Dream Guide

Chapter 82: Funding depends on character, setting off for southern Yunnan

In the morning, Aoki went downstairs with the coal boss on his head and a travel bag on his shoulders. He saw that Lifeshenghua had prepared breakfast and was waiting for him.

"Have you got your wallet, ID card, mobile phone, and charger?" Bishenghua asked casually while drinking milk and scrolling through the news on her phone.

"Took them all." Aoki stuffed a meat bun into his mouth and said vaguely.

"I only know how to eat meat buns!" Bishenghua pointed at the filet mignon on the table and said, "I fried it specially for you, try it."

The coal boss jumped down and shouted: "Wow! Steak!"

Bishenghua tapped her cell phone on the table: "It's not for you! Yours is over there -" she pointed to the diced prosciutto and cherry tomatoes beside her.

The coal boss tilted his head and shouted unhappily: "Ruhua! You are biased again!"

When it saw Bi Shenghua put down her cell phone to get a fork, she quickly flapped her wings and flew to her food like lightning: "The ham sausage is good, the cherry tomatoes are good! Gua——"

Aoki cut a small piece of steak and tasted it. It tasted really good.

The coal boss lowered his head and ate ham dices unhappily.

Aoki cut off two beef cubes from the steak, threw it over and said, "Eat quickly. Xiao Qi and the others will come to pick you up after eating."

The coal boss took the beef cubes with his mouth and swallowed them. After eating, he was still not satisfied. He was about to say something when he suddenly heard Aoki's words. He raised his head and shouted, "What? Aren't you going on a trip?"

Aoki said: "It's very far."

The bird said: "Plane! Plane!"

When it talked about airplanes, it unconsciously looked at the boss's wife's breasts, then lowered its head in alertness and whispered: "You can't ski jump, you can only eject."

"What did you say?" Bishenghua didn't notice the coal boss's eyes.

Crow said: "I can fly."

Bishenghua said: "It's okay to fly. I'll take you to the animal quarantine office for a full-body examination first. You may need to draw some blood... If you're afraid of pain, I can give you an anesthetic."

"..." Crow tilted his head, seeming to be deep in thought - is it worth getting an injection for a long journey?

Bi Shenghua added: "After the inspection is completed, take the report to the airline to report, then put you into a square bird cage, and then cover the outside of the cage with a layer of cloth. But don't worry, the cloth is breathable. It’s just a little boring.”

"Oh--" The coal boss patted his head with his wings.

"You will be thrown into the luggage compartment together with your suitcase. The airport staff are very skilled in throwing luggage. You can easily complete difficult actions that even divers cannot complete." Bi Shenghua continued, "On the few flights of the plane, For hours, the box containing you will slide around in the luggage compartment like a bumper car, colliding with other luggage, and maybe even hitting a pet dog or something."

"Oh, I hate dogs!" cried the crow.

"Also, there are a lot of delicious things in southern Yunnan, such as marijuana, cocaine and so on. The dishes are very spicy and strong. Foodies like you will definitely like to go there. Maybe you will be attracted by the bird traders there. Now I can go to a good house and enjoy this wonderful life month after month and year after year!"

After hearing the crow, the crow jumped back to his plate. The chicken quickly ate his food like pecking at rice. While eating, he looked up and said, "Well, why doesn't Xiao Qi come? I'll eat quickly." full!"

Shi Dazhuang called and asked Qingmu to wait at Ruhua Bar, and he would come to pick him up immediately.

After breakfast, Yi Shenghua felt depressed and kept scrolling through her mobile phone.

Aoki asked: "Why do you seem to be in a bad mood?"

The crow, which was full and bored, suddenly started singing, its trembling voice seemed to be playing an old CD with bad sectors:

"I'll send you away. Thousands of miles away, there is no darkness inside or outside... In Zeng Mo's time, kindness should not be allowed, Xiangnai is too far away..."

Bi Shenghua picked up the steak knife and gestured fiercely at the crow: "Sing again!"

The coal boss flew up deftly, jumped to the top of the wine cabinet, and continued to sing: "Girls are so thoughtful, don't guess in the blue boy, even if you guess the gas, you can't figure it out..."

Bi Shenghua threw the fork away, glared at Aoki and said, "If you don't take good care of your bird, it will be roasted and eaten sooner or later!"

Aoki looked at the coal boss and Lifespan Flower, and just laughed.

