Dream Guide

Chapter 613 Qimen Dunjia

If you look carefully, you can find many problems within the altar. for example:

The vegetation near the altar is lush, indicating that there is abundant rainfall here. However, the altar is not covered with a roof, but there is no water at all inside, and it is still very dry.

Even if this ancient building design has a very advanced drainage system, the rainwater can be drained away, but what about the dust? Wind and rain, and long-term dust accumulation will leave behind siltated soil after the rainwater is drained. But the stones here are cleaner than the rockery stones in the city park.

Animals may know how to avoid radiation, but do wind and dust also know how to avoid it?

Su Huilan suddenly said to the crow: "You are also a bird. If you fly up, you will know why your kind..."

"Why don't you poop here?" the crow asked, "Quack, this is the first time I heard someone ask me to fly to her head to poop, quack!"

Su Huilan was used to the crow attacking her, so she was not angry and just urged it to fly up.

The crow really flew up.

Aoki was a little worried, but didn't stop him.

If the inside and outside of the altar are two different spaces, then after the crow flies out, it will naturally disappear from people's sight. But after the crow flew to the side of the altar, people could still clearly see it hovering in the sky. There was indeed only one sun in the sky, and the other two suns had disappeared.

This made people very confused, even Situ frowned.

The crow flew from the sky on one side, and people heard its croaking. When it flew to the edge of the altar, it suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in the sky on the other side of the altar, as if the middle section did not exist. .

The crow turned back and swished across the altar. Then he glided in from one side and landed on Aoki's head.

When people curiously asked it how it felt about the period when it just disappeared out of thin air, the crow lowered its head, pondered for a long time, and said:

"Quack, disappeared out of thin air? Did you see me disappear out of thin air? I am obviously very normal, flying from here to there, and then from there to here like a bird!"

"But what we saw was that you went from here to there in a swish." Su Huilan said.

"Woman, are you sure it's not an illusion?" Crow asked with squinting eyes.

Su Huilan said angrily: "Do you think we are all hallucinating?"

"Hey, how did I come back?"

This question of the crow is surprising. Yes, if it flies over the altar, it will disappear. So how did it fly in?

"I know!" Situ said, "There is a special space above the altar that we can't see. The structure of this space may not be smooth, and it may be folded in three dimensions, just like a piece of paper. Boss Coal said appropriately When it flew over at a high altitude, it penetrated the space, and it seemed to us as if it had disappeared. But when it flew in, it flew diagonally downward, perhaps right along the edge of the space, and avoided it. Inside the space.”

The coal boss said: "Hey, does that mean that if I take off vertically, I will...disappear?"

Su Huilan said: "You can try it."

Crow said: "Why do I feel that there is conspiracy in your words?"

"I know what this space is," Mrs. Larry said.

"What?" everyone asked together.

"I have seen it, just when the giant moon came last." Mrs. Larry said, "They are two overlapping pyramids. One is formed by the outer outline of the altar where we are, and the other is The inverted, opposite pyramid. The two pyramids overlap each other, and the top of each tower corresponds to the center point of the base of the other tower."

When Aoki heard about the two pyramids, he thought of the alliance symbol, but it seemed to be different from what Mrs. Larry described. Why is it not the top to the top, but the top to the center of the base?

Situ said: "We have to find this central point. It may be the key to activating the altar."

People walked towards the central area of ​​the altar, but because there were stones everywhere, some stones were taller than people, blocking the view, and some stones were connected together to form a wall, and the entire interior of the altar was like a maze. Likewise, it is difficult to find exactly where the center point is at once.

Everyone had no choice but to return to the stone steps of the altar and look for the center location from a high place. But because they were worried about the mutual influence between the two spaces inside and outside the altar, they did not dare to climb to the top. They only stood halfway up the steps and looked back.

Aoki glanced at it with his eyes, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. He quickly found the center of the entire altar, which was surrounded by a palindrome-like stone circle. In the center stood a drum-shaped boulder that was as tall as a person and looked regular.

Someone else had obviously discovered this location, and it wasn't hard to find, but it was difficult to pinpoint it due to the restricted view when you were down there.

Qingmu was just about to let the coal boss fly over and stand on the stone, when suddenly he heard Mrs. Larry say:

"There's something wrong with the arrangement of the stones."

Aoki retracted his gaze and scanned the rocks again, and found that the rocks indeed seemed to be arranged according to some special rules. He finally knew what the strange feeling in his heart was because the formation of stones seemed familiar.

"Is this a formation?"

He suddenly remembered the ancient legend of Qi Men Dun Jia, who formed a formation by arranging stones and scattering beans to form soldiers. It is certainly not credible based on common sense, but what if the stone is a special stone and forms a special space! Just like when they walked into the altar from outside, the sun in the sky suddenly changed. Isn't this the most powerful escape technique?

For some reason, he recalled the record in the Wanli version of "Pingjiang Chronicles":

Sang Yun, a native of Pingjiang, whose courtesy name was Lin Xi. After Tang Sang Daomao, he was good at Taiyi Dunjia. He was reclusive and could not be summoned by Emperor Shizong. He lived on the left side of the river, planted mulberry trees everywhere, and raised silkworms for his pleasant nature. He was named Mulberry Garden, and all the villagers were rich.

"No, this is writing." Mrs. Larry said, "These stones are the three-dimensional writing left by the altar builders. At certain special moments,"

She looked up and remembered the last giant moon. "The stones will leave the ground and show the true three-dimensional patterns of these words in the air. Now, we can only see their projection on the ground."

"Then this is the fourth text belonging to Gaia. As long as we put it together with the first three texts we have obtained, we will see more complete information."

Aoki remembered that there were many dark spots in the starry sky when he expanded and restored the words in his dream last time, which should be caused by the lack of information.

Mrs. Larry said: "Theoretically, this is true, but the projection of the characters we see now is distorted, so it cannot be used directly according to the shape of the arrangement of these stones."


"Yes. Under the influence of some special forces, when these stones float up into the air, they are not arranged in the same plane as they are now. Otherwise, they would not be able to form three-dimensional information. According to what I saw in the Sanchi tribe, they will fill the space In the space of the two pyramids, each stone has its own position. At that time, when the light from the sky shines down, we can see the projection of real three-dimensional characters on the ground. Of course, if we can see that scene, then If you have enough time to observe it with your consciousness, you can understand the information it contains without needing to expand its dimensions.”

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