Dream Guide

Chapter 705 Dream

Mei Ziqing had no intention of making this will.

Since Mei Yiqiu has made arrangements, there will definitely be more than one will. If Yishenghua has one, then the Xia family must also have one. Plus, it is not easy for the law firm to change the content of this will.

A will only has legal significance, and the law cannot bind people like her. Once she masters the dream, it means she has mastered the world. It will not be her who has the final say on how to decide the law. Maybe there will be no such thing as law at all.

Besides, Mei Yiqiu's property is of little use to Mei Ziqing. No matter who the inheritance is given to, she is still the leader of Mei's laboratory. At least at this stage, no one can replace her position. Of course, she must master the underlying rules of the Dream Guide as soon as possible to control the entire dream world. Although with the help of Sa Tiaoding, it was only a matter of time before they broke through the restrictions, but she was worried about the long nights and dreams, and time was more important to her than money, so she was eager to get the key to the dream.

But now it seems that the key to the dream is not in the hands of Bishenghua. Mei Ziqing believes that under the influence of the secretive spirit, if the key to the dream is in the hands of Bishenghua, she should have taken it out long ago.

So, will it be in the hands of Xia Chujue? Otherwise, why choose her as your heir? But Xia Chujue was still a child, so it was impossible to give such an important thing to her directly, and it was likely that Xia Wenyuan would keep it for her. This inference is very reasonable, and it also explains the role played by Lifespan Flower - before Xia Chujue came of age, he separated the property and the key to the dream and gave them to different people for safekeeping. The professor's arrangement is also very clever, letting Lifespan Hua, who doesn't understand capital operations, keep the property, and let the Xia family, who are not in the awakening circle, keep the key to the dream. This can ensure that everything becomes conservative and does not deviate from the track he designed.

Of course, Mei Ziqing is not stupid and will not take the inference as fact. Maybe this is another smoke bomb designed by the professor. The professor knows her too well and knows what she will think. Now, in addition to the dead Lao Yu, the escaped Yao Jingjing, and Bi Shenghua, there is another Xia Chujue, and behind Xia Chujue is the entire Xia family and the mysterious Situ.

She must take it seriously and not miss every detail in order to see the truth from the fog.

"When did the professor come to see you?" Mei Ziqing asked.

"The night of the typhoon." It was a special day, so Bishenghua remembered it very clearly.

"Typhoon? Which typhoon?"

"It was a very special one. It blew from the South Pacific and was originally supposed to land in Shenzhou, but then it disappeared."

"Oh..." Mei Ziqing remembered, "It is indeed very special. I went to the bar that night, and I wanted to try the wine you made, but unfortunately I didn't get it. I heard that you came to the bar that day?"

"Yes, I went to the bar that day."

"That's such a pity. If you had left a step later, we would have known each other long ago. Is it because of Professor that you left so early?"

"No, it was just because of the strong wind that I was worried about the trees. At that time, Liuying Lane had just been demolished, and all the surrounding houses were demolished, leaving only a solitary tree. When I came back, the professor was waiting for me under the tree. .”

"That's it." Mei Ziqing nodded with satisfaction, pointed behind Bi Shenghua and said, "Is it this tree?"

Bishenghua turned around and saw the old willow tree. Mei Yiqiu held an umbrella and smiled under the willow tree.

Mei Ziqing found it quite strange. She originally thought it was the big mulberry tree, but she didn't expect it to be a willow tree. But at this time, she had no intention to study why a willow tree appeared in Lifelong's dream instead of a mulberry tree. Her attention was completely attracted by the people under the tree.

Even though it was just a spiritual body composed of lifelong memories, it was so vivid. And not long ago, the professor died in front of Mei Ziqing. She personally sorted out his remains and buried him personally. She tried her best to restrain herself from thinking about him again. But now, the professor appeared in front of her alive again, standing there smiling. That smile seemed to be mocking her.

Mei Ziqing took a deep breath and controlled her emotions. She had to keep her mind stable to ensure that her control over Lifetime Flower would not go wrong. She always felt that the mental power that enveloped Mulberry Garden was playing some unclear spiritual role.

Bishenghua obviously didn't know that she was in a dream. She walked towards Mei Yi under the tree as if she had just come back from outside. The memory in her mind was awakened, and everything that happened that day was being replayed in her dream.