Bi Shenghua shook her head helplessly, sat back and looked at her mobile phone. While reading, she asked, "How many of you are going today?"

Aoki said: "Two, just me and Team Shi from the criminal investigation team."

Bi Shenghua said: "That Officer Hu won't go?"

"I'm not going. What's wrong?" Aoki asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, I'm just asking." Bishenghua suddenly pointed at the phone and cursed, "Hey, look, look, who the hell are these people!"

The crow in the high place whispered disdainfully: "Change the subject, blunt."

Bishenghua ignored it and continued to look at her phone.

Aoki asked: "What's the matter? Are you still angry after watching the news?"

Bishenghua said: "It's not news. There was a college student on the forum who posted that the person who sponsored her studies wanted her to be a mistress, but she refused, so the person suddenly cut off the support and asked her to pay back the money, which makes her happy now. Can’t go down anymore.”

"Is there such a thing?" Aoki felt a little strange, "Let me see."

Bishenghua gave him her cell phone, and he read the post, and the general idea was exactly what Bishenghua said.

An online user named "Don't bother me if you're ugly" claimed to be a female student at a certain university. She dropped out of high school because of her poor family. Later, she received financial support from a kind-hearted person, so she re-entered high school and passed the exam through hard work. Went to college.

She said she has always been grateful to her sponsors, so she studied very hard and was preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Just when she was focusing on her studies, her sponsor suddenly asked her out for dinner. She went because she was grateful, but her sponsor revealed his sinister intentions and asked her to be his mistress.

She did not agree, thinking that she would be fine if she refused. Unexpectedly, the sponsor cut off her payment and threatened her to pay back the money.

She listed the expenses for her schooling in detail, saying that the annual tuition fee is 6,000, accommodation fee is 800, living expenses are 1,000 a month, and 12,000 a year. She also needs to buy computers, mobile phones, clothes, cosmetics, plus class reunions. Yes, after excluding the deductions and exemptions given to her by the school, it would cost more than 20,000 yuan a year, but the sponsor actually only gave her 10,000 yuan.

She said that she used to work part-time, but her sponsor told her not to worry about money and to study peacefully. Now that the funding was suddenly cut off, she didn't know what to do. The tuition for the next semester had not yet been paid. Now we can only broadcast live on a certain live broadcast platform, and I ask everyone to send flowers to support.

There were many replies under the post, all asking her who this sponsor was. They were so disgusting that they wanted to expose him through human flesh.

She said that that person had funded her after all and was also a celebrity in the Internet industry, so it was not good for him to be exposed.

Some people also suspect that she told lies just to gain sympathy and promote her live broadcast account.

To prove herself, she posted a letter written to her by her sponsor. Most of the content of the picture has been mosaic processed, leaving only a few sentences:

"...I can't give you any more money...A girl as beautiful as you...is my lifelong pursuit...My money is limited...This is the only way..."

The handwriting looked familiar to Aoki, but when he saw the signature at the bottom of the letter - Internet Man, he remembered that this was one of the many letters Liu Huaian had commissioned him to send.

He remembered this letter because this girl was the one Liu Huaian supported the most, with more than 10,000 yuan a year. This is also the longest letter written. It contains words of encouragement for the girl, telling her to work hard and study hard, and she will definitely be successful in the future.

But mosaic is a magical thing. It will cover the most critical parts, making it difficult for people to see through the beauty and ugliness behind it, even if you are so angry that you want to smash the computer.

A letter full of love and guilt, under the influence of mosaic, turned into a letter of malicious threats.

At the end of the post, the girl said that she knew that this "Internet person" also sponsored many female students and asked everyone not to be fooled. Everyone is guessing which scumbag this "Internet person" is in the Internet world.

Bishenghua asked Aoki: "Should we support a few college students? It's not easy to get into college!"

Aoki said: "Who has it easy?"

At this time, a car horn sounded outside, and Shi Dazhuang shouted at the door: "Teacher Aoki! Can you leave?"

Aoki picked up his travel bag and walked out.

Bi Shenghua shouted: "Hey, do you agree to pay for it or not?"

Aoki turned around and said, "The money is in your hands. You can support whoever you want to support. However, I suggest you get to know the other person's character before giving money."

Good character is more important than good grades!

Thanks for the tip from Wu Nian, Only Dian, and Heartbeat.

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