Dream is King

Chapter 238: Sunshine piercing the mist

   There was no reward, no promise of benefits, and even Bai Haonan went to the barracks of the state army reinforcement battalion to call out the officers to join hands.

The reinforcement battalion with the strongest military strength was purely because of the order of the lieutenant general of the government army. In addition, when Zhuang Tiancheng fell without anyone to command and follow, there was no resistance. Now facing Bai Haonan and the third lady under the roof, his attitude must be a bit complicated. , but will not immediately object, because Bai Hao is chatting while chatting in the south, passing on the news from the capital, and now it has basically become a mess, and many armed forces belonging to the state army are gradually retreating.

Because Zhuang Chenxiang's phone number is contacting the factions that have some military power in their hands, it is inferred that the government army is still gathering and it will take time. Those who are most reluctant to capitalize on the site will fight it out on their own.

In other words, this is also a purge for those interested classes entrenched in the capital, who do not hesitate to use the opponent's war to purge it. As for whether they will rely on the opponent or have other moths, Zhuang Chenxiang doesn't care at all. The warlords who always wanted to occupy one side, Tiancheng, who had continued the dream of the local emperors for decades, had different ideas.

  The times are different, even a small town can show a photo or a video in front of the whole world at any time.

   Anyone who has a little brain knows about change, and even the government is changing. In this era, if you want to keep holding on to the old thinking of the past, that is to wait for death.

From the phone, I could hear the rumble of gunfire over the capital, so both phones were plugged into the charger and it was hot. In the end, Zhuang Chenxiang slept on the foldable camp bed in the barracks office. She was not that spoiled. , Bai Haonan and the two battalion commanders chatted outside for a long time. She didn't respond when she came back, and she was still tired.

  Woke up sleepily, lifted the military coat covering him, and saw Bai Haonan still sitting in a daze in front of the huge military map in the office.

   The guy who always seems to be a fool, but now he shows some of his true colors.

The sky outside was already a little bright, and the border town was quiet with thick fog. From the window that used to be the primary school's office, it was milky white. If it weren't for the green military uniforms on the two of them and the firearms they were leaning against, It's like a comfortable country life.

   But Zhuang Chenxiang is sure that the first thought that comes to mind is the capital. What kind of sleepless night will it be over there this night, and how many people will be killed in this town battle for control?

   So I didn't have time to sort out my messy hair, and got up quickly: "I fell asleep for some reason, how about you? Have you slept for a while? Is there any new news?"

Bai Haonan nodded: "I asked them to temporarily set up a group to collect information. I heard from them that there is actually communication at the government army barracks, but this issue will not be discussed until today when the three forces are completely combined. Closed contact here."

Zhuang Chenxiang put his hand on his shoulder: "The government army always wants to cancel these state army autonomous armies, this time we are going to take the lead and want to consume us by the way, even if we help us grow, it is for us to interact with other states. A dog bites a dog, so that the government forces themselves can reap the benefits, they must be adjusting this night, and they have to adjust the way that best suits their interests.”

   Bai Haonan refused: "You go to these complicated political struggles, I'm only responsible for helping the army."

Zhuang Chenxiang put both hands around Bai Haonan's head, she stood, so she naturally leaned the man sitting upright against her chest and smiled a little: "Well, then, may I ask what kind of army is your husband thinking about tonight? What's the big deal?"

Bai Haonan's first sentence surprised her: "Last night, I asked Lao Li to take those young people to the capital. You don't need to enter. Most of the homeless and beggars have also been to the capital, and those in the wilderness can adapt, not to mention that they have cars and can provide mutual cover."

Zhuang Chenxiang couldn't help but leaned her upper body to Bai Haonan's face to look at his rare serious face: "I know the importance of inquiring about information, so you just sent the only soldier in your hand out to take risks? "

Bai Haonan's thinking is unique: "At first, I was a little confused, but after thinking about it, I suddenly remembered that I heard old seniors say many times that football is a peaceful version of war, so I will follow the model of a football club, except for my own internal before the game. After training, the most important thing is to find out what your opponent is like. To be honest, it's a waste of my young people to leave you as a guard. I promise that they will become soldiers soon after they are sent here. Like the soldiers I saw last night, they are lazy and don’t like to use their brains. This is what I feel most about your army, so these young people will be guards and squat next to you and me every day. Sooner or later, it’s better to send them out quickly. Lao Li led them to investigate. They didn't look like soldiers. I even asked them to disguise themselves as football teams. Li Lai's leadership is a bit like a special forces soldier."

