Dream Guide

Chapter 680 The Price of Freedom

Ronald Cohen's worry about Selena was always written on his face, and his eyes glanced at the TV from time to time when talking to Aoki. When he saw the person behind Selina, he finally showed a long-lost relaxed expression, as if he had just completed a difficult task.

"who is he?"

Aoki has an ominous intuition. Although separated by the TV, he could not mentally penetrate into the huge Internet to detect the other party, but because Selena had been releasing her mental power, Aoki also felt the aura of the uninvited guest.

This is a dangerous man, and one who clearly has no good intentions.

"He is your predecessor - the former son of Gaia, the long-forgotten ancestor, the martyr three thousand years ago."

Ronald Cohen looked at the TV with a smile and said as if reciting holy mottos, "It was a great era... The son of Gaia reawakened and broke the curse left by the Itsa people in the Holy Land. Broken Tutankhamun's sacred staff... Although Gaia failed to come in that era, we cannot forget the achievements of Itnut Ayi. He is the best son of Gaia in history. He will I have been buried underground for a long time, waiting to wake up in the new era. I once heard the prophecy from the stars - when Itnut wakes up again, Gaia will definitely come!"


Aoki remembered that this was the name of the pharaoh at the end of the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt. When the famous Pharaoh Tutankhamun was on the throne, Ayi was the regent and the minister in power. After Tutankhamun's death, he inherited the throne and became the new Pharaoh. There has always been a legend that Ayi murdered Tutankhamun, and judging from Ronald's words, this is probably true.

Aoki's memory has been restored. Combining what Ronald said and what Situ and Petru said in Ramla, he can basically conclude that the pharaoh of the ancient Egyptian dynasty is the guardian of the Holy Land, and is likely to be related to Itsa People are of the same race. Mrs. Larry and Su Huilan had also speculated on this.

Itnut Ay must have been a parasite lurking around the Pharaoh. It was not until the young Tutankhamun came to the throne that he found the opportunity to destroy the holy place, kill Tutankhamun, and break the soul of fire. It became two sections.

But historically, Itnut did not reign for long. He was killed by the general Horemheb in only about four years. After Horemheb succeeded to the throne, he passed the throne to Ramses I, and ancient Egypt entered the 19th Dynasty. It is also said that Horemheb was Ramses I. There were even rumors that he was immortal and that he was also Ramses II.

Regardless of whether the immortality is true or not, it is certain that Horemheb is also one of the guardians of the Holy Land. He is likely to have a certain connection with Petru's ancestor Hayreddin, and may be Hayreddin's distant ancestor. I just don’t know how the descendants of the pharaohs of the 19th Dynasty of ancient Egypt became pirates.

Mei Yiqiu did not know that his old friend Dickinson was already dead. He listened intently to Selena's speech, rubbing his slightly sweaty palms with his fingers, as nervous as a father watching his child perform on stage.

When Yitenut, who was wearing a cloak, pushed open the door and entered, Mei Yiqiu stood up suddenly. Because he was too hasty and too fast, the chair behind him flipped backwards.

He stared straight at the computer screen, the pipe in his mouth kept shaking, his hands clenched into fists, veins popped out on the backs of his hands, and he murmured:

"Selena...Selena...how could this happen...how could this happen..."

Selina has discovered Itnut Ay.

She turned her head and saw a zombie-like face hiding in the shadow of the cloak, but she was not panicked. Her expression remained calm and natural, like meeting an old friend who was late for an appointment. She smiled and said, "You finally showed up."

"It seems like we are meeting for the first time, right?" Itnut's voice was hoarse and dull, as if coming from a coffin buried underground. Uninformed TV viewers might think they were watching a horror movie.

"You don't have to meet some people to know them," Selena said.

"You don't seem afraid of me?"

"Now that we have taken this step and are well prepared, what is there to be afraid of?"

"So, you knew I was coming?"

"No one else has the ability to find me except you."

"Hiss..." Itnut's gasping voice was like the wind blowing from a dark cellar, "You are indeed very strong, but you are also stupid! If you had not dissipated your spiritual power, or escaped from my hands It's possible. It's such a pity that you are as weak as a newborn lamb now!

But I can give you a chance. If you are willing to look back, before it's too late, I will let Gaia give you spiritual power again. "

Mei Yiqiu nervously held the computer monitor and shouted tremblingly: "Promise him! Selena... your goal has been achieved, hurry up... promise him now... please, Selena..."

At the end of the sentence, his voice almost sounded like crying.

Selena seemed to hear the call, turned her head and smiled at the camera, her lips moved, as if to say: Don't worry about me.

Then he turned back and said to Itnut: "I don't want to be a puppet anymore."

"Go back to the basics, where are the puppets?"

"No, you don't understand! Once a person is free, he will no longer be greedy for a life of slavery. I would rather starve to death in the countryside than eat the delicacies of the prison."

"Freedom? Freedom!...Hahahaha..." Itnut laughed, but his cloak did not tremble with laughter, as if what was wrapped in it was not a living person. "Insects with low IQs are not worthy." Talking about freedom, what kind of freedom can there be for lower beings who cannot even break through the basic dimensions of material space?

Since you are so stubborn, I will let the whole world see what your so-called freedom is like! Only the Lord's faith can give you strength. Without strength, you can't even survive. Where can you find freedom? ! "

As he spoke, his thin, dry hands grabbed Selena's neck, pulled her closer to the camera, and gave her a close-up, with his long nails piercing her flesh like sharp blades.

Blood could clearly be seen gurgling from Selena's neck on the TV screen.

But Itnut's originally dry palm slowly became moisturized, and the skin became almost transparent, and you could clearly see the fresh blood flowing in the subcutaneous blood vessels.

Aoki frowned, and together with the rest of the world, witnessed Selena being killed by Itnut Ayi on TV. No one thought it was a TV show, everyone knew it was real.

Selena did not resist and always remained peaceful and calm. Her face became increasingly pale due to blood loss. At the last moment before hanging her head, she moved her lips and silently uttered the last words:

Mortal freedom!

Mei Yiqiu screamed, a mouthful of blood sprayed on the screen, the pipe fell from his mouth and broke into two pieces on the ground.

Two lines of tears flowed from his cloudy eyes and slid down his wrinkled cheeks.

At that moment, the always strong professor turned into a real old man, and even the hard and fluffy white hair suddenly became soft and soft.

He is like the sun that has exhausted its energy. The light of this life has spread to the earth. The last life exploded like a supernova with the blood spurted out. What is left is the endless darkness waiting for death...

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