Dream Guide

Chapter 592 Outsmarting Weihu Mountain

Bian Ziyuan stood there a little awkwardly, holding a laptop in one hand and a space box in the other.

Although Mei Ziqing is indeed a beauty, and as Mei Yiqiu's assistant, she has a transcendent status in the laboratory. Being able to have a meal with her is probably the dream of young employees. In normal times, Bian Ziyuan would have gladly accepted it, but today he had something to do, and Mei Ziqing must not let Mei Ziqing know about it.


Bian Ziyuan hesitated, and the adaptability he had always been proud of suddenly disappeared. He was like a student who was dragged into the office by the teacher and scolded. He clearly had a lot of slander and reasons, but could not say a word.

Mei Ziqing laughed, patted the young man on the shoulder like a professor and said, "Okay, okay, I'm just here to get something, I won't attend your men's party."

Bian Ziyuan was relieved. The pressure was relieved, and he suddenly became enlightened and knew how to speak: "Uncle Yu, the place where you live is not suitable for a beautiful woman like you. How about I treat you to dinner alone one day?"

He thought Mei Ziqing would refuse, but he didn't expect Mei Ziqing to say generously: "Okay."

Bian Ziyuan said: "There is a very good restaurant called Wuyanwuyu on Changjiang Road. There is a Ruhua Bar next to it. The wine prepared by the lady boss is the best in Wuzhong, but I heard that it is not often there, so you have to try your luck."

"Ruhua Bar?" Mei Ziqing seemed a little surprised, "Ah, I've heard of it. Isn't it in Liuying Lane?"

"Oh, we moved a long time ago." Bian Ziyuan said, "Liuying Lane has been demolished and I heard that it will be transformed into a classical garden."

Mei Ziqing said: "Then when you are lucky, invite me to have a drink at Ruhua Bar. I also want to try the craftsmanship of the landlady!"

After saying that, he headed towards his office.

Bian Ziyuan looked at her back and shouted: "Then it's settled!"

Mei Ziqing turned around, smiled brightly, stretched out her hand and made an OK gesture.

Something stirred in Bian Ziyuan's mind for a moment, his breathing stagnated, and his heart started to beat. It wasn't until Mei Ziqing's back disappeared from the aisle that he shook his head vigorously and blamed himself:

What are you thinking! It can be said that Professor Mei's chief assistant has already made considerable achievements in independent academic fields. If he leaves Mei's laboratory, he will be a respected scientist wherever he goes.

In addition, this Japanese beauty must be quite old. Although she is single, she is definitely not something that a young person like Bian Ziyuan can covet.

Mei Ziqing's age has always been a mystery.

When Bian Ziyuan saw her for the first time, he thought she was a few years older than him and had graduated two or three years earlier at most. But later I heard from an old employee working in the laboratory that Mei Ziqing had been with the professor for several years before he came. They met during an academic exchange event in Japan. At that time, the professor was invited to give a lecture at Waseda University. At that time, Mei Ziqing was already a doctoral student at Waseda University.

According to this calculation, Young Master Mei Ziqing is in her mid-thirties, probably already in her fourth year, but she always looks like she is in her mid-twenties.

There are more men than women among the employees in the laboratory, and most of them are older bachelors engaged in scientific research. They all have some unkind thoughts about Mei Ziqing and often make dirty jokes behind her back.

This was the first time that Bian Ziyuan had such an obvious thought. He felt that it was time for him to find a girlfriend. After all, at his young age, it was not easy to always rely on the fifth girl to help solve problems. But he is a homebody and has almost no social activities. He has been away from school for more than two years, and the girls he likes have already found their wives.

Maybe you can find one in the Dream Guide game!

This thought suddenly startled him. The Dream Guide game is actually a dream. Everything in the dream is created by yourself based on your memory and is false. Looking for a woman to fall in love with in a dream, isn’t this just delusion?

But his thoughts just now were not just that. He really thought he could find a girlfriend in the Dream Guide—those real players!

According to the underlying rules of the game set by the professor, the world created by each player in the game is independent and not connected to each other, so it is impossible for him to find other players now.

But Cronus can.

He can see the dreams of all players. Unlike the piles of data Bian Ziyuan saw in the background, Cronus saw living people and scenes. It is not difficult to ask him to help him find a perfect girl. The only problem is how to bypass the rules set by the professor and connect the dreams of two people.

Bian Ziyuan walked and thought, and found that he was thinking further and further.

"Your self-heating hot pot is overheated." Lao Yu saw his dejected look and said, "What's going on? Why don't you go back to your hometown and go to a grave?"

Bian Ziyuan said: "It's nothing, I just have something on my mind."

"Miss a woman?"

"Where can I find a job?"

Lao Yu said: "Come on, I have walked on more bridges than you have walked on. Your worries are all written on your face!"

Bian Ziyuan blushed and said, "Uncle Yu, you are Sun Wukong's flaming eyes!"

"Sun Wukong's eyes are for looking at monsters, but I can't tell. I can only look at people and their hearts."

An old man and a young man started chatting while drinking.

When Mei Ziqing left, she came over to say hello. Bian Ziyuan wiped his greasy mouth, stood up hurriedly to see her off, and walked her out of the gate before returning.

Lao Yu watched with cold eyes, and after he sat down, he said: "Oh, I originally wanted to be a month old for you, but this..." He shook his head, "My old man doesn't have that ability, and you two are not worthy!"

Bian Ziyuan said: "Uncle Yu, you think too much!"

Lao Yu said: "Look, your face is red!"

Bian Ziyuan said: "That's for drinking."

Lao Yu said: "Why are you yellow again?"

Bian Ziyuan suddenly had an idea and said with a smile: "Wax to protect against the cold!"

When Lao Yu heard this, he suddenly leaned back in his chair, crossed his legs, like a bandit, and said with a cold face: "Shine, sun, sun."

Bian Ziyuan's face straightened up and he said, "An exquisite tower, facing Qingzhai with its back against the sand!"

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Lao Yu liked to listen to operas, especially model operas, and would hum a few lines from time to time. Bian Ziyuan was often with him, and he knew how to listen.

Old Yu became happy and sang while drinking. He quickly got drunk.

After singing a song about outsmarting Tiger Mountain, Bian Zi saw from a distance that it was almost done, so he went to disconnect the external network. Anyway, there was no one in the laboratory now.

He connected the twisted pair cable pulled out from the underground computer room to his laptop, turned it on, put the space box on Lao Yu, and then fell asleep next to the computer.

Just as he was getting drunk, he soon fell asleep.

What was different from previous dreams was that the first person he saw in his dream this time was actually Mei Ziqing. To be precise, only that face belonged to Mei Ziqing, and that body, well... he probably saw it from some short movie.

What's even stranger is that he dreamed of two "Mei Ziqing" at the same time. One was doing something indescribable with him, the other was just watching them.

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