Dream Guide

Chapter 587 Can’t afford to be wrong

Mrs. Larry felt like she was in a cloud. Red flames danced in front of her eyes, and her body was wrapped in a soft, cotton-like fire cloud, blown up and down by the wind.

The whole world is dark except for this ball of fire. Where the firelight shines, dragons and snakes rise from the ground, and some black shadows like giant pythons emerge from the ground and then go in again.

A glimmer of light gradually appeared in the sky, and the shadow of a big bird appeared in the halo. It croaked and it was dawn.

Three more suns appeared in the sky, but their positions seemed to have moved a little farther to the west or north, and their distance from each other became a little farther.

Mrs. Larry found herself lying in a man's strong chest, her head resting on a broad and strong shoulder.

Petru put the lady down and asked softly: "Are you okay, madam?"

"I'm fine, thank you, Petru." Mrs. Larry got off Petru, still holding the copy of Cohen's manuscript that she took out from the captain's cabin of the Swordfish.

They stood by the river, far away from the Ulacan village, and no savage followed them. Looking from here, a straight road passes through the village of Ulakan and leads to the majestic altar. The savages were still in the square in front of the altar, densely packed.

Aoki sensed it for a while and knew that the savages had not given up their collective will. He still could not call out the Sanchi tribe members through the soul of wood.

"I told you they are savages!" Boris spat, spitting out the weeds and mud from his mouth. Apparently he fell down while escaping just now.

"It seems that what Cohen said is true." Petrew said.

"It's too early to make such a judgment now." Situ stood on a rock by the river and looked towards the altar.

"Is there any doubt about this?" Alice was very puzzled. "After all, they are savages, not the same race as us. They eat people and do things worse than beasts. They regarded you as their gods before, so you must be What misunderstanding occurred? I was worried that you might be the same people as them. I have been praying that I was wrong. Now, the misunderstanding is resolved. Savages are savages, and they are alien savages. Why do you always You have to care about their thoughts like the Holy Mother! I will never forgive them anyway, and I can’t possibly forget everything I’ve seen with my own eyes!”

Alice's voice trembled, and she was very sad and angry when talking about the savages, and you could hear the hatred in her heart. Yes, anyone who has had the same experience as her will be left with a shadow in their heart. It’s good to be able to live strong.

Mrs. Larry, who had the most say in this matter, remained silent, staring at the manuscript paper in her hand thoughtfully.

Su Huilan sympathized with Alice and agreed with her words. Before this, she had been a little worried about the identities of Qingmu and Situ. How could they gain the trust of these tribal savages? In addition to their strong mental strength, there are obviously other reasons.

Now that she had parted ways with the Itesans, a stone in her heart fell to the ground. she says:

"No matter what, we must find a way to visit the altar."

"This is not easy to handle." Anderson said, "Now we have to face three tribes of savages. This battle is not going to be easy!"

Boris said: "What do you think, Redbeard? I know you are a real expert in this kind of war."

Petru frowned as he looked at the village in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.

Boris became impatient and said: "Hey, aren't you f*cking scared?"

Petru sneered: "You don't need to provoke me, I hate these savages more than you. But fighting? There are only ten of us in total, oh, by the way, plus a bird and a cat, and there are more than a thousand on the opposite side." Man, do you think you can win?"

Boris patted the gun hanging on his chest and said: "We have weapons!"

Petru snorted from his nose, not bothering to look at this bellicose lunatic. Even if every bullet is not wasted, they don't have that much ammunition.

Alice complained: "Boris, can't you just shut up? Let's listen to what Mr. Aoki and Mr. Stone have to say."

"This is a bit strange. I don't think we should jump to conclusions yet." Aoki raised his head and took a look. The three suns seemed to be moving, but they didn't seem to be moving. There were no clouds around. The distant skyline glowed with a little silver light, "Let's find a place to live. I always feel that having three suns above our heads is not a good sign."

The crow cried: "Yes, yes, I'm hungry. Let's eat something first and then talk about the war!"

People's stomachs began to growl in dismay. But the food they came with was carried by the savages, but they didn't have any food on them.

Situ said decisively: "Let's go back to the previous camp. There is still some food stored there."

Su Huilan said: "Will the savages come after us? After all, they built the camp."

Situ said: "We took the food and went to the Swordfish. Although the big ship cannot be driven, it can shelter from wind and rain, and the lake is open, so we are not afraid of being attacked."

People were a little uncomfortable when they thought of hundreds of zombies lying in the cabin, but Situ's words did make sense. Ramalali could not find a better place to live than the Swordfish.

Ivan said: "We were very rough before. If we look carefully, the Swordfish should still be able to find a lot of useful things."

Everyone gained confidence and returned along the way they came.

Aoki looked back and saw that the savages were still gathering in the square, but they were no longer as nervous as before. He could sense some of their complex emotions from the wood soul, including confusion, disappointment and anger after being deceived.

Although he can use the Soul of Wood to convey information back at this moment, the people of the Sanchi tribe are obviously no longer under the control of his consciousness, just like a group of puppets suddenly having their own thoughts and gaining freedom of movement from nowhere. Although their strength has not yet cut the thread that binds them, their will is very firm, as if they are the cry of the serfs who have been deceived and enslaved for a long time: Go away, devil!

Dua sighed softly and said, "Are we wrong?"

Situ said: "Actually, right or wrong is not important. Science requires constant trial and error. Civilization is also built on the basis of countless mistakes. But the key is that this time, we cannot afford to make mistakes!"

Aoki understands what he means. They are now in an unknown place a thousand light years away from the earth. This may be their only chance to go home. Not only that, their decision may also affect the fate of the entire human race.

Dua said: "Perhaps, I can negotiate with them again, and the hostility may be eliminated."

Situ shook his head and said: "If we are just Itesan people, we can try it. The scepters of the three tribes are in our hands. This is their sacred object. But this time it is obviously the interference of other energies. Otherwise, we can only rely on Belief, it is impossible for the three tribes to suddenly unite. This power not only interferes with their consciousness, but also continuously provides them with spiritual power to help them maintain their group dreams. What is this power and what will it bring The consequences, we don’t know yet.”

Aoki said: "This power comes from the altar."

Situ said: "No, maybe it comes from the entire Ramla. Where there is good, there must be a negative. The original mental force field of Ramla is too strange."

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