Dream Guide

Chapter 629 The wind and rain tree is still there, so why not return alone?

When Sheng Shenghua was in the bar, she didn't notice the man sitting in the corner who exuded the aura of death. His dark and gloomy eyes, like those from hell, were always staring at her.

She just listened to Hu Xing's words and came to Ruhua Bar to escape the typhoon and visit her old friends. He found that Xiao Qi's craftsmanship had not improved at all, and the wine she made tasted almost the same as two years ago, which made her feel like she had gone back to the past.

The layout of the bar is similar to the one in Liuying Lane. It can be seen that Xiao Qi is a mature person and is unwilling to make too many changes. Of course, this is also in line with Bi Shenghua's wishes. The biggest change is the stage and lighting. The stage is much larger than before and can accommodate more people and instruments. The lighting is much darker, which is more in line with the positioning of a bar. It is not as bright as a restaurant before.

But what she misses is not the stage and lights, nor the cocktail in her hand. What she misses is the feeling that in that noisy old street, the neighbors gathered early to chat about the current situation, watch football games and talk about daily life. The earliest bar was such a place. As the night gets darker, the old neighbors gradually disperse, and the number of young people begins to increase. The atmosphere becomes more lively, but it always retains that leisure and warmth.

After the wood arrived, there was a talking bird in the bar. The bar at that time started to be lively very early, because the bird liked to brag with the customers on the counter and make people laugh. Bird often orders a bunch of wine and lets the guests pay for it. It also loves to drink, but Lifespan prohibits it from drinking in bars, because it gets drunk as soon as it drinks, and a drunk bird has a mouth full of words and can say anything. Several little girls were said to it by it several times. I almost had to take it to a room.

That man always lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall or pillar, as if he was too lazy to do anything. But when the bar is busy, he helps. Either he doesn't do it, but once he does it, he is much more efficient than Xiao Qi. The key is that he can handle many things that Xiao Qi cannot. But he was still lazy. As long as Xiao Qi was busy, he would never move.

Lifespan seems to have gone back to the first day they came to Liuying Lane. He was stuck under the willow tree like a piece of wood, and the bird sat on his head. He was probably so hungry that he couldn't stand up. He lay there as if he was hatching an egg.

That day, Lifespan saw large swaths of buds sprouting from the willow tree. The old tree that had gone through fires, grafting, and the ruthlessness of time had not been so green for a long time. Lifelong Flower had been worried that it would die at any time, but from that day on, this worry never appeared again.

However, at this moment, when she was still immersed in the green memories, she suddenly saw a hand reaching out from the void and holding the trunk of the willow tree. The big tree that the two of them were supposed to hug turned into a thin ebony stick and was pulled out. She felt the earth tremble, and her head went blank for a brief moment, as if someone had uprooted her memories.

She let go of her hand and the wine glass in her hand fell to the ground, making a clear sound like glass breaking. Fortunately, the music in the bar was very loud and beer bottles were broken from time to time, so it didn't attract the attention of other customers. Only Xiao Qi was shocked. This was the first time since he met the landlady that a cocktail glass fell from her hand, and he had never seen such a confused and flustered expression on her face.

Life Flower felt a chill, like a cold wave coming from Siberia. She looked toward the dark corner that exuded the aura of death, and met the cold gaze that seemed to come from hell. However, she had no time to care about who that person was and what it had to do with her. She only had the tree in her heart at the moment.

She stood up suddenly, said to Xiao Qi, "I'll go back," and rushed out of the bar into the howling wind.

The typhoon did not move towards Shenzhou as expected, but made a sharp turn after entering the East China Sea and headed northeast, so the wind tonight is not stronger than during the day.

Of course, at this time, Bishenghua had not yet heard the news of the typhoon's turn. She returned to the ruins of Liuying Lane, walking on the dim road that was less than half the original width, and hurried in the direction of her former home.

When she saw the familiar shadow of the willow tree appearing in the night ahead, her tense heartstrings relaxed, and she secretly laughed at her own nervousness. Who can uproot a tree? Even if the construction team made a mistake, it would never happen on this stormy night!

However, when she walked forward for a while, the appearance of the willow tree became clearer, and she could vaguely see the drooping willow branches swaying in the wind. Her heart jumped again, her whole body stiffened, and she stepped forward with her right foot. After half a step, I can no longer take another step.

The willow tree was still the same willow tree, and even at night, she recognized the shadow of the canopy. What made her heart beat was another shadow under the tree, a figure, which could not be seen clearly in the dim night. Only his slightly hunched back and disheveled hair could be seen in the black silhouette-like image.

Lifespan's heart was beating wildly. In the past three years, she had imagined such a scene countless times, but never thought that she would be so excited. She kept telling herself to calm down, maybe this was just an illusion, just like the one that happened in the bar just now.

She closed her eyes and adjusted her breathing. She didn't open her eyes until a thin drizzle of rain fell from the sky, and the coldness on her forehead made her sure that she had completely calmed down.

The dark shadow was still standing there, like a log.

Life Shenghua still dare not be too sure. She kept praying in her heart, praying to hear that once very annoying voice: Ru-hua-, Ru-hua-, are you ready for the sauce? !

If he comes back, the snarling crow will definitely crow when it sees her, even if it is too hungry to move.

However, God didn't seem to hear her prayers.

The rain started to get a little heavier, and she saw the dark figure holding an umbrella. Her heart instantly turned cold. She knew that he never brought an umbrella because he was lazy. Even if I bring one, I still can’t hold an umbrella, it’s just because I’m lazy.

In Bishenghua's memory, the only time Aoki held an umbrella was that winter when she was replacing the rotten reed mats on the willow trunks with blankets. It was snowing lightly, and he walked over with a black umbrella under his arm, making a rustling sound on the snow with the pull board. He opened the umbrella over her head and asked her: "It's just a tree, why should it be so nice to it?"

She said: "Even if it is a piece of wood, as long as it is alive, you can feel warmth. I believe he knows it in his heart, what do you think?"

He didn't answer, but silently held an umbrella for her and walked slowly with her on the street. The snow fell behind them, leaving two pairs of footsteps returning home on the snow.

There was no snow at the moment, and the rain falling from the sky was cold on her face.

Seeing the open black umbrella, she knew it wasn't him.

She took a deep breath, exhaled a long breath, and then walked slowly over to the person holding the umbrella.

It was an old man with a slightly hunched back. He was holding an extinguished pipe in one hand and holding an umbrella in the other. Under the umbrella was a head of gray hair that exploded, like a ray of light radiating from his brain. The silver ray against the night.

"Hello, I'm Mei Yiqiu." The old man said.

"Hello, professor, I recognize you." Bi Shenghua said.

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