Dream is King

Chapter 277: Human nature has only that little ray of light (Feng Tui Di

  The mentality of commanding operations and football games is too different. As a commander, a mistake in judgment is to fill in with your life.

Bai Haonan, who has always avoided commanding large-scale troops, has become accustomed to battles of blood and fire. I used to think about how scary it was, sending people to kill people, but now it's like explaining the game: "The point is It is to force them to attack us, and they will not be attacked in all directions at the same time, so they have to come out and besiege along the border. Isn't the government army's strength in frontal warfare? The problem is solved once and for all.”

   Major Weng Lai's expression changed dramatically, it was a kind of struggle in various moods, and suddenly he saw a struggle full of temptation.

Bai Haonan will not continue the discussion. He is purely a routine on the court to simplify the entire strategic thinking, but he will not know how to do it in detail. Looking at the corpse full of exploding holes except for the upper body, he commands Qiu Zedong with disgust: "Is it beautiful, or burn it, or dig a hole and bury it, what are you doing here?"

After speaking, he turned to leave, but suddenly heard cheers coming from the front, Li Haizhou, who was standing high, jumped a few steps and picked up his walkie-talkie to call. Found it in the grass ahead!"

   This time, even Major Weng Lai raised his head quickly: "Really?" Several people hurriedly chased over there.

Bai Haonan, who really initiated the death and injury, didn't move, and once again swept his gaze over the corpses that had been lined up in front of him. Many of them were young people, and the young people who were as young as sixteen or seventeen were still hanging on their faces. Maybe they were alive. He was fierce and rebellious at the time, but after his soul died and soaked in the rain for most of the night, it turned blue and white, especially the facial contours that were washed out and identified, which made people palpitate, but Bai Haonan no longer had the nausea and vomiting he had before Looking sadly, he supported himself with the back to the text with words in his mouth.

   Qiu Zedong followed the crowd for two steps and noticed him. He quickly retreated and stood beside him for a while before he stopped talking.

Bai Haonan noticed that apart from the high point and a few guards with rifles around him, he and Qiu Zedong were the only ones left: "I...is it weird? On the one hand, I am trying my best to win the battle and make these Killing and hurting, but can't see these casualties."

   Qiu Zedong shook his head vigorously: "I have read a lot of books, and I can't tell you how you feel. You are really different from others, and you have the taste of a big man!"

Bai Haonan laughed at himself: "Big man? Look, most of these people are locals in the mountains, 16- or 17-year-old soldiers with poor nutrition. Look at this semi-automatic rifle, the bayonet is better than him. Gao, he should be good at marksmanship, so he brought this semi-automatic to shoot us. If it weren't for this messy war, he should honestly work at home, or go to work in a big city, or pick up girls. Go play football! Go play video games! Not here with guns ready to kill us, and then get killed on this wet sidewalk! Whose fault is it? I agree with Miss Zhuang's saying, this The country is a system of government recognized by the whole world. This is irreversible. At least I saw that the people in the central government can live a peaceful life. , especially you said that the war in these places is really for the good of these people? What can these people get after winning the battle? This has been an autonomous region for seventy or eighty years. It is still the most backward place in the world. What did those big men in your mouth do? What did you get by fooling these people all day long for the nation and fighting for freedom? The big guy is taking advantage, and the following stupid guys just follow blindly and get nothing!"

Qiu Zedong stood up straight with tension all over his body, listening to Bai Haonan's uncontrollable venting, since he knew Bai Haonan until now, he has almost never seen Bai Haonan being anxious or angry with anyone. His face smiled indifferently, but at this time, he clearly won the battle, standing on a pile of enemy corpses, and when others were busy hoping to cut off their heads and cut off their ears to record their battle exploits, they couldn't hold back. .

The little soldier in the distance didn't know if he heard Bai Haonan's words, but he looked here in amazement. Qiu Zedong didn't say anything, but his eyes looked at Bai Haonan with some fiery eyes, and his expression was a little distorted when he saw his rare waving of arms: "Maybe you are the right person here!"

Bai Haonan is still in his own emotions: "I'm really not a hypocritical compassion, I just believe that the only way to defeat these warlords as soon as possible, let Miss Zhuang change the face of all this, and let this place say goodbye to the war! Don't kill so many people, In order not to drag it down, I can only cut the mess with a quick knife! What? What did you say? I am suitable for this place?" Finally, he finally reacted and stared at his staff.

