Dream Guide

Chapter 667 Second Space Joint Plan

Sa Tiaoding did not admit it, but he also did not deny that his new partner was Kitano Matake. He just looked at Aoki seriously. His face in the void kept changing with starlight, and the mist-like space seemed to swallow Aoki's consciousness.

"You seem to have a very close relationship with the Kitano family?" he asked.

"What does it matter to me? The one who matters now is you." Aoki said.

"No, no, that's not the case." Sa Tiaoding said, "They and I just have a cooperative relationship. To put it bluntly, we just use each other. But you, from the memory fragments you just showed, even though you deliberately concealed it, I still saw a lot of things - appreciation, friendship, anger, sadness... and deep-seated hatred! We really love each other and kill each other! Just like you and me, we were the best partners at the beginning, but you want you to kill me, I kill You keep killing me, but when will you be done with it?"

"To be honest, I have nothing to hide. There are a lot of things I can't remember, including things about you and Laboratory 19." Aoki said.

"I can see it." Sa Tiaoding seemed to be very happy. "I saw it twenty years ago, but I was not sure at that time. Who knows what you are crazy about! A lunatic like you, For your own purposes, you dare to let the whole world be buried with you! The scary thing about you is that you have no intention of fame or fortune. Other lunatics, no matter how crazy they are, always want to keep the lives of most people for the sake of power and enjoyment. Man, how can he still enjoy the pleasure brought by power and money!

But you are different. You are not for fame or profit, nor do you enjoy the pleasure of power and enslaving others. You're just doing it for the crazy ideas in your own head. If sacrificing all of humanity could bring back the Gaia in your heart, you would do it without hesitation!

There must be a great secret hidden in your heart. I don’t know what that secret is that you’ve been working on. I remember at one point you infiltrated the nuclear base in Nevada with the intention of stealing all the nukes and detonating them around the world.

Oh my gosh! What would the world look like now if you succeeded? Besides cockroaches, what else can survive on earth?

Fortunately, your severe schizophrenia saved you and this fragile world.

I always feel that there are two souls hidden in your body, one is both good and evil, and the other is a complete villain!

I think you encountered something special that stimulated you, and you had mental problems, which led to the formation of multiple personalities. It wasn't until Lester announced his discovery after his death that it turned out that consciousness can invade, parasitize, and allow two consciousnesses to cohabit in the same body for a certain period of time.

I now suspect that you were parasitized back then! It's just that your mental power is too strong and your consciousness has not been replaced by a new consciousness. Of course, the guy who invaded you is also very powerful, so you have two masters in your mind. You were originally a lunatic, and the other person was even crazier than you, thus creating you, a genius and an unreasonable lunatic!

Your memory loss must be related to this, right? It's funny to think about two consciousnesses fighting in your head. They turn your brain into a mess. Who won in the end? You - you now! It should be the you before parasitism, or even the you before being mentally stimulated. Because your temper is nothing like what you were before. Now you are a bit like a good gentleman, but you are also very interesting. I like you like this. "

"What on earth do you want to do?" Aoki thought this flirtation was abnormal, nagging like an old lady living alone.

His body has long since died, but his memories are lingering on the Internet. It’s hard to tell whether it was Sal Tia Din’s consciousness that spread into today’s Internet consciousness, or whether the Internet gave birth to consciousness and inherited Sar Tia Din’s memories stored on the Internet, thus forming an illusion that Sar Tia Din was resurrected.

Sa Tiaoding suddenly burst out laughing and said: "Don't blame me for nagging, Sonny, don't even think about how lonely I am! Although the world of the Internet is very, very big..., you can't imagine the emptiness. It feels like you are sent into the depths of the universe. There is nothing but darkness around you, and the bright starry sky is always far away from you. I have been wandering alone in a world of nothingness composed of electrons for fifty years. Fifty years Nian! I haven’t really communicated with anyone except you. You tell me how lonely I am!”

"Aren't you always afraid of me? Why are you suddenly reminiscing with me now?" Aoki asked.

"Because now I'm not afraid of you!" Sa Tiaoding said proudly, "You can't kill me. The Internet is everywhere and I am everywhere! Unless you destroy the entire Internet and destroy all computers and smart devices.

Of course, I'm still a little worried until I'm sure your madness is cured. I'm afraid you might do something wrong again and break into a nuclear base to detonate the whole world. But now there is nothing to fear, because all the intelligent programs of thermonuclear weapons in this world are under my control. "

He glanced at Aoki, as if he was still confirming whether his madness was indeed cured, and then an unpredictable starlight appeared on his face, "Even if you succeed in detonating it, I will not be afraid of plowing the earth with atomic bombs." . There are so many satellites, space stations, and probes flying to Mars in the sky, and they are also part of my body."

"I said, Sonny, why can't we do what we did before?" Sa Tiaoding smiled slyly, "You can't kill me, and I don't seem to be able to kill you for the time being, so why not just cooperate? We are the best to begin with. Partners!"

"Don't you already have a partner?"

"That doesn't count, Sonny! It's just a... mutual use, you know! My lab needs to be moved to a safer place, there are a lot of new experiments going on. And they have the space and some technology Complements me.”

"Then what do they want from you?"

"Hey, Sonny, you are so smart. You got the idea right away. I want to say that if I just reveal some skills and let them risk being discovered by the Americans to cooperate with me, you must not believe it. Okay. , let me tell you, they also have one or perhaps many great technologies, and all the technologies combined are for one extremely great and extremely crazy project - the Second Space Joint Project!

Haha, I appreciate the craziness! Just like I admired you back then. So I chose to cooperate with them, and they were very interested in my human chip and inanimate consciousness transfer technology. "

"Second Space Joint Plan?"

Aoki thought of the Third Space Foundation led by Professor Mei. When he first established this foundation, he asked Mei Yiqiu why it was called "Third Space". He remembered that the professor did not answer directly at that time, and only vaguely said that he found this name while consulting some ancient information, and it was related to the mysterious symbol.

Later, he learned that the symbol was the symbol of the Alliance of Awakeners, and was also closely related to Gaia and the Itsa people.

Although Aoki thought the name was strange at that time, he didn't think much about it. He only asked casually but was interrupted by other things. Looking back now, Mei Yiqiu must have known something, otherwise he would never have used a name so carelessly without knowing the reason.

What does this second space mean, and what is its relationship with the third space?

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