Dream is King

Chapter 251: Human life is as thin as a sheet of paper

   Don't forget, this is the regular army, the regular army of a sovereign country, with the regular army of the navy, land and air force.

   Air-ground coordination may be difficult for the military of this country, but it does not rule out that these special forces can master this killer weapon that is generally mastered by the US military.

   In other words, this whole so-called photo campaign is just a bait.

Even thinking a little further, the lieutenant general and the major suggested to Zhuang Chenxiang to retreat first, wait for the result of the fight here, stabilize the rear, and then slowly recover to express their welcome and agreement, which are all part of the pretend plan. , through various channels, there may even be spies from the opposing coalition forces in the town, passing on this policy to the past, so that the coalition forces attacking the capital here think that this side really will not be attacking on a large scale at this stage, so only There is a military parade...

   That's right, at this time, Bai Haonan thinks about that desperate Chinese shot at the school gate whose provocation is more meaningful than practical use. It's more like enticing the opponent to take the bait!

It's just to get the other party to come out to pursue a large-scale pursuit. At this time, if the special forces don't know that they are holding a military parade this afternoon, they are insulting Bai Haonan's IQ. It's just why the fighter jets didn't simply attack the school playground, so they had to be brought here. come?

   The Chinese who lit a cigarette held a machine gun on his thigh and pointed at Qiu Zedong: "Do you know why?"

   Qiu Zedong frowned and got off the horse: "That school... is too close to the border?"

The Chinese nodded and placed it with a branch: "The attack route is like this, if you fly like this, you will enter the border line when you hit it, no, if you fly like this, you have to cross the border before entering, and it will not work... And the biggest problem is this kind of The error of ground attack is very large, if you don't pay attention to artillery shells and rockets crossing the border, it is much more convenient to carry a few kilometers here, you see..."

   There is a sea of ​​fire everywhere in the distance!

The sky was getting a little dark, and it seemed to see **** on earth in the distance. The Chinese pointed there: "According to internal reports, there are still thousands of local people on the playground. This is the result of killing everyone, and they can't bear the pressure of international public opinion. , at the risk of a few people, bring the militants here, we have walked over and inspected that there are no ordinary residents in this area, so the plan will be implemented after temporary approval, and now..."

   The special soldier who was sitting there, taking a long puff of cigarette, pointed to the sky and didn't move, like a magic stick.

   Maybe his hearing is a bit gifted. It took Bai Haonan a few seconds to hear the faint sound of tower towers. Qiu Zedong responded: "Helicopter?!"

   The special forces nodded: "It's been a pleasure to work with you this time, I hope there will be a period in the future..."

Bai Haonan thought that what the other party said was to be a dashing movie scene where he rose up into the air and was taken away by a helicopter. The result was a huge roar that could suppress the voice and came to the top of his head again, and then three helicopters came down at night. In the dark night, it seems to hover on the upper part of the hillside, aiming at the open position in front, as well as the street and urban area in the distance, and another large rocket attack!

  Like ploughing the field, I slapped it almost next to this field!

   I don’t mind that together with this urban building, it exploded with high explosive and high combustion, and plowed the ground more smoothly and meticulously than the plane that passed by at high speed before.

  I don't know what the rockets hanging on both sides of the helicopter look like. Anyway, there are many bundles of rockets. After playing one side and changing to the other side, the sky has gradually darkened, and the fire on the ground is soaring into the sky!

Bai Haonan was supported by Qiu Zedong from a high place and looked at so far away, the binoculars were left with Li Haizhou, and no one could be seen here, but the fire burned into the sky, as if the surrounding blue corrugated steel The houses in the shed are on fire, because the low buildings here are built next to each other, and the fire is even more contiguous!

   Standing on such a far hillside, Bai Haonan's face was illuminated.

   He was very fascinated and serious, as if he wanted to keep all this firmly in his memory and never wanted to experience it again.

   The fire that is in the sky, I don’t know how many lives are struggling in it, this may be hell, right?

   No matter who those people are rolling and struggling, is everything in front of them life?

  Has this been described in the chanting scriptures of Tianlong Temple? Bai Haonan even thought about whether the old monk Tianlong would become a monk after seeing more of this.

   Now he just wants to chant the scriptures silently.

   It’s not fake compassion, but there really is such a **** in the world, it’s not the world you’re used to, it’s taken for granted everywhere.

