Dream Guide

Chapter 665 There is a hungry tiger in the mountains

When Aoki woke up, he saw a young man carrying a bamboo basket and feeding him water from a leather bag. The water is clear and bitter, with the smell of fresh grass.

"Ah, you're awake!" said the young man, "Did you eat beef liver umbrella? Fortunately, I know how to cure this thing."

Although the poison was detoxified, Aoki's body was still very weak. The young man then had to carry him on his back. He said:

"This place is not peaceful. Let's go north. Once we cross the Nangou River, we will be safe. Although our place is poor, we don't fight, let alone cannibalize people."

After walking in the mountains for a day and eating two meals of dry food, Aoki was able to walk on his own with a wooden stick. He also became familiar with the young man and knew that his name was Enkun and that he came from a small border dam in the north.

Aoki asked him what he was doing here. He said he was here to look for someone.

"There have been a lot of embarrassments in Bazi in the past few years. Some ran away because they were poor, and some were deceived. There are both men and women. Most of the men are doing illegal work in the poppy workshops of Masiba, and the women are not. I know where they were sold. I come here twice a year to look for them. If I can see them, I take them back. If I can’t see them, there’s nothing I can do. I pick some herbs by the way. We are short of doctors and medicines there. The hospital is too far away and we can’t afford it. The herbs in the mountains are the best, and I don’t know how many lives have been saved!”

Qingmu followed Enkun all the way north, leaning on his wooden stick that had been with him for many years. While passing through Kuaizi Ridge, I encountered a yellow-skinned tiger with black stripes.

When man and tiger met, no one moved. It was so quiet that you could hear the leaves falling from the treetops.

Enkun said: "You hurry up, I can feed the tiger by myself. When the tiger is full, it will not hurt anyone again. You go north from here. When you see a big river, walk east along the river for more than ten miles. You can see the ferry, just say you are Chinese, and the people on the other side will pick you up."

Aoki said: "I haven't recovered yet, so I can't walk that far by myself. You go, I'll stay."

Enkun stubbornly refused and said, "You go, you go. I saved you in vain and let the tiger eat you. I made you suffer twice, and all the good things turned into bad things!"

He said, taking out a hatchet and standing in front of Aoki.

When the tiger pounced on him, Enkun pushed Qingmu aside with all his strength and thrust forward with his hatchet, intending to fight to the death. But life is not a novel, and Enkun did not drink eighteen bowls of old wine. A head-on confrontation between a man weighing 100 pounds and a tiger weighing 200 to 300 pounds would basically mean death.

But the miracle happened at this moment.

The tiger didn't know why, but it staggered on the last step. Although the force of the forward pounce was still there, it pounced crookedly and hit the big tree next to it. However, the tiger's claws only missed Enkun's face. thigh.

Enkun ignored the injury on his leg and stabbed the tiger in the neck with his knife. This is an instinctive reaction to a crisis and is not intended to have any effect. It is also written in the novel that the tiger can pounce, scissor and lift, and can do a whole set of combination punches. Although I don’t know whether it is true or not, the tiger must have a follow-up attack if it misses a hit, and it will never sit still and wait for death. Its nerve reaction speed is beyond human capabilities. Than. Moreover, the tiger has rough skin and thick flesh. Even if it is stabbed by a hatchet, it will not kill it, but will arouse its ferocity.

But somehow, Enkun's hatchet stabbed into the tiger's neck. But the tiger was drowsy, as if he was about to fall asleep.

Seeing the opportunity, Enkun tried his best to stab him several times. During this time, the tiger suddenly struggled up and seemed to be about to fight back, but then fell to the ground and stopped moving. Enkun saw Qingmu standing beside him at some point. The wooden stick in his hand was pointing at the tiger's head. The tip of the stick was less than two inches from the tiger's forehead and it was still trembling slightly.

After the tiger died, Aoki threw away the stick and went limp.

Enkun supported Qingmu and said: "Although your poison has been cured, your internal organs have been injured and need to be nursed back to health for a while before the energy and blood can be restored."

Aoki gasped and smiled: "I'm not in the way, you take care of your own legs first."

Enkun's leg was scratched with tiger claws and was bloody and bloody. He sat down on the ground with a grin on his face, picked some grass from the basket, put it in his mouth, chewed it, and applied it to the wound.

