Dream Guide

Chapter 641: No regrets when there is love, we will never be separated from now on

What happens in one second on Earth?

A cheetah gallops 28 meters on the grassland;

A bee will flap its wings 270 times;

The movie projected 24 frames;

The light traveled three hundred thousand kilometers.

If they could see everything on Earth right now, they would see the slowest slow-motion ever:

A cheetah pursues a gazelle in the grassland at a speed slower than a snail. Under normal circumstances, a snail can reach a speed of 8.5 meters per hour when crawling at full speed, but the cheetah now needs twelve hours to cover 28 meters, which means that its speed is only one-quarter of the snail's.

It takes more than two minutes for a bee to flap its wings, which is slower than turning on your computer; and what is even more worrying is the movie, which shows two frames every hour. That is, when you sit in the cinema and see A picture is frozen on the screen. You can go to the bathroom calmly, buy another Coke, use the extra coins to play two games of catch-the-cat games, and then return to your seat and wait slowly, because the next frame needs to be The last frame takes half an hour to appear.

We all know that the speed of light is the fastest. The speed of 300,000 kilometers per second makes it impossible for our naked eyes to capture its dynamics. But looking out from the deep well of space and time, the speed of light suddenly dropped by more than 40,000 times, becoming close to the first cosmic speed, about 7.8 kilometers per second. A beam of light from the sun takes more than two hundred days to reach the earth, and you can see it moving like a rocket with the naked eye. Because light has wave properties, you can also see patches of sunlight rushing toward the Earth like ocean waves.

Of course, this is all just imagination, because they can't see the earth.

The sky is densely covered with stars and four blurry suns above the starry sky.

Everyone knows what twenty-one seconds means - if the earth is at a certain position in the starry sky above their heads, relative to them, the earth at this moment is like the magic of time stopping, and the earth and everything on the earth are close to each other. in a still state.

But what is scary now is not the solar system in a stationary state, but them in the deep well of time and space. The stillness of the solar system is just their feeling. What is really still is themselves, this damn space-time static zone.

They will grow old here. People on earth may just sleep in or play games all night in an Internet cafe, and they will die of old age.

The crow stretched out its paws and counted the numbers:

"Hey, one second passed last time. Madam said it was 10 to 12 hours. Now it has passed twenty-one seconds, so that is... twenty-one multiplied by 10 or 12... Hey, is it multiplied by 10 or 12? Okay?...21 multiplied by 10 and then divided by 24... Gua, no, no, it's simpler to multiply by 12. Multiplying by 12 and then dividing by 24 is equivalent to multiplying by one-half. Gua, I'm so smart. "Um...how much...quack...do it again..." It stretched out its paw again, "Twenty-one multiplied by 12 and divided by 24..."

Aoki said: "Don't forget it, it's only ten days."

The crow knocked his head with his paw in dissatisfaction and said, "Hey, remember your personality. You are a piece of wood. You don't know how many zeros there are in three million. Wood can't do anything." Arithmetic.”

It stretched out its paw and counted a few more times, "Hey, luckily your calculation was wrong, otherwise your character would be ruined! It's ten and a half days, not ten days. You missed half a day. Next time, remember not to be a smart person." Do such advanced math problems in front of birds!"

Crow and Aoki's argument about mathematics added vitality to the dull atmosphere, smiles appeared on people's faces, and life seemed to be interesting again. However, the coal boss's next words immediately made the air become solemn again. it says:

"Oh, then Redbeard and the others have been missing for almost ten days. If they were in the boat, they would be starving to death now even if they were not dead in the first place!"

The expressions on people's faces dimmed, and they had given up hope of finding Petru and Ivan.

However, Aoki always felt that something was not right, and there was something that he should think of but didn't.

Mrs. Larry thought of Petru—this bearded man who met her in the most complicated and unspeakable environment. He cared for her all the way. She could feel his fiery heart and the warmth radiating from his body.

It's hard to say that she wasn't touched by him. For a moment, her heart melted, like chocolate under the July sun. However, she always kept a firm distance from him, because she knew very well that he and she had their own buried emotions in their hearts, like silent volcanoes, erupting only for another person and not belonging to each other.

But now, if you are going to die of old age in this foreign country, why not accept this tenderness!

She regretted a little, why she had to wait until Petru disappeared and there was almost no hope of survival before she had such thoughts in her heart. If I had opened my heart earlier, maybe it would have been different. Even if you die, you will have no regrets.

But how difficult it is for her!

She held on to the railing and looked at the lake silently, with tears in her eyes.

"Madam, what's wrong with you? Madam!"

Alice saw it and was very surprised. She had never seen her cry, not even when Mr. Jaeger died.

"It's nothing, my eyes are just too tired." Mrs. Larry said.

Just when people were desperate, footsteps suddenly came from the direction of the bridge. The hatch of the command room opened, and Ivan walked out first, followed closely by Petru. His red hair and beard looked extremely charming in the dark sky.

People were stunned and didn't know why they suddenly appeared like this. Petru and Ivan seemed very surprised, looking at everyone and asked:

"Hey, why are you all back on the ship?"

People looked at them. Things are so weird that people are speechless.

Petru said: "Oh, we searched the whole ship, but we didn't find Ronald Cohen's body. I said Ivan must have moved it, and it was in the pile of corpses. If you don't believe it, let's just dig through it. ”

Ivan said: "You must have moved it. If I moved it, I would not forget it."

Petru waved the half of the fire soul in his hand and said: "Whatever, it's not here anyway, it must have been moved away. Hey, I say guys, let's light a fire!"

He saw that the people were motionless and looked at them a little strangely, especially Mrs. Larry, whose face was ugly and seemed to have been crying.

Petru didn't know what happened, so he hurried over and asked Mrs. Larry cautiously: "Madam, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you?" Then he turned back and stared at the others angrily, "What the hell is going on? What's going on! I've never seen Madam shed tears, who of you bullied her!?"

He was furious. It looked like he was really angry, even his beard was standing up.

However, no one answered his words. If someone must be said to have bullied Mrs. Larry, it would be himself!

Mrs. Larry suddenly turned Petru to face her, held his arms with both hands, looked him in the eyes, and asked:

"Petru, do you want to marry me? Tell me, do you love me?"

Petru was shocked for a moment, wondering why the lady suddenly asked such a question. He discovered that he and Ivan had only gone down to the cabin for a walk, but how come everyone seemed to have changed after they came up!

The muscles on his face were trembling, his beard was rising and falling, and his chest was rising and falling violently, as if he had just finished a thousand push-ups.

After a fierce struggle, he finally plucked up the courage, looked at Madam with wide eyes, puffed out his chest, and said, "Yes, Madam, I love you! I want to marry you!"

"Then let's get married!" said the lady.

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