This is not enough. After the helicopter has finished firing rockets, it will be replaced by continuous machine gun fire, which is also a bit of a strafe, starting from the open area in front of the hillside, through the scattered fire, in the dark. Ground shot!

   Bai Haonan was surprised to find that those bullets still carried light!

   Qiu Zedong sensed it and explained in a low voice: "tracer bullets, every few rounds of ordinary warheads fill a tracer bullet, it can hit a luminous ballistic line, and can give instructions for shooting at night. We are not particular about it, never use it, the regular army has to arrange it like this."

   Obviously, the anti-aircraft artillery and high-speed aircraft were crippled under the attack of high-speed aircraft, and now the helicopter is slowly sweeping through the world with the momentum of dominance.

It wasn't until the helicopter moved away that it seemed that the airborne machine gun had to be used to clean it up again. Bai Haonan's eardrums were relieved, and he saw the Chinese stood up proudly and removed the mobile phone that had been fixed on the branch to shoot: "Come on, this is how strong we are. of……"

   Before I could finish speaking, I saw a dark shadow in the sky in the distance, and there was sudden confusion, as if there were only sporadic gunshots on the ground before, and one of the helicopters fell down!

And it was very fast. The black thing before suddenly turned on the red indicator light. The Chinese special forces were stunned. Bai Haonan's earphones exclaimed. The helicopter fell to the ground far away. Heavenly companions make a mess!

   The rest of the place must have been chaotic immediately.

   Really pretending to be forceful for only three seconds, pretending to be forceful to be struck by lightning!

Even Bai Haonan and the others were immediately implicated. The Chinese special forces immediately received a request from their companions: "All assault! We are the only ground team close to the crash site, and we must approach the rescue immediately! More helicopter reinforcements are on the way... "

   I had already fought several battles exhausted. It has been more than ten hours since I left the town in the morning. I can finally get off work and have to work overtime again!

  Bai Haonan's teeth hurt so much, why say it again?

   There seems to be a movie where the helicopter fell to the ground, and then the army was sent to the rescue, and groups of people died?

  More people's lives have to be filled in?

   But I don’t have to say, let’s go up, it’s a pain in the **** to go down the mountain at this time!

In the dark jungle, there is only a faint light of fire to use. It is much more difficult to go down than to climb a mountain. If you are not careful, you will fall and somersault. Even Qiu Zedong and the special soldier are not very suitable for this kind of night terrain. Under the hillside, the Chinese panted and pointed to the pickup truck with a high plane: "It should be able to move with that. I didn't open the engine compartment at that time. I originally planned to keep it for us to travel when we evacuate."

Hearing this sentence, Bai Haonan was inevitably a little surprised. The muscles in his body were already hurting terribly during the reverse running of the downhill, so he slid down the last ridge and fell directly into the soft ditch. !

  Bai Haonan's whole body looked like a bag of toads swelled up, the sharp one jumped up immediately, and even jumped farther than hugging the LADYBOY last time, it was a very physically resisting touch!

But when he stood up, he still wiped the sticky hands on his hands. Jumping on the road made it even more difficult to get off his feet, and it was sticky when he stepped on it everywhere. Bai Haonan tried his best to control his emotions. As soon as the car door was opened, another corpse was poured out like this!

   is going crazy!

   Almost screamed like a bitch!

   would rather walk there by yourself!

   I really walked away with a rifle in my heart!

The Chinese behind him told him not to stop: "I can't, I can't stand it! I can't sit in a pile of blood, I'll walk there, I think it's safer!" Qiu Zedong also quickly chased after him with a gun. I could hear that the car behind me still started.

Bai Haonan took a big step, but a few dozen meters ahead was the area where the motorcycles, pickups and other pursuit vehicles were ambushed, and the ground was full of blood and corpses. After several hours, the white sneakers on Bai Haonan's feet were all over the place. There was a chirping sound, and the skin was numb as if it was electrocuted again!

   That is an instinctive reaction that is both psychologically and physically uncomfortable.

It all depends on focusing on the guns and ammunition bags that can be seen under the fire, picking up a few along the way, and tying two of them to the body. Others usually tie a magazine bag around the waist. Bai Haonan goes from the lower abdomen to the chest. He tied two of them together, and gave Qiu Zedong a distraction: "See, it's like another layer of bulletproof plates. This magazine won't explode if it's hit, right?"

