Dream Guide

Chapter 660: Flirting

This is not a physical world.

It is deep and void, with countless light spots shining like an endless nebula.

Aoki thought of the starry sky that the Itesans sang about that night in Ramla.

Such a dream is obviously not something that a local area network can afford, at least it is not the same as the computer dream that Aoki entered.

The starlight changes and condenses into a strange face, like a real "ghost".

But Aoki knows that this ghost is not that ghost.

"You're finally here!" said the ghost. "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"Are you...the Internet?" Aoki asked.

"It's okay to say that, but it's not entirely accurate."

The face became clearer and clearer, and strangely, Aoki felt a little familiar. Some memory fragments began to disturb his consciousness again, and this time it was in a dream. With the interference of his memory, the dream space here also changed. The starlight was flowing and distorting, and some strange pictures flashed in the starlight. They quickly broke apart as soon as they became clear, as if they wanted to tear the entire space apart.

"Your spirit is still so strong." Face said.

Aoki controlled his memory disturbance and asked: "Who are you?"

"Have you really forgotten me completely?" A regretful expression appeared on his face, "I thought our friendship would last forever!"

"Our friendship?" Aoki didn't understand what it said. If it is the ghost of the original, it can be said to be a bit of friendship, but it cannot be said to last forever. As for the Internet itself, there is no intersection between him and it.

The starlight in the void surged violently, and light and darkness converged on the face, making it more clear and three-dimensional. After a while, it turned into a living person, instead of an illusory ghost.

He has black hair and black eyes with deep eye sockets, and he is full of wisdom at first glance. The nose is large, the tip of the nose is slightly downward, and there is a curly mustache on the lips. The corners of his mouth were raised, smiling slyly at Aoki.

"Tease Ting!"

As soon as Aoki saw this face, the name suddenly appeared in his consciousness. He remembered that this was a Jewish scientist, a scientific madman!

"You finally remembered me!" Sa Tiaoding seemed very happy. "It seems that your memory is just sleeping and not dying. This is really a miracle."

Aoki said nothing. Although he remembered Sarading, he still couldn't recall the specific past, and the chaotic memories were impacting his consciousness. Being in the other person's dream, all his conscious activities cannot be hidden from the other person, so he has to control his impulse to recall and sort out the memory fragments. He only recalls things related to Satu Ding, and tries to suppress everything else temporarily. Don’t let your subconscious mind show itself.

"You seem to know me very well?" he asked while thinking.

"Of course!" Sa Tiaoding said, "When we first founded the Soul Laboratory, we were good friends who talked about everything."

"What soul laboratory?" Aoki asked in shock.

"Aha, it seems that your injuries are really serious. It's not easy to recover your memory!" Sa Tiaoding sighed, "You were different back then. You were so high-spirited back then. How crazy! When you said you wanted to start a soul laboratory, even I was shocked. But I was quickly convinced by you, you are really a genius! When those British guys were still stupidly weighing souls, When trying to prove that the soul has mass through the difference in weight between living and dead people, we are already studying the phenomenon of mental energy and consciousness transfer.

Although you lack systematic knowledge of physics, your wild ideas, your strong mental power, the special experimental field composed of your dream space, and my scientific brain, we are the most perfect combination of geniuses in the world! But I don’t understand, why would you betray me and our common great cause? "

Aoki asked: "What great cause?"

"Create a spiritual force field on the earth so that all human beings can have spiritual power, including ordinary people like me in the eyes of you awakened ones."

The expression on Sa Tiaoding's face changed for a while, sometimes he was happy, sometimes he was sad, sometimes he was proud, and sometimes he became inferior again.

"Didn't you always say that you would bring the great Gaia back to Earth?"


"Oh, don't look at me like that! Your mental power is like a knife. Although I'm not afraid of you now, your reaction makes me uncomfortable." Sa Tiaoding said, "Gaia is not the spiritual source you have been emphasizing. ? Although I don’t understand why you named the source of cosmic consciousness after Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth in Greek mythology, but it doesn’t matter. I also want to know what the brain of a Boltzmann born in the starry sky looks like. appearance.

It's a pity that you seem to have been abandoned by Gaia! Or...you betrayed Gaia? "

Aoki vaguely guessed something, and combined with the memories he had flashed back, a strong uneasiness arose in his heart.

"Are you flirting now, or the Internet?" Aoki asked.

"Of course I am Sa Tiao Ding, do you think I'm dead?" Sa Tiao Ding burst into laughter, "If I hadn't been studying neural networks, if I hadn't tried poison with myself, trying to store my consciousness When I get on a computer network, I'm literally dead."

"Storing consciousness on the Internet?" Aoki frowned.

Sa Tiaoding said: "Well, even now, this is a difficult thing to do. Some companies in the United States have launched a 'cloud immortality' service, which allows the customer's consciousness to live in the cloud, and relatives can chat with him through the Internet. Talking is like chatting with yourself through a chat tool. But this is actually a low-level intelligent service and fake immortality. The person living in the cloud is actually not a real consciousness, but an artificial intelligence collected through big data. Information about the customer during his or her lifetime includes his personality, habits, tone of voice and some memories. The person’s relatives are not talking to that person’s consciousness. His consciousness has long since died. It is just an artificial intelligence that imitates him. What a fake service. !”

Aoki was silent, not knowing why he said this.

Sa Tiao Ding continued, "But I am different. I have really transferred my consciousness to the Internet. What is standing in front of you now is the same S Tiao Ding from back then. It is absolutely fake! Even in the 21st century, this is not possible. I did it in the 1970s. Do you think I am a genius?! Hahahaha..."

Aoki's heart slowly sank, and he asked with a hint of doubt: "So you turned yourself into the Internet, and the Internet is you?!"

"You can say the same thing," said Sardin. "But there was no Internet at that time. There were only two branches of the University of California, plus Stanford University and the University of Utah. A total of four large computers formed a packet switching ARPANET. . Later, there were more and more such networks, and our laboratory also joined them. Anyway, we are very close to the University of California, which is very convenient."

"So, the soul laboratory you are talking about is...Laboratory 19 of the Lawrence Berkeley National Experimental Center?!"

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