Dream Guide

Chapter 585 Accident

Although the square of the Ulakan tribe was very large, it still seemed too crowded when two more tribes came out and more than a thousand people were crowded together.

There is still some hostility between the three tribes, but they have all handed over the sacred staff and recognized the new leader. Naturally, they must obey the new leader in everything. With the leader together, they could only follow, forming three distinct irregular square formations. It can be seen from the size of the phalanx that the Sanchi and Mantiston tribes have about the same number of people, while the Ulacan tribe has more people than them combined.

Some wild people from different tribes but very close to each other stared at each other with wide eyes. Aoki could sense the smell of gunpowder. If the soul of wood hadn't been able to control the consciousness of these savages, he believed that war was about to break out.

Qingmu, Situ and Dua walked side by side towards the altar in front.

Petru also had half a fire soul and was originally qualified to go with them, but he was alone and seemed a bit desolate compared to the tribe they each brought with them, so he simply stayed one step behind and protected Mrs. Larry and a few other women. He still had a grudge against the savages. He had seen with his own eyes what happened to Mrs. Larry, how could he forget it so quickly!

Just as uncomfortable as he was, Alice was surrounded by savages, making her feel like she was among a group of gorillas. She frowned in disgust, grabbed Anderson's arm tightly as if she was afraid, and complained:

"Really, why don't you let them disperse? These people smell really bad!"

Anderson consoled him: "Just think that you have returned from fishing with a full load. The smell of the fishing ground on the seaside is much worse than this!"

Alice sneered: "You know how to fish, why don't you think about what these savages did to the lady! And Professor Pardick and those sailors! These beasts killed them, and roasted them on the fire right in front of me. Eat it. If it weren’t for my good luck, I can’t imagine what else I would have gone through!”

Anderson's face was a little ugly, and he muttered: "I didn't say I could tolerate these guys. If I find an opportunity, I would be willing to do something for the dead crew members. They are all young, just like Captain Church and I. The same as their children. But you see, Mr. Aoki seems to have become a family with them now, as well as Mr. Stone and the new devout female disciple of the Buddha."

"Can't you have some opinions of your own?" Alice was obviously dissatisfied with Anderson's words. She turned to Petru and whispered, "Hey, Redbeard, don't you want to avenge Madam? Why are you silent now? You look like this Nothing like the Pirate King!"

Petru curled his lips, as if he was disdainful of a little girl talking to him like this, but Mrs. Larry's matter seemed to have become his weakness. He lowered his head and played with the red coral staff with both hands.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Alice said unhappily: "Don't think that just because you took half the Fire Soul, you became a tribal leader like Mr. Stone and the others. Look at me, there are hundreds of people following me! Look at your lonely bear look, what else is there except that your beard is longer than others?"

Petru snorted from his nose and turned to look at Mrs. Larry. Seeing that Mrs. Larry did not notice them, he gritted his teeth and said: "I will avenge Mrs., and I want to marry Mrs. Larry. I You must do what you said.”

Boris suddenly came over and asked furtively: "Hey, if you have any good things, don't forget to call me!"

Petru said: "Do you have a sound receiver in your ear? Damn it, you can hear it!"

Boris was not annoyed, and said with a smile: "I didn't hear anything, but I saw that the beard on your chin was shaking at an unusual frequency, so I knew that you had murderous intentions. Hehe, war is a big deal. count me in!"

Petru glared at him and said nothing.

The crowd marched to the altar.

The shape of this altar is almost exactly the same as the one Aoki and the others saw in the Sanchi tribe. It is also a square trapezoid made of stones, like an unfinished half pyramid. The steps were a bit steep, with weeds and vines growing in many places, and it was obvious that no one was walking up them very often.

Just when Aoki and the others were about to go up, there was a commotion in the crowd. The people of the Hurakan tribe obviously regard this place as their sacred place and do not want people from other tribes to come near it.

An old Ulakan savage with makeup on his face came to negotiate with Dua. He acted respectfully, but his attitude was visibly firm. Aoki recognized him, he was the Uracan wizard who fought against them with his scepter during the battle in the valley. Judging from the actual situation of his use of the scepter, his mental power should be very strong.

Du Wa communicated with him mentally for a while, then turned back to Qingmu and Situ and said, "According to their rules, people outside the tribe are not allowed to approach the altar. I have tried my best to convince him, but rules are rules."

"What's breaking the rules..." Before those dirty words came out of Boris's mouth, Ivan stopped him.

There was an awkward atmosphere on the court.

Situ said, "What if just a few of us go up?"

Dewar said: "I'll try again."

She went back to negotiate with the savage wizard. The wizard seemed to give in and mumbled a few words to the people behind him. The wild men of Hurakan began to make way.

Just when Aoki and the others were about to go up, the wizard suddenly became excited and yelled at Dua.

People didn't know what was happening and looked at them in surprise.

Du Wa shook his head, turned around and spread his hands helplessly: "He said that no one can enter the altar. This is a bigger rule. Even the Son of God cannot exceed it, unless God himself comes."

"Did you tell him we were going in?"

"Of course." Dua said, "I don't understand their language. We communicate with consciousness through the soul of the wind. There is no possibility of deceiving each other, and I don't want to hide it from them."

At this time, the members of the Ulacan tribe who had already moved out of the way gathered around again, blocking the way to the altar.

They stood there with complicated expressions, looking a little overwhelmed. Their priest, the leader of the tribe, was quarreling with the son of God sent by Ulakan, the god of wind, and they could sense the content of the quarrel through their consciousness.

The excited priest slowly calmed down, and then knelt down with his followers. They muttered words and chanted words that others could not understand.

Aoki and Situ looked at each other, and they both felt the spiritual power generated by the slowly condensing group consciousness. These savages were getting rid of distracting thoughts in this way. The same thought came out of hundreds of people's consciousness, and they used a very determined attitude to prevent anyone from entering the altar.

The consciousness of the group is so powerful that it becomes invisible and becomes a force that can compete with the island's spiritual force field.

This power is amplified by the Wind Soul, and is even more obvious in Dua's perception. Her expression became serious, and there were even faint beads of sweat on her forehead.

However, something even more incredible happened -

The savages of the Sanchi tribe and the Mantiston tribe suddenly knelt down and started singing under the leadership of their respective priests. But they are not fighting against the Ulacan tribe. Instead, they are cooperating with them and strengthening the spiritual force field generated by group consciousness.

Aoki clearly felt that the soul of wood in his hand conveyed the sense of resistance among the Sanchi tribe. This consciousness contains very complex emotions, including pleading, orders, requests, and hopes... But no matter what, it only declares one thing: Don't enter the altar!

Now, the savages from the three tribes have united!

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