Dream Guide

Chapter 709 Breaking through the sky

"I saw it!" Huang Liang said excitedly, "I saw the road to heaven."

Hong Kyu looked even more excited than he was. He held on to the rope tightly, as if he was afraid that Huang Liang would run away.

"You walk over there, walk over there and get that ice," he said.

Huang Liang glanced at the Heavenly Road in the sky again and said, "Then what should you do? Wait for me here?"

Hong Kui said: "I'll wait for you here." After thinking for a while, he said, "No, I'll go there with you."

Huang Liang said: "Can't you not see it and can't step on it?"

Hong Kui said: "You saw it. It's enough for you to stand up! You can take me there. Now, as long as I become one with you, you can take me there."

"What... become one?" Huang Liang was startled.

"Don't think blindly." Hong Kui said with a smile, "We just need to become one in consciousness. In that way, your and I's spiritual qualities will be consistent, and I can go through the journey that you can go to."

“How do you become one in consciousness?”

"Combining their respective dreams to form a unified dream."

"Isn't this the legendary group dream?"

"Yes, it's a group dream. But we don't have a wizard to preside over the ceremony, so we have to rely on ourselves."

"Then what should I do now? You dream first and then I come in, or I dream first and you come in?"

"No, no, that's not it. It was not a unified dream, it was just an invasion of consciousness. Just like you saw the white wolf in my father's dream before, you were just an observer, an intruder. That was not your dream. Now We need two people to have the same dream. Remember, our dreams must be exactly the same, without any deviations in details. Otherwise, the two dreams will not fit together.”

"This is a bit different from the group dreams I learned about!"

Huang Liang suddenly remembered that when he was in Amsterdam, he heard Howard occasionally talk about group dreams. There is indeed this kind of training method in the organization, but every time there is one person who presides over the ceremony, and then a group of people obey the spiritual guidance of the presiding officer, and then use their own spirits to construct dreams. This is a hive-style dreaming method. An individual is only responsible for a part of the dream, forming a huge dream around a center. The method Hong Kui said is that two people have exactly the same dream and overlap it. It seems that the latter is simple, but it is difficult to do.

Hongkui said: "I just learned something from my genetic memory. I don't know how to guide it, and there are only two of us. It is unrealistic to build a dream like a bee building a nest. Moreover, God must let The road thinks that I am a part of you, so I can step on it. So there can be no deviation in our dreams."

"Then what should we dream?"

"Of course it's a scene we're all familiar with, and it's best if the details are exactly the same."

But what kind of scene was familiar to both of them, and the details were clear, which made them think at the same time.

Before Huang Liang came to live in Wolf Manor, the two of them had completely different experiences. The only memories they have in common are the life at Wolf Manor and the people there. But even if it is the same place, everyone remembers it differently. Even if it's the same person's dream, it's different every time.

"Memory is always biased." Huang Liang said, "How can I be the same as what you dreamed about?"

Hong Kui said: "It just needs to be about the same, there can't be fundamental differences. For example, for the chair in the living room, it doesn't matter if the position you dreamed about is a few centimeters different from the position I dreamed about, but it doesn't matter if I dreamed about the sofa. What you dreamed about was a rosewood chair. The pattern on the chair cannot be different. For slight differences, we can use mental power to correct it. Which corner of the manor are you most familiar with?"

What impressed Huang Liang the most was, of course, his and Martha's wedding room, followed by Old Wolfe's room. He thought for a while and decided to choose Old Wolfe's room. He believed that it was also the place Hong Kui was most familiar with.

When he used self-hypnosis to quickly enter the dream world and recreate the room in his dream, he saw the sick Wolf lying on the hospital bed, with Martha serving beside him.

Of course Huang Liang knew that this was his dream, but the moment he saw Martha, his heart still fluttered, as if they had been separated for a long, long time.

After coming to Alaska, he often worried that this separation between him and Martha would be a permanent separation. Will I only be able to meet my lover in dreams from now on?

Martha's face showed surprise, as if she were really a woman waiting at home for her husband to return home. She came over happily, hugged Huang Liang's shoulders, kissed her on the cheek and said, "You are back. I was so worried about you when you were away."

She looked behind Huang Liang and asked, "Where is Young Master Wolfe? Isn't he back?"

Just as Huang Liang was about to speak, he heard a knock on the door behind him. As soon as he thought, the door opened. Hong Kyu walked in from the door with a smile.

At this time, Huang Liang felt that there was something more in the space, just like air, you couldn't see or touch it, but it was there. However, the objects and people in the room had an extra layer of shadows, as if their hands were shaking when taking pictures.

He knew that this was the dream space composed of Hong Kui's spiritual essence. Their dreams have been superimposed on each other and are merging with each other. His scalp felt a little numb, as if someone was taking a file and filing away all the extra bits and pieces on his body.

Huang Liang also worked hard to adjust his spirit and cater to Hong Kui's dream as much as possible.

It didn't take long before their two dreams finally unified. The room settled, and the faces of Martha and Old Wolfe became clear again. Just for the sake of the stability of the dream, he had to maintain Martha's appearance, as if he had cast a body-holding spell, Martha stood there firmly, motionless.

Hong Kui said: "That's enough. Now, you have to connect this dream to reality, and then take me on that heavenly road."

Huang Liang nodded, glanced at Martha silently, turned and walked towards the door. He closed his eyes, put his hand on the door, took a deep breath, and pushed hard.

The door opened, and a cold wind blew in. Outside the door was the ice and snow world of Denali Mountain. In front of you is the heavenly road, and at the end of it is the ice prism hanging upside down from the sky.

Huang Liang embarks on the road to heaven. Hong Kui grabbed the rope tied around his waist tightly and followed his footsteps. Behind them, the barking of an Alaskan dog could be heard.

The Indian guide almost barked like a dog in his throat. He looked at the two patrons, pretending to be on the edge of the cliff and not knowing what they were doing, and then actually walked out through the void, and then disappeared.

At this moment, he felt that his IQ was no different from that of his dog. He could not understand what was happening in front of him. He could only stretch his neck and stand there in a daze, making some inexplicable noises in his throat.

After experiencing this adventure, the Indians believed more firmly in Denali's ancient oracles. He planned to tell his wife and children about his adventure as soon as possible after coming down the mountain, but little did he know that they had just experienced something even more incredible and dangerous than what he had seen on the mountain.

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