Dream is King

Chapter 261: It seems like an old man

   The main reason is that there are too many people. In the past, the biggest feeling of the town was that it was sparse. Except for the market and when a tour group was dragged over, it was a little lively, and there were no people at other times.

   Now this once wilderness is bustling with activity.

Of course, if you don't stop, you have to stop, because when you just arrived at this three-way intersection, there is a crossbar set up by armed military police. It must be the manpower deployed from the original border defense battalion. When he sees Bai Haonan, he recognizes it immediately, but he still speaks carefully. : "Wang, Mr. Wang, the management of the special zone has an order. Except for the police, anyone who enters the urban area of ​​the special zone must hand over their firearms and keep them when they leave. Miss Zhuang asks anyone, you..."

   When he said this, he was obviously afraid of Bai Haonan's attack, and he didn't even dare to pull up the firearm he was carrying to threaten and supervise him.

Just by Ali's appearance armed to the teeth, with Bai Haonan's occasional SVD on his back, an AK rifle slung across his shoulders, and a 1911 holster on his thighs, he has a cold and murderous look on his face. It is the bodyguard who has been born to death on the battlefield many times, and he will never hesitate to ask him to draw a gun to kill. Even Arthur hugs Ada with a smile and can inadvertently stand on the other side, as if Ali can immediately draw a gun. Cooperate, let the ordinary city military police look very horrified!

   There were also two other members of the action team who got on and off from the car, and they all had fierce and unruly expressions. They only had to write the name of the murdered person on their faces. Even the only female orderly was wearing a pistol around her waist.

Luckily, Bai Haonan frowned and told Qiu Zedong what the regulations were concerned about. He also pouted his **** and leaned over to the road sign to watch. Qiu Zedong explained to him in Burmese: "It is said that in order to completely eradicate the problem of the proliferation of firearms, the whole area is not allowed to carry firearms. Firearms are found and confiscated together, and only the SAR police can maintain security and order with guns, and even the army is not allowed to display firearms outside the barracks.”

Right next to the armed guard post at this three-way intersection, there is also a small building like a cement and steel fortification. It is usually used to store temporarily controlled firearms. When necessary, it can also be used as a small bunker. The firearms originally stored in it have become Firepower reserve, I don't know who thought of this trick, it is still very useful.

   So Bai Haonan took it seriously: "This is what it looks like. No wonder the entire defense line is completely blocking the inflow of firearms. It should be, it should be."

So the frightened military police saw Mr. Wang smiling and starting to take out the firearms, the Glock in the lower back, the 1911 in the thigh, the warrior under the arm, plus the M16 and AK rifles that came with the car, and a bullet bag. , military grenades, self-made grenades, he alone placed a large piece on the table: "I support handing over firearms, but these things of mine are not ordinary things, I have to keep people here. Look."

Even if an action team member is designated to watch the dozens of guns left by his gang, they have to search the body to make sure that there are no guns on their body before they can enter. It can be said that this is Zhuang Chenxiang. An assiduous first step.

   Get rid of the war zone feeling where everyone has guns.

  Once there is no threat of weapons, obviously the whole scene will ease a lot, at least there will be no situation where the gun will be drawn after a disagreement.

Therefore, this three-way intersection is mainly a market entering the city. It feels like from the port of the country on the other side of the town, the border port of another country planned by the shooting range, and the road from the defense line to other states and the central government. At the junction, a large-scale market was held. Agricultural products, smuggled goods, hunting and harvesting, recruiting people, as well as restaurants, small clothing stores, convenience stores, and even jade and jadeite sellers, which are indispensable in Myanmar, can be seen. , Although it is still relatively simple, it is built with a steel frame and a long shed covered with blue corrugated sheets, but at least it is popular. There are still long rows of brick buildings behind it. It seems that it will be built for a long time. commercial market area.

Bai Haonan was used to seeing domestic commercial shopping malls before, and he would definitely sneer at this kind of farmers' market, but after passing through the country, the town and the shocking no-man's block of the former capital of the state, this kind of life full of breath. The messy market is already very interesting, so I walked around with my hands behind my back before getting back into the car and walking towards the proposed shooting range.