Zhuang Chenxiang was actually fascinated: "You really have the talent to fight! In fact, in the final analysis, this land is all wild, and very few of the old guys have experience in the army, and the government army is definitely not. I would like to train military talents, but I don't think the military's standard is not that good."

Bai Haonan is actually under a bit of pressure: "We still have to rely on professionals. Externally, we mainly rely on Lao Li to lead the team to inquire. Internally, we have to straighten out the manpower of the entire army and start training. The personnel of the Canadian government army were scattered and reorganized, so that there would be no such obvious demarcation between the reinforcement battalion and the border defense battalion. This is also the most common routine in football team training. After dispersing and regrouping, I will hand over good personnel to the more capable battalion commander, and finally choose someone to lead the team for training.”

  Zhuang Chenxiang was obviously surprised: "How to choose a good person?"

It's hard to find Bai Haonan: "However I choose players, I choose soldiers. Do you think I deliberately tossed talents last night and insisted on arranging those firearms? Let me tell you, some people are born dark, they don't Sociable, not active, always like yin and yang weirdness or gossip, this kind of guy can never be absorbed by the football team, because football is a team sport, and this kind of person is the most hated, so I choose people, although they first look at their body or whether they are smart or not, but First of all, you have to get rid of this kind of person. This is the old saying of rat shit. If you stay in the team, you will definitely ruin a pot of soup. Running or doing some exercise can tell the difference, those nasty guys... just **** me."

Zhuang Chenxiang couldn't help but clasped her arms tighter: "My good coach... But every soldier is precious at this time, and at least the number can be scary, then weave these people together and let them go when necessary. Let them be cannon fodder."

   Bai Haonan was still shocked: "No need to be so cruel, right?"

Zhuang Chenxiang said calmly, "It has to be so ruthless. I was aware of the kind of person you mentioned before, but it wasn't as profound as what you said. If you can pick it out, that is to help me separate out the strengths and weaknesses of the team. When fighting, There are always people who need to be cannon fodder. There are always some teams who will fight tenaciously and win the victory. Jianguo, you must be clear that this is fighting, not playing. The principles are the same, but the consequences are different. People lose their lives. You think that those who follow you positively and enthusiastically will be dragged into the water and lost their lives by these guys. As a leader, it is necessary to have clear rewards and punishments in any environment, lead the team to victory, and save the majority of people. It is accepted by most people. In this world, there are always some frustrated people who are abandoned. As Ono said that day, even in a mature society like Japan, it is to ensure that most people survive in society. Those who conform to the society must be abandoned, this is the reality, and the battlefield is just a condensed display of all this."

Bai Haonan stared blankly at the large-scale military map, before speaking for a while: "It's very cruel... I seem to understand a little bit, I have a feeling that this is the last lesson of my life, old monk Tianlong or whoever came before. Ask me to come here to study, and now I finally have to learn.”

Zhuang Chenxiang gently put her chin on Bai Haonan's head and cuddled: "Amazing people are actually accumulated slowly from the ordinary, but some people are instilled with all kinds of extraordinary concepts from the very beginning, and some people It has to be tempered slowly. In fact, I don’t agree with the young Japanese man’s statement. The strong can fight against fate at any time. As long as they understand their own values ​​and the meaning of their dreams, they can become Buddhas on the spot at any time. Only the weak lament like that. Destiny can't be repeated, and your experience and my experience are proof of this, Jianguo, I still like to call you Jianguo, just with this pseudonym you stole, we will do something earth-shattering in the dark."

  Bai Haonan was surprised again: "Ah? Do you have such a big idea?"