Qiu Zedong thought hard for a while: "I have been to the town where the former chairman hid. There is a couplet on the door of his house. He is merciful and compassionate, but he is not a good person. Describing himself, he did build roads and bridges in that small town and won the title of a good man, but I know that it was all false mercy, because he has been saving troops and horses, and he may counterattack the capital at any time to get back what he lost. This is the whole state. What everyone knows, he can't even do the two words he said on the couplet, so what is it like when he has been in charge of this place for decades, just as you said, I know very well, but you are the one People, you won't hesitate when you fight, but after the war you are truly compassionate and compassionate, just like those monks in the temple, you never hold grudges against anyone, you are really open-minded... But Miss Zhuang is not Such."

   Bai Haonan looked at Qiu Zedong and basically forgot his resentment just now: "Remember that you said that you don't have the same opinion as hers, but you really don't agree with her?"

Qiu Zedong nodded: "Most of us are following the Maoist line of thinking. In order to promote the fight for the poor, the officers and soldiers in the team are paid the same salary. This is actually brainwashing, boss, you have to admit it. Most people in this world are fools. They will only follow the directions described by their superiors. They will only see the benefits in their own bowls, but not the front. Therefore, to do things well, the most important thing is to establish An advanced group of elites, attracting some people who can really follow you, this idea is what I have always admired, and you are just doing it, and Miss Zhuang has never been, she wants benefits, and she attracts all classes. The foundation of construction is interests, and in the end, she comes to obtain the greatest interests, which is fundamentally different from you.”

   When did Bai Haonan think about such a profound line dispute, not to mention the difference between famous left and right factions, he was stunned for a while, swallowing and lowering his voice: "Have you told anyone else?"

   Qiu Zedong shook his head: "I said that I only obey you because I have seen too many competitions among these ruling classes, and you are the only one who can surpass all this..."

Bai Haonan simply stretched out his hand and patted Qiu Zedong's shoulder: "Brother! It's alright, let's talk about it here, let's talk about it, now I know why some teams are fighting infighting, I don't like this kind of thing very much, even if she betrays me in the future, we will Just leave. It's hard to change the situation a little bit. If you think about it too much, it will be messed up! We're not here to fight for the world, we're just here to make a living for the people here! Well... I feel much better now, and I won't be allowed to mention this in the future. thing, they're back!"

It was coming back. A few strong soldiers were carrying a tarpaulin. Maybe it was originally to prevent the rain from suddenly raining for the seniors. Now they threw the prisoner inside and dragged it by a few corners. He didn't push him directly, it was obvious that one of the other's legs was broken, and his body was covered in blood and dirt, but he was able to tightly bandage the broken leg above the knee to stop the bleeding, so he was able to Surviving under such difficult circumstances, of course, did not run far.

   dragged it across the stream and threw it directly next to the corpse. Many of the soldiers who came over beamingly kicked and kicked. Bai Haonan greeted him with a sullen face: "Enough! This is a prisoner, not a beast! There is no need to insult him!"

The soldiers walked away embarrassedly. The prisoner was speechless with a stern face. He barely glanced at Bai Haonan and closed his eyes tightly. It seemed that he knew that he was not going to end well, and his pale mouth trembled. I don't know if it's cold or scared.

  The attitude of the officers who came behind was similar: "Let him see what happened to the sneak attack! The attack on the upper position wiped out more than 20 of our soldiers. Without giving the enemy's information, he was shot immediately!"

Bai Haonan didn't scold the officer, but quietly stood next to the prisoner with his rifle in his hands. Looking at the man's blood-stained face and his short hair, his clothes were basically torn into strips of cloth by shock waves and mine projectiles. In fact, the star anise was gone. The hat looks similar to any soldier in his own country, and he turned his head to look at Major Weng Lai who was approaching.

The major and Bai Haonan had eye contact, and looking at Bai Haonan's calm but determined expression, the army major came over and hugged Bai Haonan's shoulders and whispered, "This is an anti-government militant, we have to arrest and interrogate it, and possibly hand it over to the superior. "

Bai Haonan refused to give in an inch: "It's fine to interrogate and deal with it, but I want to make sure that he stays alive and can't mess with him any more. The battle is over, and the killing is over. He didn't resist killing just now, right?" The government troops are all veterans. If they capture prisoners, they may resist, or even die with their hands. They will not easily rely on them.