In fact, it has only been more than a month. Zhuang Chenxiang is right. There is a lot of waste waiting to be done, and the land is being leveled everywhere. Not only is there a shortage of materials, but there is also a shortage of manpower. There are signs everywhere that require labor and materials. But it can be seen that along this main road, there are scribbles everywhere, a little messy but vibrant, and the shooting range occupies the largest area and belongs to the project that Zhuang Chenxiang focuses on, so there is a bit of mechanized construction here. Shadow, but the scope of construction is still small, and it is definitely impossible to achieve the scale of the earliest investment of 40 million yuan overnight.

But there is no war. There are people everywhere on this road, and there are traffic jams from time to time. I feel that many people are temporarily living in the shacks built around here, and those houses that will be built in the future will form the skeleton of a new city, a large scale. Large, but not much planned new town.

This situation has continued until the original town. The dilapidated buildings in the original town are still renovated, some are reluctantly continued to use, and most are overturned and rebuilt. The whole stretch of more than ten kilometers is full of messes. The old construction site, and the original heavily guarded office building has now become a messy office compound, with all kinds of men, women and children dressed in gorgeous or rags in the vicinity of various offices, which were not seen in the small town before. Prosperous sight.

Qiu Zedong looked attentively, looked around and asked from time to time. Ali and the others were obviously not used to the lack of firearms. After getting out of the car, they were a little bit at a loss, so Arthur held the dog a little tight, afraid of being in such a place where people come and go. lost.

The messenger, who was well acquainted, immediately reported the identity of the place. Under the attention of many clerks, all wearing military uniforms went upstairs directly to Zhuang Chenxiang's office under the leadership of Bai Haonan. When they passed the corner of the corridor, Bai Haonan saw from the window that the unfinished hotel building behind had also cleaned up the site and looked ready to resume construction.

Zhuang Chenxiang's office is still in the renovated place on the third floor. The entrance is no longer armed bodyguards, but more busy secretaries and clerks. Seeing Bai Haonan coming up, he hastily criticized the bodyguards and other non-official staff not to follow. To disturb them together, Bai Haonan had to take Ada himself and let Qiu Zedong take Ali and the others around the town. In fact, they were all getting used to this area.

The assistant secretary must have recognized Bai Haonan and treated him very respectfully. He led the way to the inside and skipped the queue of people in a large room waiting to meet and talk with Zhuang Chenxiang. Bai Haonan passed the reception area that used to be the corridor outside his home, and got Almost everyone stood up and paid their respects. Maybe they didn't know him again, and the people next to him would be startled when they reminded him. Master Wang, who has returned from the front line of battle, has been in the air!

  So when the secretary knocked on the door of the original dining room, the five or six people who were originally talking to Zhuang Chenxiang in it all nodded and walked out, and they enthusiastically extended their hands to get closer to Master Wang.

Bai Haonan, who was wearing sunglasses, satisfied them with a smile, and finally faced Zhuang Chenxiang who stood up over there. The expensive dining table in the past has now become her desk, and there are several secretaries around who are busy dealing with all kinds of things. On official business, I didn't think that when the chief executive met his lover, they needed to avoid it, but someone jumped up cleverly and went to the back to serve Bai Haonan tea.

Zhuang Chenxiang's makeup is relatively detailed, Bai Haonan is familiar with it, put down the dog and walked over to hold her chin and observe carefully. A female clerk noticed this action and secretly read the gossip. Zhuang Chenxiang tried to show a smile without being surprised. Looking at it, Bai Haonan sighed, "I'm tired. You put on a bit of makeup to cover up your bad complexion. You can't be so tired anymore."

   The strong female chief of the special zone in everyone's eyes, her eyes were red and almost did not burst into tears. Fortunately, her control was strong enough, and she sneered: "I know it sounds good! I can't think of a way..."

Bai Haonan's hand slid down her chin and onto her shoulders, she pressed Zhuang Chenxiang back to her seat with a little force, and started doing shoulder and neck massage in front of the other staff who were secretly watching: "I'm coming back, I'm going with you. Talking about my thoughts, I just looked at the situation on the whole road, and this kind of thinking is clearer."

  Zhuang Chenxiang squinted her eyes to enjoy the service, she couldn't help but turn her head to look back: "Really? Tell me?"

   Bai Haonan raised his head to look at the others, and several of them hurriedly looked back: "Hey, can you give Miss Zhuang a break, we'll talk alone, and you all have a little rest?"

Looking at the close relationship between the two, it was indeed very powerful, and immediately excited everyone to laugh and nod to go out, and the young girl said goodbye to Ada. on.

