Dream Guide

Chapter 617 Windmill

Bishenghua was sitting on the sofa watching TV, and the latest news about the cyclone "Windmill" was playing on the TV.

For Bishenghua, cyclone is an unfamiliar new term. It feels completely different from typhoon and hurricane. It is more likely to be associated with "invincible cyclone legs" or "whirlwind boy".

However, cyclone is indeed another name for typhoon and hurricane. They both refer to tropical cyclones with wind speeds of more than 32.6 meters/second. They are only given different names due to differences in language and cultural habits.

Tropical cyclones generated in the western North Pacific are called Typhoon, which is translated as typhoon in Chinese;

Tropical cyclones generated in the eastern North Pacific, the Atlantic Ocean, and the Caribbean Sea are called hurricanes, which are translated as hurricanes in Chinese.

The word hurricane is said to come from the indigenous demon Hurican in the Caribbean area, and it is also said to be Hurakan, the god of thunderstorms and wind in Mayan mythology. No matter which one it is, it sounds like "Hurakan".

The word typhoon comes from Typhon, the son of Gaia in Greek mythology. It is the father of evil and has a hundred heads. The children it has with his wife Ecadena are all terrible demons.

Some scholars also believe that Typhon is Set in ancient Egypt. He was one of the Enneads of Heliopolis, symbolizing strength and storm. His father is Geb, the god of earth in Egyptian mythology, which is closely related to Gaia, the god of earth in Greek mythology.

Cyclones are what the South Pacific and Indian Oceans are called.

Because the earth's land and sea are distributed differently, and the tropical radiation belt appears south of 5° south latitude, the number of tropical cyclones in the southern hemisphere is much less than that in the northern hemisphere, and the intensity is also much lower. This is probably the reason why tropical cyclones in the southern hemisphere are called cyclones directly, instead of being named after gods like in the northern hemisphere, so they sound less powerful.

However, this cyclone "windmill" is an unprecedented super cyclone.

Windmill formed south of the Bass Islands, on the ocean near 150° west longitude and 30° south latitude. Just two hours after its formation, it intensified from a tropical depression to a tropical storm, and the pressure dropped within 24 hours. The wind speed increased by nearly 200 hPa to 850 hPa, the near-center wind speed exceeded 300 km, and the diameter of the wind field expanded to 2,000 km.

Before the Joint Typhoon Warning Center could issue a warning about it, Windmill had already developed to the same intensity as Typhoon Tip, the strongest typhoon in history in 1979.

The naming of each tropical cyclone has corresponding rules: except for the northwest Pacific typhoon, which is named cyclically by fourteen countries, the rest are relatively simple, and the prescribed countries are responsible according to the place where they occur.

The windmill is located south of the Tropic of Capricorn, and the naming rights belong to New Zealand.

New Zealanders named it "Windmill" because it has been spinning in circles since it was created, as if it was firmly fixed like a windmill.

Not moving is more terrifying than moving.

Because you don’t know if it will suddenly attack you at any moment and destroy your home.

This huge "windmill" monster is parked in the South Pacific, but there is no "Don Quixote" to fight it. Humanity's current technological level is powerless in the face of such natural disasters.

An area of ​​tens of square kilometers sounds huge, but when placed on the Pacific Ocean, it is just a leaf lying on the sea.

When the 17-level wind hit the island, big trees were uprooted, and the already weak houses were torn into pieces. Waves dozens of meters high came like mountains, and the height of the wave crest exceeded the highest altitude on the island.

People screamed for help, but those island countries had no armed police and no soldiers who took the lead in building human walls in the floods. They had no way to retreat. They were surrounded by the sea and had no way to escape.

Life seems so fragile in front of windmills.

But "Windmill" has attracted worldwide attention not because of the disaster suffered by the islanders of the Southern Islands, but because in the history of the earth's environment known to mankind, such a strange tropical cyclone has never been encountered.

The center position is fixed, but the strength and diameter have been increasing, which completely violates the principle of atmospheric motion. How can there be a motionless wind?

As for the formation principle of windmills, various speculations have been circulated on the Internet, and the most discussed ones are the theory of nuclear explosion and the arrival of alien civilization, because many countries and institutions have observed a flash at the center of the windmill, but electromagnetic Detection satellites did not detect extraordinary radiation in the area.

Some people say that an alien spacecraft fell into the South Pacific basin and the explosion of the spacecraft caused this disaster. Some people also say that the United States has invented a new nuclear fusion weapon that is more terrifying than a hydrogen bomb and has tested it in the South Pacific basin.

Logically speaking, the best way to deal with such rumors is to ignore them. However, the US government stood up excitedly and accused some countries of conducting secret weapons tests and placing the blame on them.

It took several days before news came out that when the windmill was formed, an aircraft carrier of the US Pacific Third Fleet was cruising there. The aircraft carrier that could withstand a Category 5 hurricane actually failed to escape from the windmill center.

This makes people believe that this cyclone is by no means as simple as a natural disaster, but caused by humans.

The news is full of reports about the size of the windmill, asking experts to analyze the possible reasons for its formation. Conjectures about new weapons have finally overshadowed the alien spacecraft. Governments of various countries have begun to rely on the media to spread the word. A new round of arms race may begin. .

The shadow of war looms over the Pacific along with the windmills.

Bi Shenghua has always wondered why everyone is concerned about politics and the power of weapons, but no one cares about the people who are still struggling to survive in this strong wind.

A super strong cyclone with a diameter of more than 2,000 kilometers is located on the South Pacific Ocean. The Bass Islands, Tubuai Islands, and even the Cook Islands and Tuamotu Islands further north are all within the coverage of the windmill.

She could imagine what it would be like when a 17-level gust of wind brought huge waves to the island. That was either the wind, or the devil!

Bishenghua turned off the TV, walked out of the room, and came to the rooftop.

There was not a breath of wind outside.

This made her feel that people on the earth did not actually live in the same world.

The bright lights of the city flickered in the distance, while Liuying Lane was pitch black.

The demolition work went smoothly. Except for the house where Ruhua Bar is located and the old willow tree, all other buildings have been knocked down, and the entire Liuying Lane has become a ruin.

In the distance, the black images of several excavators stood like monsters.

I don't know if it was frogs or toads that kept chirping, filling the dark night, but it became more and more peaceful and empty.

Life Flower looked up and saw a few scattered stars in the sky, which were not very bright compared to the lights of the city in the distance. But she knew that the city lights could only illuminate the road under her feet, but not the distance. Only the stars above our heads are the hope that illuminates eternity.

However, where people gather, there are still several places where you can see stars!

Mei Yiqiu sat in his large office, holding a pipe in his mouth and staring intently at the electronic screen on the wall.

The screen is split into two images. One is a world map with flashing light spots, representing the distribution of the number of players in the Dream Guide game; the other is a real-time satellite cloud image over the South Pacific, where a huge white spiral cloud can be seen. There is a dark hole in the middle.

"It's finally here!" the professor murmured to himself, the pipe hanging on his mouth trembled, and some white smoke overflowed from his mouth like clouds, "It's the second one so soon, is it too late? Woolen cloth……"

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