Major    took a deep breath and nodded: "We will also comply with the Geneva Treaty..."

Bai Haonan didn't know what treaty he was talking about: "I don't understand, I only heard about preferential treatment of prisoners since I was a child. You know I read Buddhist scriptures. I took this person and sent him to the field hospital for treatment first. What can I do? I, want to interrogate or do something, I will accompany me, I have no other intentions, he is just a war fighter, he has already lost the battle last night, he has no weapons on his body and his legs are broken, and he cannot run or kill, so there is no threat. , that is an ordinary person, is my understanding correct?"

   Weng Lai also smiled stunned: "That's what I mean...but we have to dig out as much information as possible from him!"

Bai Haonan looked around: "What if he gives you wrong information and loses more people's lives?" He also pointed to the corpse over there and found a lot of things: "Can't we find information there? Can't you consider the plan proposed to you?"

   This seemed to remind Weng Lai of the unexpected tactic he had used before. He nodded after thinking about it: "Then you are responsible for this person, and there is nothing to contact you."

Bai Haonan really felt a lot better in his heart. He patted Weng Lai on the shoulder gratefully, turned around, and looked at the prisoner who was trying to close his eyes and waited for death. Suddenly, he felt a sense of sadness. If you meet a pig teammate or a **** opponent, you will end up like this, so you change your hand and threw the rifle directly to Li Haizhou. He bends down and uses his shoulders to carry the prisoner on his back. His military uniform is not to mention the bright and straight this early morning. It was also clean. The prisoner struggled for a while, and then he was lying on Bai Haonan's generous back in disbelief. The eyes of the other soldiers were extremely complicated, and they must not be able to figure out why.

   Bai Haonan was too lazy to explain, and he wouldn't explain it. He felt uncomfortable and did it, even if it might be a taboo in the military camp, he still did it.

When I started, I felt that the opponent's head and hands were very hot. No matter how much military knowledge, I knew that this was a typical situation of fever after an injury. If I didn't get treatment, I might not be able to survive for a long time. Drive more to avoid stepping on it, which made the prisoner feel it with his head down.

Li Haizhou and Qiu Zedong paused for a while and exchanged glances with each other. Li Haizhou led people to follow. Qiu Zedong, who was more familiar with the terrain and understood these staff members, stayed and continued to deal with each other. It seemed that Major Weng Lai did not continue to read the information. Emotions, instructing others to check more carefully, holding a military map of the surrounding area, leaning on the tree trunk next to him and falling into contemplation.

Bai Haonan walks like a fly, and it feels like he is a lot lighter if he loses a leg. Li Haizhou catches up behind him to help him walk in front, so as not to fall when he slides down, and when he passes the machine gun checkpoint, he is ready to let two people from the action team come to the front. The wounded walked away, but Bai Haonan refused: "You can arrange the defensive post first. I'll just go down by myself."

   Li Haizhou also handed the M16 to him, indicating that it can be placed horizontally under the buttocks as a pallet, so that it will be easier to carry it.

Sure enough, Bai Haonan felt more relaxed on the remaining part of the mountain road, but when he entered the barracks, many soldiers saw it and gathered around to help, and some thought they had an accident. Bai Haonan shook his head and sent him directly to the field hospital. Behind the white coats that the crowd was busy immediately, Bai Haonan looked down at the dirty military uniforms and was about to go back to change clothes when he suddenly thought of the situation after he left. Come down and close your eyes.

   Suddenly, a nurse wearing a mask ran out and saw Bai Haonan: "Master! The wounded has something to tell you! I'm just looking for you!"

When    met this internal name, Bai Haonan looked at it in surprise. It was the little nurse Jiagui that he picked out.

Bai Haonan really didn't expect any reciprocation to go in. The wounded lying on the operating table was obviously a little surprised that he actually stayed outside: "Thank you... Another group is going over there to prepare to assassinate the female officer, or else it will be there. Blast and create chaos."

   Hearing that standard Mandarin, Bai Haonan immediately broke out in cold sweat!

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