Dream Guide

Chapter 703 Fraud

Mei Ziqing turned around and saw a short-haired woman standing behind her, wearing a white down jacket, jeans and snow boots. She was holding two plastic bags in her hands. The bags were bulging and filled with fruits and vegetables. Long celery leaves were exposed from the mouth of the bags.

At first glance, she was just an ordinary woman who went shopping for vegetables early every morning. Mei Ziqing could even imagine her bargaining with the farmers at the market. The clothes she wore were not high-end, just cheap ones that cost about a hundred yuan or so. She didn't wear much makeup, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes could be clearly seen. There are still a few white hairs in the hair, shining in the sun.

Mei Ziqing almost thought this was the nanny hired by Lifeshenghua. She had never seen Lifetime Flower, she had only heard others mention it. And her curiosity about her was entirely because of Aoki. How could a woman tie the heart of such a man? Even so, she had no urge to see her because there was no need. From the information she knew, Life Flower was just an ordinary person. No matter how outstanding and beautiful an ordinary person was, it was not worth her time to visit.

Ever since she entered the mulberry garden, she had regretted her restraint and pride. Because she discovered that this was probably the location of the legendary holy land. If she had come earlier, she might have discovered the secret long ago. And what is the relationship between the lifelong flower and the Holy Land?

Mei Ziqing quickly confirmed that the person in front of her was Yi Shenghua. When she stood there, she had an aura that was completely inconsistent with her image - heroic aura!

It does look a bit like a man! For a moment, Mei Ziqing praised inwardly: Handsome!

Of course, she was even more surprised by the underlying thing in her temperament - calmness!

A nanny would never have such confidence and ease. Even though she was carrying vegetables and wearing cheap clothes, there was an indescribable nobility within her. This is different from the nobility of being born into a wealthy family, and it is also different from the nobility of a person in a high position. This kind of nobility is the innate arrogance and determination, the kind that comes after life has a destined meaning. Indifferent, as if apart from inner persistence, there was nothing in the world that could move her.

Mei Ziqing became more and more suspicious that Mei Yiqiu was setting up the mist formation. Thinking from his perspective, Mei Ziqing would never hand over the key to the dream to the gatekeeper Yu Jianguo. If he had to choose one person, the life-changing flower in front of him fit the bill in every aspect. conditional.

Now she needs to determine whether Life Flower is an awakened person. If she is not an awakened person, or her mental power is not strong, then it is very simple to find things from her memory. If Life Flower is a strongly awakened person, such as Aoki, then there will be trouble.

Mei Ziqing was not sure how she compared with Qingmu. In order to ensure that her special identity was not exposed, she never even tried it. It’s just that according to Sa Tiading, if we don’t rely on the power of group will, in terms of individual spiritual power, Aoki is one of the strongest awakened people in the world. Perhaps rivaled only by her late father.

If Life Flower is as strong as Aoki, it will indeed be troublesome. Mei Ziqing hesitated whether to immediately launch a mental attack before the other party was ready and catch her off guard.

She looked up at the sky, felt the vague "spiritual mask" covering the entire mulberry garden, and finally gave up the idea. She didn't know what this magnetic-like mental force field meant. It seemed that it could be mobilized and used to her advantage, but this was their territory after all. If there was a fight, they would at least have home field advantage.

In addition, maybe she took the key under the flower pot without permission. Mei Ziqing felt obvious hostility, or at least displeasure, from Bi Shenghua. She decided to eliminate the other party's hostility first, and then catch him unawares.

She shook the key in her hand, then pointed to the pot of baby's breath and said, "I just think this pot of flowers is a bit out of place here."

Life Flower was indeed unhappy. Over the years, no one except Qingmu had touched this flower pot. She repeated what she had just said and asked, "Are you here to see me?"

Mei Ziqing originally wanted to confirm the identity of Bishenghua, and then find some excuse to cover up the purpose of her visit. But she quickly changed her mind, bowed slightly, and said politely: "I'm here to see Mr. Aoki."

Mei Ziqing's self-cultivation and polite actions can win people's favor. Bi Shenghua eliminated most of the hostility when she bowed, and she completely relaxed after hearing Aoki's name.

"Excuse me, are you...?" she asked.

"My name is Mei Ziqing, and I am Professor Mei Yiqiu's assistant." Mei Ziqing

"Oh, Professor Mei..." Bishenghua had of course heard about Mei Yiqiu's death. She knew that the relationship between Aoki and the professor was extraordinary, and she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

"The professor has left us forever." Mei Ziqing's voice was a little sad. This was not an act. She had been immersed in a deep hidden grief these past few days.

As she spoke, she looked carefully at Bishenghua's face, trying to capture something from her expression.

"My condolences." Lifeshenghua didn't know what to say.

"The professor asked me to bring something to Mr. Aoki before he died, and... Ms. Lifespan." Mei Ziqing decided to deceive her. She couldn't tell what was going on just by looking at the faint sadness on her face. When she heard that an old man had died, People will always be a little sad about the news.

"Me?" Bishenghua turned her head and glanced at the crown of the tall mulberry tree not far away, thinking of the distant night when Mei Yiqiu came to see her. At that time, the construction of Mulberry Garden had not yet started, but Liuying Lane had been demolished and there were ruins everywhere. The mulberry trees at that time were not mulberry trees, they were still old willow trees.

The professor did give her a vague and seemingly important task. She still doesn't understand what it means and why she should do it. But Bishenghua never imagined that the professor would have any last words for her. This struck her as a little unreasonable.

When the professor took advantage of the typhoon night to visit, it showed that he didn't want others to know about it. She knew she had to take it seriously and keep it a secret. She told no one except Aoki. And told Aoki that although the professor did not explicitly agree, he said that he trusted Aoki precisely because he trusted Aoki.

Aoki didn't say much after hearing about this, and just told her to do whatever she wanted and not to take it to heart. But she could tell that Aoki supported the professor and only told her not to take it to heart because he was worried about her.

"Ah, so you are Ms. Lifespan Flower!" Mei Ziqing finally confirmed the identity of Lifespan Flower and greeted, "I am so happy to see you. Mr. Aoki often mentions you!"

Shengsheng Hua was alert in her heart. She only took Qingmu with her and would never mention her in front of outsiders for no reason.

She frowned and asked, "What did the professor say?"

When Mei Ziqing saw Bi Shenghua frowning, she thought her deception had worked, so she planned to continue the deception: "The professor said that you must keep the things he gave you..."

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