"Hello, I'm Mei Yiqiu." The old man said.

"Hello, professor, I recognize you." Bi Shenghua politely took the umbrella from the professor's hand.

"I thought I wouldn't see you today! Oh, how wonderful, the typhoon has turned! The remaining wind and rain don't matter, you and I can handle it."

As Mei Yiqiu spoke, he ran his fingers over the wicker, as if he were playing with the strings of a harp. The water drops on the willow leaves shimmered in the night, like light from the distant starry sky.

The sweet sound of the piano resounded in the dream of Yishenghua.

Then, they came to the back door of the lonely house in the ruins. Like Mei Ziqing, Mei Yiqiu also bent down and picked up the flower pot. There was a key under the flower pot.

Seeing this action, Mei Ziqing burst into laughter. Sure enough, they are like-minded. The professor also thinks that the pot of star beauty is extremely incongruous here!

They went upstairs and entered Shenwu Studio. Mei Yiqiu sat on the sofa and started smoking. The two chatted casually for a few words, and then the professor took out a stack of drawings.

Bishenghua flipped through the pages excitedly: "Professor, this is...?"

The professor said: "This is the mulberry garden back then."

Life Flower said: "Thank you."

The professor said: "You don't need to thank me. I came here in the rain so late and I won't give you anything for free. I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Bi Shenghua said: "Professor, please tell me, as long as I can do it."

The professor took out another document printed on A4 paper - a will - and handed it to Lifespan. Bishenghua looked at it for a long time, but with a confused expression on her face, she asked, "Why me?"

The professor said: "Children are the hope of the future, and what I see from you is also hope. In addition, the person I trust the most trusts you the most. You help me take care of it, and I feel relieved."

Bishenghua nodded: "Okay, I promise you."

The professor stood up and said, "Today's trip has been worthwhile. It's too late. I should leave."

Life spent sending him out.

When passing the bird stand, the professor sniffed over like a hunting dog that smelled the smell, picked up a piece of sauced elbow meat from the bird food box, smelled it, then stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it and said: " Mmmmm, it tastes really good!”

After sending Mei Yiqiu away, Bishenghua closed the door and turned around to see Mei Ziqing, as if nothing had happened.

Mei Ziqing smiled and said, "I'm just here to deliver a message. When the message arrives, it's time for me to leave."

When she passed the bird stand, she followed the professor's example, picked up a piece of buttered elbow from the bird food box, smelled it, and said, "It smells so good!"

But she didn't eat it after all. Instead, she put the meat back and walked out of the door of Shenwu Studio.

Life Flower did not answer her words or send her off, but stared blankly at the ceiling. The ceiling was empty, her memory turned gray again, and she couldn't see anything clearly.

She woke up suddenly and found that she was standing outside the house. Mei Ziqing was on the stone steps behind the house, holding the key that should have been under the flower pot.

Only then did she remember the "key", and her memory woke up from the gray fog.

But what happened to the will? Why didn't it exist in the past, but now every word was engraved in her mind?

Mei Ziqing didn't know what Bishenghua was thinking. She was very confident in her mental methods. Except for the slight interference from Sangyuan's mental force field, there were no accidents.

Since the key to the dream is not in the hands of Lifespan, she does not intend to waste time here.

Mei Ziqing returned the key in her hand to Bishenghua and said, "I have brought you the words. I really say goodbye."

She left in a hurry and returned the same way, crossing the winding bridge over the lake and passing through the mulberry forest. When passing the mulberry tree, she stopped in front of the "Red Silkworm Mulberry" sign and looked up at the huge canopy of the mulberry tree, curious. Why is it a willow tree in the lifelong flower's dream?

She suddenly felt something was wrong. How could there be such thick leaves on the trees in this cold winter? No, it was obviously not there when she came!

I don't know if it was the wind or something else, but the thick leaves trembled, and some mulberries fell down and hit the ground.

She saw two red spots of light flashing between the cracks in the branches.

Then, a huge, dark bird flew out from the tree crown, its eyes flashing red, like two burning flames.

Twelve volumes of Wu County Chronicles: There is a mulberry tree in the mulberry garden that is more than ten feet high. Its berries ripen when they are three years old. They can cure children's diseases. There are giant crows perched on them, shaped like falcons. They eat people's souls at night. No one dares to go near them...

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