Without the others, Zhuang Chenxiang immediately relaxed and leaned directly on Bai Haonan's waist. Instead, Bai Haonan continued to massage: "I already talked to you on the phone about the idea of ​​gradually demolishing the capital, but I can't help you at this time. But all I can do is suggest two things, which actually add up to one."

  Zhuang Chenxiang closed her eyes: "Hands are very skilled."

Bai Haonan didn't have the habit of slicking his tongue: "At the camp, I found that many government soldiers believed in Buddhism, and I went to the capital more than once. Compared with this town, the small towns I have stayed in in China, I would like to suggest that you build a temple in the town where you have stayed in the state of Xu, and spread the Dharma. I can invite monks or women from the state of Xu to come to support you. I think this will help stabilize the hearts of the entire new special zone. This is how I feel when I chant Buddha every time I experience a murder on the battlefield. Although I don’t believe in Buddhism, Buddhism can really calm down the messy emotions. Today, seeing the mess everywhere in the whole new special district, I feel that this matter is necessary. "

  Zhuang Chenxiang is still worried about money: "I don't have any funds, and I don't have any extra funds to do this. I need a lot of money, right?"

Bai Haonan is familiar with religious affairs: "I think it shouldn't cost money. I invited monks from Tianlong Temple to come over, even if it is a canopy, I believe they can gradually gather believers to donate money to repair the temple, you just need to give a piece of land. "

Zhuang Chenxiang nodded immediately: "That's good! I also reacted a little bit when you said that. The mainstream society believes in Buddhism, which means that I am connecting with them. Yes, build a temple so that these ordinary people can have a good relationship with them. The things you care about, so as not to leave the war for a while all day long, and you will get into trouble when you are free! Okay, do it right away, what about the second one?"

Bai Haonan smiled and tried harder: "You know I used to be a monk at Tianlong Temple, and at Tianlong Temple, I also created a famous football monk in the state of Su, who used football to spread the Dharma, so I plan to call them here, except for this temple to spread the word. Dharma can make you have a good relationship with the central government, which is a gimmick, and they can come and play with my team, so the football game is promoted throughout the new special zone.”

  Zhuang Chenxiang may not have noticed the uncontrollable and seductive moaning from his nose, but his mind was really thinking: "Huh? The purpose is also the same as the temple and the spread of Buddhism?"

Bai Haonan didn't take the opportunity to wipe the oil: "Yes, when we started football, we used this to gain attention. Last time you went to the defense line to offer condolences, didn't you want to make as many words as possible to attract attention? It's so difficult here, and the people are still very happy to play. Ball, this theme is very good to use, and the audience watching football can also attract a lot of attention, don't always focus on those messy ideas, when the whole new district focuses on who will win the monks and the military tonight , who do you think is still interested in making trouble? Instead of letting them think about it, it's better to go to the court to cheer and cheer, even if it is a fight on the court, it is easier than you to deal with all kinds of conflicts in the new special district. ."

Zhuang Chenxiang thought for a while, then nodded slowly, resting her temples lightly on Bai Haonan's arm, she couldn't help raising a palm to cover the back of his hand: "Really, everyone who is talking about things next to me is now. I want to get benefits, I just keep making deals with people, calculating gains and losses at any time, only you, not discussing gains and losses with me, but sincerely helping me resolve the most fundamental things, people's hearts, atmosphere, and wind direction, this is what The point that allowed me to avoid risk, thank you."

Bai Haonan took the opportunity to hold her head in his arms: "Anyway, I was also on the battlefield, and when I looked at those who were killed, I knew how lucky I was to be alive and how much I forgot. Forget about the cruelty, if I say that it takes physical effort, yours is just worrying and worrying, so when I came back to see this scene today, I decided to get in touch with my former boss, Guixi, and see Is she interested to come and see, I think she has the strongest control in business, and if she can bring you some help, I am afraid it is much better than picking a taller from these original shorties."

  Zhuang Chenxiang simply snuggled up and hummed in a nasal voice: "Okay, let me see what this ex-girlfriend you've never forgotten is like!"

   Bai Haonan is helpless: "Not an ex-girlfriend..."

   What he didn't say was that his ex-girlfriend should be considered another.

  If Tenryu Temple comes to open a branch, Song Na will definitely come.

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