Dream Guide

Chapter 662 It turns out you arranged it

"Then I have to ask you." Sa Tiaoding said.

"Me?" Aoki looked at him doubtfully.

A smile appeared on Sa Tiaoding's face, as if Aoki's amnesia and dull look could bring him pleasure.

"Human body chips are not a new idea. Someone has proposed it decades ago. The US military has been conducting research in this area, but they were all using small tricks like signal tracking. Until I put forward some of the ideas you once proposed. Revealed to them.”

The star mist shrouded Sardin's face, and the flames of stars ignited in his eye sockets.

"You may have forgotten that the human body chip is exactly what you envisioned, and the original design of the chip was made by me. This once again proves that we are the best partners, but it is a pity..."

His expression changed, "You said that you would use a chip to build a spiritual channel and guide the return of consciousness. I didn't understand it at the time. It wasn't until I became a ghost on the computer network that I knew what you really meant. You see How good I am, I'm still helping you with the things you haven't been able to complete even though I'm half-dead, and I'm still doing such a good job, shouldn't you be grateful to me!"

Aoki thought of the laboratory with the LBNL19 sign on the door in the memory fragment.

But Laboratory No. 19 was supposed to be the product of his and Sa Tiaoding's separation, so how could it appear in his memory? And he went in openly, obviously having some deeper connection with the laboratory.

Of course, there is another possibility that he hypnotized the guards. With his ability, this is a very simple matter, but there is an access control system at the entrance of the laboratory. It is impossible for fingerprints and iris to deceive the machine, unless the machine The machine was also hypnotized, or the machine's owner deliberately let him go.

He looked at the unpredictable face of the virtual Sa Tiao Ding and said, "You still haven't explained clearly why you want to do the human chip project."

Sa Tiao Ding burst out laughing and said, "You really like to get to the bottom of things. Well, let me tell you, two reasons.

First, I am very interested in the spiritual path you originally proposed. Although with the development of the Internet, the world I occupy is getting bigger and bigger, but after all it is just a cold electronic world, and I cannot obtain more spiritual power, which makes my consciousness feel very empty in such a huge world. , I have difficulty controlling all network ends. I need people to help me, and these people have to be completely under my control.

Of course, now that I've mastered the art of spiritual uplifting and the internet is full of my doppelgangers, I don't need to do that. But a world where everyone is microchipped and everyone becomes one of my nerve endings is still very attractive. If conditions permit, I don't mind being God for a time.

Second, I'm interested in your past. I've always wanted to figure out who you really are and where your weird ideas come from. I am very lonely and bored in the Internet world. Anyway, I am idle, so I will help you finish the unfinished things.

In addition to human chips, I have also done many experiments, some of which may even shock you. But it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t mean much to me or you anyway.

I actually want to know what changed your stance, from wanting to do something so much at the beginning to wanting to destroy it later. Of all the projects in the Soul Laboratory, soul parasitism and building a spiritual force field are the most important, right? But just when it was about to succeed, you ruined it with your own hands, and even killed me! . "

Aoki felt the hatred that had lasted for decades and asked: "Do you know why now?"

Sa Tiaoding said: "Ever since I was able to parasitize my consciousness into the brains of people with chips installed through the Internet, I understood what you were going to do. But for a long time, I thought you just wanted to Become like me now, spread your consciousness, or soul, to humans around the world through the chip project, or use this to make more people have the same dream, and influence the people around you, thereby Control the world.

What makes me wonder is that you have never tried to let yourself live on the Internet. There was no Internet at that time. How did you do this?

But Lester's death and the sudden invasion of parasitic consciousness made me instantly understand that the focus of your experiment is not chips and networks at all, but the mental force field. True consciousness parasitism does not need to go through wires, radio waves and information networks at all, but comes and goes through mental force fields. I still remember what you once said about those dream corridors close to the zero-dimensional space, which can lead directly to the spiritual dimension. The network composed of them makes it easier for consciousness to come and go freely. It’s a pity that I never knew the secret of spirit. "

"So you sent a clone to pretend to be a ghost in the local area network to contact me, just because you want to know the secret of the spirit?" Aoki narrowed his eyes, "But how did you find me? I seem to have never left anything online. Any personal information, including photos.”

"It's hard for a person living in modern society not to leave information on the Internet. No matter how careful you are, you can't avoid it. What's more, what about a person like you who is destined not to settle for the ordinary?" Sa Tiaoding said, "You have killed someone before. ,Right?"

"I have killed many people. I wonder which one you are talking about?" Aoki said.

"Twice, once at the scrap collection station and once at the garbage street." Sa Tiaoding said, "Although there is no evidence left, you may not know that a policeman named Shi Dazhuang has been keeping an eye on you for a long time. He A very detailed investigation was conducted on these two cases. The case files are in the police system, which contains your detailed information and your movements captured by all the surveillance cameras in the city within one hour before and after the two cases occurred. .

Some cases do not require on-site surveillance. The police rely on reasoning, not machines, to solve cases. On this point, I still admire the policeman named Shi.

However, those two cases were not pursued further, and were ultimately classified as deaths due to sudden illness. Shi Dazhuang let you go, and you became friends later, right? The case file is now sealed, and no one will look at it, but I can see from the system that it contains your surveillance footage and ID card photo.

In addition, you conducted interrogations for them in the interrogation room of the Wuzhong City Criminal Investigation Detachment, and the interrogation records are in files, including videos, and are stored in their system.

Even though you changed your appearance, even though you disguised yourself well, I still recognized you, and those methods of committing crimes were also the ones I was familiar with, and they were completely consistent with your abilities. In the United States, you often did this kind of thing. "

Aoki suddenly felt very interesting and said: "Do you want to be Sherlock Holmes and go to police systems around the world to read files in your spare time?"

Sa Tiao Ding smiled and said: "Of course not. But I do pay more attention to similar abnormal death events, because that is what you are good at. Although I thought you were dead at the time, I know that except for you in this world, There are many people like you."

"Do you think I'm dead?" Qingmu saw the starry light on Sa Tiaoding's face flickering, as if he was hesitating for something.

"I understand." Qingmu narrowed his eyes, "Liu Huaian's schizophrenia was intentional by you, and the purpose was to lead him to set fire to the woolen mill, and I was living in the dormitory of the woolen mill at the time.

Let me tell you, for such an important project as the human body chip, how could you randomly choose a little person like Liu Huaian as the experimental subject? It turns out that you specially arranged it just to kill me! "

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