Enkun knew that the tiger was not a wild boar and would not knock itself out by hitting a tree, so he asked: "Are you a Gu Master? I heard that the Gu Masters in Southeast Asia can drive away snakes, insects, tigers and leopards!" When he saw Qingmu frowning and looking at the sky, he He shook his head and laughed self-deprecatingly, "Oh, why am I so stupid! How could a Gu master be poisoned by the Bovine Liver Umbrella? I'm just talking nonsense, don't tell me, don't tell me!"

After taking a short rest, the two continued on their way. Enkun was injured, and Aoki gave Enkun a wooden stick to use as a crutch.

Enkun said: "What a pity this tiger skin is."

Aoki said: "Then why don't you peel it off?"

"Protect animals! I can't sell them back home, but I have to go south. I'm so lame that I'm afraid I won't even be able to save my life. Tigers eat people and spit out their bones. People eat people and don't even spit out their bones! Tigers eat them. I'll ignore you when I'm full, there's no time to feed people!"

Enkun sighed with emotion, looked away from the dead tiger, and said with a smile, "If there are tigers on the top of the mountain, there will be no wolves. The smell of hungry tigers can spread for ten miles, and the road behind us will be safe." Come on, let’s go.”

Instead of looking for a ferry, they climbed over Guaizi Ridge and crossed the Nangou River silently through the uninhabited Shenjian mouth. After walking for another day, Enkun pointed to a mountain in the distance and said, "My home is right there, called Qianziba."

Aoki didn't go to Wanziba. Ever since he crossed the Nangou River, he smelled another familiar smell. For the first time, he thought of home, although he didn't know where it was.

He and Enkun said goodbye at the mouth of the dam, and Enkun asked him: "Where are you going?"

Aoki shook his head and said, "I don't know, just follow your feelings."

Enkun said: "I think you are from the city, the mountains can't keep you. Go to Shenzhou, I heard you can make a lot of money there."

Enkun didn't know where Shenzhou was, he only knew it was in the east. He went to the dam to get a lot of dry food and asked Qingmu to go east. Aoki left and heard Enkun calling him from behind: "Hey, your stick!"

Aoki said: "You can use it. It can't fight tigers, but it can also fight dogs. If I want to use it in the future, I'll come back and ask for it from you."

He went to the other side of the mountain and found a hidden cave along a ravine filled with rotten leaves. The entrance to the cave was sealed with an iron gate, and the door was covered with rust.

He stood at the door for a while, thought of nothing, and then left.

He walked all the way from the mountains in southern Yunnan to eastern Guizhou, then from eastern Guizhou to eastern Guizhou, and then to Yangcheng. He lives in a bridge hole under an overpass in Yangcheng. There are people who go south to look for work, and the bridge hole is crowded.

There is a man named Liu Daqing in the bridge cave who laughs at everyone he meets. He was very poor in his pocket, but he always carried two packs of cigarettes and smoked them whenever he saw anyone. Although cigarettes are the cheapest thing to buy at the front door, for people who live in Qiaodong, having cigarettes to smoke is a good thing, not to mention giving them to everyone in sight, which is simply too generous.

Qingmu was sitting next to Liu Daqing in the bridge cave. He knew that in addition to the front door, he also had a bag of Hongtashan in his pocket, which he used when he went out to do errands.

Liu Daqing moved out of the bridge hole not long after he lived there. They say he is good at talking, has a bright mind, and has found a good job. Unexpectedly, six months later, Liu Daqing would come back again. But this time, he no longer distributed it to Daqianmen, not even to Hongtashan, but instead launched imported Sanwu cigarettes.

Liu Daqing is here to recruit people. He said to Qingmu: "I plan to go back to Wuzhong to open a woolen mill. Brother, come with me. I can eat with you, and I will never starve you."

Aoki followed Liu Daqing to Wuzhong.

I've been out for two days and didn't pay attention to the background. I just saw the leader of Book Friends 1608 today. Thank you! In addition, congratulations brother, I would like to say that you have a good job and a good income. This is the best news I have heard during this Mid-Autumn Festival! I wish every book lover that all their wishes will come true and live happily every day!

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