Dream Guide

Chapter 647 The feeling of going home

As Aoki walked down the steps of the altar, a familiar feeling of going home suddenly arose in his heart. He stopped and looked down. The altar was the same as the altar he saw last time. It was filled with seemingly random stones of different sizes.

He looked up at the sky again. There were still five suns in the sky, but their positions seemed to have changed. He squinted his eyes carefully and found that there were four fixed suns, neatly arranged in a rectangle. Only the position of one sun has changed. It was outside the rectangle just now, but now it penetrates into the middle of the sky and becomes the center point of the rectangle.

These four suns existed after the Altar of Wind was activated. So it was brought from Ulakan? And this moving sun is the real sun here?

Although Aoki is not a physicist, he also knows that no matter how magical the space is, whether it is a wormhole or an ant nest, it can only travel through the time and space of the universe by itself, and it is impossible to take the stars with it. The two changes in the number of suns occurred after the altar was activated, so it is very likely that this occurred due to the influence of spiritual power, that is, it is something from the spiritual world.

But he first ruled out the possibility of a dream.

No one can create such a dream. This is too big! Although he couldn't tell how high those four suns were, at least they were out of reach of his current mental power, even with the Soul of Wood.

If this is a dream, it means that this dream is many times wider than the entire spiritual force field covering this place.

Judging from the scene after falling into the deep well of space and time, these suns are outside the static zone of space and time, but not very far away. They may also be at the edge of the static zone of space and time, so their light can penetrate. But what is incomprehensible is that the starry sky seen in the static zone of space-time should also be outside it, but visually it feels that the sun is outside the starry sky.

Another possibility is hallucination.

When activating the altar, the huge spiritual impact is likely to cause hallucinations.

The difference between hallucinations and dreams is spatial composition. Dreams rely on human memory, which requires mental power to mobilize memories to form a space. Without memory, the dream space is void, and the conscious body will not gain any perception in it, just like a ghost floating in the depths of the universe.

Hallucinations are different. They can originate from memories. For example, the flashes and chaotic combinations of certain memories make people wonder where they are. In other words, hallucinations can be partly composed of dreams, but they are more derived from external mental shocks. That is, an incomplete space accidentally constructed by the external spirit.

The concepts of dreams and hallucinations are easily confused. The most important thing is whether the illusion in front of you comes from your memory itself. But at the same time, the two concepts are interchangeable. For example, when a person's consciousness enters other people's dreams or group dreams, he can see things that do not exist in his memory, but these are not what really exist in front of him. In the real world, his consciousness will construct new memories in his brain and regard them as reality. This is an illusion. Even lucid dreamers sometimes have trouble telling whether they are in a dream or just hallucinating.

Aoki is a dreamless person, and all unreal events he experiences can be counted as hallucinations, because they are not constructed from his own memory. But his mental power is strong enough to clearly see the boundaries and integrity of the mental space, thereby determining whether he has entered a dream. The only misjudgment was in the Zhulong Cave in southern Yunnan. The group reality dream created by Kitano Zhenwu almost confused him, but it did not trap him for long.

The five suns in the sky at this moment cannot be explained by any physical knowledge known to mankind, and they do not meet the conditions for constructing a dream. But it lasted for so long, and everyone who experienced it saw the same phenomenon, and it didn't feel like a broken hallucination.

Aoki withdrew his gaze and looked at the altar again. His eyes did not feel any discomfort from looking at the sun for a long time. Everything in the altar came into view again, and the familiar feeling came over him again.

The last time he entered the altar, he had a strange feeling, but at that time the giant moon was in the sky, and he had no time to think. He only hurriedly rescued Petru and Mrs. Larry from the altar, and then followed Itsa The savages rushed into the reverse waterfall.

Looking back now, it felt the same as it does now.

Aoki was not in a hurry and walked slowly step by step.

The familiar feeling became stronger and stronger. He blew his nose, took a deep breath, and said to the crow above him: "Did you... feel anything?"

"Quack..." Crow tilted his head and pondered for a moment, "It's like... going home!"

Yes, that’s what it feels like!

The feeling of a wanderer returning home after many years of absence.

The style of hometown may have been different from when the wanderer left home. The streets have turned into roads and the low houses have been replaced by mansions. But no matter how it changes, for a wanderer who leaves home, the taste of hometown will never change, as long as he is close there , the tip of his nose could smell the long-lost fragrance of earth.

As he walked, he enjoyed the feeling.

In a daze, he saw an ancient garden. Among the flowers and trees, there were pavilions and pavilions, green tiles and flying trees, a nine-curved corridor, and a clear water in the middle. There was an old willow and thousands of young willows beside the lake. , hanging low on the water, like a beautiful girl dressing up.

There is another big tree in the main garden with a thick trunk, deep roots and luxuriant leaves. Many purple-red fruits were faintly visible among the leaves, and a big black bird was seen hiding among them. It screamed and scared away a group of children who were about to climb under the tree.

From the main garden to the outside, it is filled with mulberry trees and becomes a dense forest. Many peasant women carry bamboo baskets on their backs and shuttle through the forest to pick young leaves. After returning from picking mulberry, the peasant woman entered the silkworm room and fed the mulberry leaves to the silkworms. The silkworms grew up, climbed up the cocoon mountain, spun silk and formed cocoons, then turned into moths, flapped their wings and flew towards the light.

Aoki was not sure whether this was a real hallucination or some of his own memories had been awakened. He wanted to see more clearly. As soon as his thoughts were focused, he saw those moths all fluttering towards the fire. Each time they fluttered towards one, The wick-like flame grew a little bigger, and eventually turned into a raging flame. The fire quickly spread and burned the entire garden.

Aoki felt that the fire burned into his brain, turning the garden into ashes along with his brain.

He seemed to be standing on a piece of rubble, with everything losing traces of life and falling into the darkness of death. Only the willow tree by the pool is still swaying in the wind, reflecting the shyness of a girl on the water.

A gust of wind blew, and the phantom disappeared, and all that was left in front of him was a black altar and the black charcoal-like stones in the altar. However, he felt a trace of warmth and throbbing of life in his arms.

He reached out and took out a piece of willow from the lining pocket of his windbreaker.

After such a long time in the static zone of time and space, not only did the willow tree not die, but it actually had a few more leaf buds than before, shining a bright yellow green in the sun that made people want to put it in their mouths.

Aoki suddenly said to himself: "Maybe, I know how to get home."

The crow croaked, and its claws gripped Aoki's hair tightly, as if it was afraid that he would leave it behind and go away.

Updates have been unstable recently. It was affected by blocking. There are still 6 chapters that cannot be unlocked. The entire book is blocked on the PC. The popularity brought by Shirogane Moe a few times has also weakened because of it. I finally got the attention of the editor and arranged a recommendation. It was canceled and replaced with someone else's book, which made me feel very bad. Secondly, there happened to be some unpleasant things happening around me, so let’s just ignore them. I took the opportunity to sort out my thoughts carefully in the past few days and discovered a lot of my own writing problems. If I start a new book, I will definitely pay attention to avoiding them, such as at least preparing an outline. I will open a separate chapter to talk about it when I have time. Now I will speed up the plot a bit, but in order to give the book a more perfect ending without leaving too many pitfalls and regrets, I still dare not make the plot too reckless. Thank you to my friends who are still chasing books.

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