. Now we have two and a half scepters in our hands, even if this is Ulakan's home field. , I believe they can also capture their wizards. Ivan and the others will attack with thermal weapons to ensure nothing goes wrong."

Everyone nodded in agreement, only Mrs. Larry said without doubt: "You use Itesans to fight Itesans, this is a bit..."

Alice said angrily: "Madam, have you forgotten what they did to you?" She thought of the scene she saw and her dead companions, gritted her teeth, and fire burst out of her eyes, "I agree with Red Beard and Boris’ suggestion, it’s best to kill them all! These beasts!”

Mrs. Larry sighed and said nothing more.

The savages on the shore were still waiting anxiously, and they did not dare to act rashly without receiving orders from Situ and Qingmu. The huge thing in the lake was an unspeakable oppression to them, as frightening and unsettling as the three suns in the sky. When they saw the small boat paddling slowly back from the lake, the Itesan people cheered excitedly.

They raised their simple spears and bows, shouting Ura-Ula-Ura-Ura. There used to be a clear dividing line between the Mantiston tribe and the Sanchi tribe, but now they all flocked to the water's edge, huddled together like crabs on the beach at low tide.

However, at this time, as if they knew their motives, the roars of the Ulacan tribesmen also came from the distant mountains, one after another, as if they were blowing the horn of war.

Dian Niang closed the comments and this chapter and said it seemed like it would take a week to recover. I can’t release the blocked chapters. I’m considering whether to overhaul them. I have a headache and my writing state is a bit bad. I need to adjust it.

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