Zhuang Chenxiang whispered softly, as if speaking love words: "Actually, the battle in this autonomous state is very sensitive. There are other ethnic minorities among the Chinese, the local indigenous people, the government army, and the Chinese are also ethnic minorities here, and this is the battlefield where the great powers compete. It is also a paradise for warlords who want to occupy the mountains as kings. I used to go to the capital to study and grow, and I used to have many dreams, which were slowly wiped away here, so I was so irritable, like a mother mantis, eating and mating with myself. Man, because my heart is extremely irritable, I don't want to live in such a mediocre life, and I can't get rid of this reality, but you came to help me rekindle hope, I'm slowly recalling those dreams, I want to give peace here, only to eliminate War can only give dignity to the people here, not dolls dominated by warlords and various forces. This dream is very big and ethereal, but there should always be an ideal, because it will not be worthwhile for me to come to this world for a walk. Now that Zhuang Tiancheng's daughter is standing at this height, since I have met this troubled world, since I have met you, let me be this hero, end the war in this area, truly have an area where you can live and work in peace and contentment, and fully cooperate with the government. To ensure that the interests and living conditions of these different ethnic groups are not bullied and discriminated against, this is my ideal, I will be the gentle and gentle spokesperson on the surface, and you will do the dirty things behind the scenes, okay?"

   is obviously a black pot, but chicken thieves like Bai Haonan nodded slowly: "Maybe I can't be as big as you said, but I will slowly help you build this team up, try it out."

It just happened that the sunlight outside seemed to penetrate the fog, and in the early morning, some red glowing gold slanted into this ordinary office. The woman just leaned on her body motionless, as if she was feeling this rare tenderness, as if it was more precious than going to bed.

   Mainly because the baby is not there.

But the good times didn't last long. As soon as Zhuang Chenxiang's phone rang, he was a little busy: "Okay! I understand, there is no problem, come here! We will arrange it immediately..." Hanging up, he turned to Bai Haonan: "The capital is completely in a fierce battle, Therefore, since the middle of the night yesterday, the offices of various international organizations have been evacuating. Although there are seven or eight counties and towns in the whole state, they still decided to choose this place as a temporary assembly point, because it is more convenient to come here to two neighboring countries, and secondly You are also familiar with me. Yesterday, there were some international organizations who just escaped the war here, so all the organizations were moved here, but the premise is that the safety here must be guaranteed."

   That is to put a line of defense immediately!

So the two of them immediately began to separate their own affairs. Zhuang Chenxiang had to rebuild the leadership of the state capital, that is, the new administrative organization. In front of everyone, the flag must be erected first, but there are not many people in this town. It's a bit funny where to gather a large team.

Of course, what Bai Haonan has to do is to gather all the soldiers, select the personnel accompanied by a group of battalion commanders, and divide them into two new combat battalions one after another. After that, part of the battalion will take away the equipment from the neatly arranged firearms, and immediately go to the hills at the north entrance. There is a decent defensive position on the top. It is less than 100 kilometers from the capital. To be honest, it is possible to be hit in minutes, but the main road is just like this. If there are vehicles with heavy weapons, they must pass through the Beikou Road. Now, the main thing is to put on a stable and defensive posture for all parties to see. After all, the government army will definitely release information after a short rest, and international organizations also need a psychologically stable person. foothold.

No one questioned how Bai Haonan chose the manpower. He just gave the two battalion commanders about the same number of people and asked them to start training according to their own habits. If he had any requirements, he would ask for the third lady. Report later.

For the whole morning, it was completely with the way of thinking of a football coach. Bai Haonan, the little white face in everyone's eyes, mainly managed this. He was about to go back to the office building for dinner, but the sentinel reported that the government army barracks across the street had opened. All the government officers and soldiers who remained in the town lined up.

   Bai Haonan hurriedly informed the two battalion commanders and all the troops to disembark. At this time, the uniform on his body still did not have any rank. Of course, neither the state army nor the border guards, except for the badges, all their officers and soldiers had no difference in clothing.

   I knew for a long time that there were not many government troops in the town, but three armored personnel carriers and two tanks, plus several military off-road vehicles in the front and rear, drove in so imposingly.

In TV movies or on tanks and armored vehicles, I don’t have such deep feelings. Only standing in front of me can I feel how majestic this steel behemoth known as the king of the land is. Even if it is a relatively backward model here, it can hang everything. Light infantry armed.

   Feeling the vibrations being pressed on the ground by the crawler, I finally felt like the battle was approaching.

   The curtain of this martial arts drama is opened, and it will not be so easy to call the curtain.

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