Dream Guide

Chapter 615 The storm is rising

The size, shape, arrangement position of each floating stone and the gaps formed by them all contain three-dimensional information, but the most critical thing is the spiritual force field distributed among them. This is the real extra dimension. The key to three-dimensional coding.

All information is in the weak changes of this mental force field. To obtain this information, you cannot see it with your eyes. You must use your mental power to touch it and restore it subconsciously, which requires extremely strong mental power. At the same time, because there is only a part of the text here, you have to combine it with the information you saw in the dream before to see the complete content.

Ivan didn't know how to mentally analyze the three-dimensional code, and he wasn't there the last time the dream expanded. So he looked up at the floating boulders for a while. Apart from being shocked by this magnificent sight, there was nothing else. Feel it. So, he only glanced at it for a few times before his attention returned to the ground.

I don't know when many thin silver lines appeared on the ground, as if the vibration of the soul of the wind shook the ground of the altar into many cracks, and crawled away like spider threads, twisting and turning, back and forth, and seemed to be The artist paints on the ground with a highlighter pen.

Only then did people discover that in addition to the hourglass symbol of time, there were also many other lines densely carved on the ground. While the brilliance in the triangle symbol flowed into the other triangle, as the soul of the wind trembled, it spilled out like a stellar storm, flowing along those fine carvings and turning into bright silver lines.

Mrs. Larry guessed that this was a totem painting of the Hurakan tribe, because she had seen tree and bird totems in the altar of the Sanchi tribe, but he could not tell what was painted on this painting.

Petru suddenly said excitedly: "This... this seems to be..."

"What?" Everyone looked at him strangely.

He nervously watched the changes in the silver lines on the ground. It wasn't until the last silver line appeared that he took a deep breath and said firmly:

"Map! This is the map!"

"What map?"

"The chart of the South Pacific basin, 150° west longitude and 30° south latitude." Petlu said, pointing to the ground with the soul of fire, "Look, this is Tubuai Island, this is Lapa Island, here... …and here…are the legendary ghost islands and reefs. I have personally surveyed and mapped these islands in a boat, and I can’t remember their shapes incorrectly. Their locations…are exactly the same as those marked on that chart!”

He pointed to the time hourglass mark in the middle, "This is the location of the triangle mark on the chart, but on the chart, it only has a triangle, and its center line extends outside the chart..."

Mrs. Larry was shocked, staring at the pattern on the ground, and murmured: "Yes, yes, that's right, Petru, you are right, this is the sea painted by Ludwig." Picture, oh my God! I..."

She choked up suddenly, not knowing what she remembered.

Alice held her arm and said softly: "Madam, you should be happy about this. What Mr. Yeager has been looking for all his life is now in front of you!"

"Yes, you are right, I should be happy, but..." Madam calmed down, "Why do they appear here? If these are the ruins of the Gendaya people, why do the Itsa people protect them?... "

She asked many questions in succession, but no one could answer them. They still lacked the most critical three-dimensional text information of the fifth altar. After filling in all the information gaps, we might be able to understand the source of the conflict between the Itsa and Gendaya people. .

It should be a war spanning thousands of light years, tens of millions of years, spiritual and material, civilization and race.

Human beings who are still unable to leave the earth are so insignificant in the face of this kind of civilizational power that they cannot even imagine it. In humankind's current scientific fantasy, civilization still bears the imprint of metal and machinery, but in the eyes of more advanced civilizations, things like spaceships and ion cannons may just be a continuation of the steampunk style.

Human beings a thousand years from now will definitely laugh at the imagination of people of this era - transplanting the means of transportation on earth into the universe and thinking that it is an advanced civilization's way of interstellar navigation is no different from the ancients' fantasy of flying on a horse with wings. There is nothing fundamentally different about God.

Building a multi-galaxy channel like Ramla across the cantilever of the Milky Way is what a highly developed civilization should look like, rather than driving a metal machine, counting down the tens, pressing a red button, and entering light speed flight mode with exhaust gas sprayed out. .

As soon as Mrs. Larry finished speaking, new changes occurred on the ground.

The brilliance in that triangle keeps pouring into the other triangle along the vertical line in the center. Its light gradually fades, while the brilliance of the other triangle gradually becomes thick and grand, just like the sand in the hourglass of time flows from a sand cone. Flowed to another sand cone.

When the last grain of sand is poured into the cone below, time runs out and everything stops.

The world became silent again, and even people's consciousness seemed unable to function at that moment.

Then, a strange jump flash occurred in the space, just like the TV signal was suddenly interrupted and then restored instantly. The human mental transmission speed could not react to such a fast jump flash, so it was just a trance.

Then, I saw the alliance symbol on the ground suddenly rotated 180 degrees, the two triangles exchanged positions, and the brilliance flowed again, from the full triangle to the empty triangle.

Time started again, and the soul of the wind began to tremble again, making a thumping sound.

The tornado that had just been sucked into the ground emerged from the ground again, followed the soul of the wind upward, and turned into a giant dragon. The wind bucket opened a big mouth in the sky and enveloped the floating boulders.

The boulders began to rotate slowly in the wind bucket, and gathered towards the periphery, turning into a circular meteorite belt. Only the drum-shaped stone still stayed in the center, facing the wind soul on the ground, rotating, and the surface Emit a dazzling light.

Time flows slowly in the hourglass.

The pattern on the ground is also changing: the originally dark ground between the islands outlined by the bright silver lines surges like sea water, and a thin mist suddenly appears on the ground, and is rotated by the wind, forming a covering The huge cloud group at the bottom of the entire altar looks like a typhoon cloud picture taken by a satellite.

The soul of the wind passes through the eye of the typhoon, like a pillar standing between heaven and earth, holding up the drum-shaped boulder in the sky.

The rotation of the boulder is accelerating, and the light emitted is getting brighter and brighter, as bright as a star.

Most of the surrounding stones have gathered into a circle, and only a few are still rotating on different orbits around the glowing drum-shaped boulder.

Aoki counted exactly eight, some big and some small, reflecting different colors of light as they rotated at extremely high speeds.

With eight planets and the Kuiper Belt, is this a solar system model?

But through this solar system model, you can see that there is a real sun hanging in the sky. This means that there are now two suns inside the altar. Aoki can't help but think of the three suns outside the altar, but he doesn't know what the situation has become at this time.

The astrolabe hangs in the sky, and the wind and clouds roll over the earth.

The ground turned into a holographic projection, raging waves crashed against the rocks, and the island of dozens of square kilometers was like a leaf in the flood during the typhoon.

Petru suddenly pointed to a black spot under the clouds and said: "My ship!"

Aoki looked along what he pointed and saw a lone boat floating on the sea. The sails on the two masts were blown up by the wind, like two cloth bags. Judging from the shape of the ship, it looks a bit like Petru's ketch.

At this time, a black line appeared on the horizon, like the horizon of the night slowly moving over, and like the shadow cast by dark clouds on the earth, threatening to cover the altar.

Situ suddenly shouted: "This is the static zone of time and space! Run!"

I'm really busy during the day, but I can't help it. I have to support my family, write books, and move bricks. This chapter is even more late. I'm sorry! As for the fragmentation, I really didn’t mean to do it. It just happened as I wrote it. Maybe it was the critical moment when I subconsciously calmed down. Otherwise, I might write wildly without thinking about what it would be like.

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