Dream Guide

Chapter 606 A little plan

After the raft docked, Ivan and the others rowed back. Everyone discussed it on the river beach and decided to divide into two groups.

The four of them, Ivan, Petru, Boris and Anderson, were responsible for setting up the cannon on the mountain behind Hurakan Village to occupy the commanding heights and the best shooting position. But because the cannon was so heavy, they could only transport it in by boat along the waterway.

Qingmu, Situ, Dua and Su Huilan still entered through the valley in front. They would attract the Itesa people's attention and make time for the cannon installation.

After the cannon is set up, with the range and power of the cannon, and the Itsa people do not know this kind of weapon, before they can react, they will definitely be able to destroy their mental formation, or at least create a gap. . If you are lucky, beating three priests to death will be like tearing down the pillars of a house, and the spiritual formation will naturally collapse.

Aoki asked the coal boss to fly and keep an eye on it first, so that if anything happened, he could improvise. After all, it would take some time for everyone to get there, and Mrs. Larry and Alice could be burned to death at any time.

"Hey, what if they light a fire and you haven't come yet..." The crow said thoughtfully, "Should I sacrifice my life to save others?"

Aoki said: "With your ability, you should be able to delay it for a while!"

"Hey, isn't that just sacrificing one's life to save others?! Their spiritual formation is like a net, I feel like it was prepared for me!"

Although the coal boss was nagging, he still set off. As he took off, he added: "In case I can't come back, remember to cook me a few sauce elbows every year."

I don’t know why, but Aoki couldn’t bear it, so he said: “Do within your ability, don’t take too many risks, life is more important than anything else!”

"Uh! Quack!" The crow cried out with satisfaction and flew into the sky.

The four of them continued walking. Passing through the camp in front of the lake beach, they arrived at the valley where they negotiated with the Itesa priests. There were still traces of previous battles in the valley.

It was a bit sultry in the forest, but it was blocked by the leaves and it was hard to see the three suns in the sky. Otherwise, every time I looked up, I would be mentally tortured by the heat.

Su Huilan said: "Is there something wrong with the sun? Will it never set?"

Aoki raised his head and looked through the gaps in the leaves. They were all bright spots formed by fragments of sunlight. He said: "I also think there is a problem, but where is the problem?"

Situ said: "There are many three-star systems in the Milky Way, and it is normal for Ramla to pass through such a star system. The problem is that no three-star system is so stable, unless we are not on a planet in this star system."

"Then where are we?"

"It may be that Ramla passed by the side of this star system and stayed in a fixed position for a long time due to some special reasons, such as the gravitational effect of the galaxy. The three suns revolve around each other, and the orbit of the galaxy is a plane. We are in On the side of this plane, you will see three suns forming a triangular formation, slowly rotating. If the place where we are also rotates and keeps pace with the revolution of stars around each other, then the three suns we see can be different. It moves. Of course, the premise is that there is such a stable three-star system in the galaxy."

"But the three suns we saw when we first came here didn't look like this. At that time, they rose and set, some fast, some slow. They looked more like a normal three-body galaxy."

"Maybe it has a limited stable period, and it was in an unstable period at that time. Maybe it was just a scene from the previous star system, and we have changed places. Don't forget that Ramla is always moving. But this is Not the biggest problem…”

"What's the biggest problem?"

"It's heat!" Situ said, "No matter what the trajectory of the stars is, the three suns in the sky should be hotter than they are now. But in fact, the actual temperature our bodies feel is only about thirty degrees, and there is no strong convection in the atmosphere. phenomenon, the rivers on the ground did not evaporate quickly, which is abnormal. Only when we look up at the sky, we will feel particularly hot, which should be a mental illusion. "

"Are you saying this is...a hallucination or...a dream?" Su Huilan was shocked.

Situ shook his head and said: "Who can build such a huge dream? The furthest limit that my mental power can reach cannot touch those suns, even with the sacred staff."

Aoki glanced at the ebony staff in his hand and agreed, "Neither can I."

Su Huilan said: "Could it be the spiritual formation of the Itesa people?"

Dua said: "If that were the case, it would have been impossible for us to escape last time!"

Su Huilan was right when she thought about it. No one's mental power is strong enough to create a real galaxy instead of a two-dimensional painting hanging on the edge of a dream. There are only more than a thousand Itesans in total. Even if there is a spiritual force field from the altar to support them, the combined spiritual force cannot be so strong. Unless the population of the earth is the same, billions of people can dream together.

"Then what's going on?"

"Don't worry about it, there are many strange things in Ramla, and we will encounter more incredible things in the future."

They were walking in the forest, and Aoki remembered that after going over another hill, they could see the river in front of the Ulakan tribe.

Just then, a croaking crow came from overhead.

The trees are tall and the forest is dense, so the coal boss may not be able to find them.

Aoki put his fingers into his mouth and whistled loudly.

The crow screamed and squeezed in from the thick branches, shouting: "Quack, quack, back! Back quack!"

When it landed on top of his head, Aoki said: "I know you are back, how is the situation?"

The coal boss said: "I'm not back, it's them!"

"What?" Everyone was surprised, "Who is back?"

"Mrs. Larry and Alice are back! Guagua..."

"Did you rescue them?"

"Oh!" Crow raised his head, looking like a hero returning, "You don't have to worship me so much, it's just a little trick!"

He meowed with a look of admiration.

Su Huilan asked in surprise: "What little trick did you use?"

The crow rolled his eyes, "That... is not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning, quack quack..."

When Aoki saw the crow's birdlike appearance, he knew there was something wrong with what it said. He grabbed it off his head and asked, "Tell me, what's going on?"

"Quack, be careful of my hair!" the coal boss shouted, "Quack, it's me flying in the sky. Maybe I'm too handsome, so they let me go. The three old men were taking the They are coming this way!"

Before it finished speaking, there were rustling footsteps in the woods ahead. Not long after, Mrs. Larry and Alice appeared in the field of vision, followed by three Itesa priests.

Alice saw them from a distance and opened her mouth wide to shout something, but she didn't know whether it was because she was too excited or her throat was hoarse, so no sound came out.

She ran forward in long strides, probably thinking of Madam, then stopped and turned back to help her.

They helped each other walk the last part of the way, and then sat down on the ground. Looking at the familiar person in front of her, Alice finally cried.

"It's all my fault! Wuwu... I'm the one who got the madam into trouble... Wuwu..."

Mrs. Larry looked very tired and pale, but she still comforted Alice softly, "It's not your fault, Alice, cheer up, we are saved!"

The three Itesa priests did not come over, but stood side by side from a distance, looking at them.

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