Qiu Zedong doesn't have his abnormally strong physique. He didn't follow his lessons, but he was also picking up magazines for rifles: "I shouldn't, I've never heard of it, but I've heard that a magazine bag can block bullets a few times... They !"

   As soon as I got nervous, I found out that the group of people rushing down from the hillside were Li Haizhou and other members of the action team. The special forces were still holding flashlights. Maybe because of this, they went down the mountain faster.

There were almost no greetings when we met, just quick exchanges and assignments, especially the pickup truck that slid over didn't know if it was running over the corpse, and the others didn't follow. The car body, flip it up as instructed, and throw down the several corpses inside. Everyone threw in their extra equipment as much as possible. They were light in their hands. The special forces were even more anxious. Those who borrowed bulletproof vests didn't have time to get them back, so they quickly greeted them. The Chinese rushed forward first, as if they had met the skirmish halfway before. In this scene, they were still more confident in themselves and began to rush down the street in large strides!

  Li Haizhou pointed to the helicopters hovering in the sky: "They have individual radio stations that seem to be connected to the helicopters. They can help cover them. Shall we follow?"

At this time, Bai Haonan would not be a hero, and replaced the M16 rifle he had brought with him. Occasionally, you can see this on the ground. You can pick up the ammunition and bring it back for use: "Just keep up, in case someone Outflanking them, we can still help, all together, this move is unscientific... It's impossible not to run over!"

Li Haizhou exclaimed: "Fuck, these are so backward helicopters and rockets, but they are used here, hahaha, if so many people are attracted and caught off guard, they will die a lot, I see them I've been cheering all the time, **** it, I'll never see such a big scene again in my life!"

It seemed that Heaven was destined to come and see this scene. They had already left, but a helicopter fell off. Bai Haonan and the others could only carry guns and rushed into this city full of fires. Before dusk, they used The enemies killed by guns may only be a small part. The key point is that the bombs dropped by the planes passing by at high speed or the rockets completely overwhelmed the enemy, and the most killing is the more accurate plowing of the helicopters behind, and now there are corpses everywhere!

   And a burning corpse!

There was the smell of burnt flesh everywhere, mixed with other smells. Bai Haonan was afraid that Ada would trip over the corpse on the ground, so he picked him up and put it in the car bucket. Irritability, mixed with disgust and dirty and disgusting hands full of blood , I don't want to come to such a place again!"

   Li Haizhou felt his emotions, looked at him in surprise, but did not continue to be excited.

In fact, it is now clear that Bai Haonan's arrangement is correct. The special forces have no worries after rushing up. Occasionally look back and see that the figure behind him is keeping up. Every time you pass an intersection, you can quickly check that no one is active. Bai Haonan didn't follow him, but he could hear Li Haizhou and the other team members exclaiming how many corpses there were!

Qiu Zedong didn't want to watch it, so he leaned closer and followed Bai Haonan: "I've never seen it before... The highest one, when more than 400 people were wiped out five years ago, it was still a battalion of the government army that was strangled by all the Confederate troops. We are still one of the participants. We didn't leave a single survivor, and we were all wiped out in the ravine. This kind of... shouldn't be too dangerous. They dared to charge us before. It's the government army. Thinking of it this way, the special forces didn't use grenade launchers at first to prevent the other party from finding out. They kept bringing the enemy into the trap, and then suddenly arranged heavy firepower from the air force. According to my experience, helicopters only need to be separated from each other. There is basically no sound from the two mountains. It is only a matter of time for the fighter to rush over. The key point is to have a very accurate attack point indication. This plan must have been discussed before departure, but there are many changes to decide which one to use on the spot. This designer is almost perfect!"

  Bai Haonan smiled bitterly: "Yes, perfect...I'm not hypocritical, but so many people will die in the war, too..." He couldn't describe it.

Qiu Zedong can only relieve his heart: "Don't think too much, we can leave right away, the helicopter doesn't fall too far, and we can leave if we find the pilot's body or something, they don't dare to attack, as long as it is confirmed that it is the government army, These Confederate troops will subconsciously avoid it, and they still dare not fight the government troops head-on, and it is dark."

   In front of you, you can see the tall helicopter tail raised in the firelight!

   Is this really going to be the case?

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