Dream is King

Chapter 282: If your heart is not cruel and you can't stand firm, what should you do if you fa

He was escorted halfway by two full platoons of soldiers in the form of front and rear convoys. The river bay, which was once borrowed by the special forces to take off and land helicopters, is also full of many military vehicles. It looks more like from the military defense area. The team that came to reinforce was something that Bai Haonan had never seen before.

   Bai Haonan, who was injured on his **** and could only kneel on the back seat, looked at him: "It seems that my new battle plan has really been approved by them, as long as..."

I don't know if it was because the driver would not hear about the leak, but Zhuang Chenxiang changed the topic: "Your boss Yu said that her investigation results, I need a reliable business plan most now, I think she is young, but her tone is It's not small, don't fool me."

  Bai Haonan kept it a secret again: "Talk to her yourself, I won't interfere, but I think it's reliable, but it's a bit difficult, and it may provoke everyone to besiege."

  Zhuang Chenxiang's eyes lit up: "If you think it's reliable, that's fine..."

   Outside, you can already see rows of military vehicles and armored vehicles on the side of the road. They simply meet the generals who have just arrived by helicopter, and rumble to the frontline camp.

The military camp that was still under attack last night is now brightly lit. The officers who greeted the general went straight to the side of the road. The first meeting was a lot of hard work, but Lieutenant General Hong Deng first expressed his condolences to Chief Zhuang and Representative Wang, who had just been attacked again. , especially cared about the military representative who was injured in two places, and told the field hospital to use a stretcher to come over so that Bai Haonan could go to the command center on his stomach.

   This kind of deliberate care will only make Bai Haonan hairy, and he will be diligent at nothing, not a traitor or a thief!

Therefore, when all the front-line staff officers and the military officials brought by the lieutenant general sat in the command center, Zhuang Chenxiang was the only leader of the special zone to attend. The lieutenant general highly affirmed the rainy season offensive proposed by Bai Haonan and invited him to give the whole idea to him Everyone said that Bai Haonan chose the chicken thief.

The attitude was still good, so he used a cane made of temporarily chopped branches to support his armpit and spoke: "Let's ask Major Wenglai to explain, I just tried to put forward such a small suggestion, and Mr. Major fully considered the whole plan. , I also want to learn from him."

I don't know how Weng Lai reported to the general, but he was full of smiles, especially when the lieutenant general turned his head to face him. The idea of ​​interspersing along the national border, then establishing a stronghold and pushing a defensive line into the country, it seems that while Bai Haonan is busy with bullets, they really have a complete idea of ​​the entire offensive.

After all, these towns on the border that are prosperous because of special business are all isolated. Except for these extremely limited points, there are only countless smuggling trails on the entire border for smuggling or drug trafficking. Others are not complete. Residential areas, the so-called interspersed along the national border are almost dashing in the mountains that have never been defended. As long as the locals lead the way, there is no difficulty at all.

The key is still to be able to defend these places, because once they are captured, there will be no gaps for smuggling, and towns like the original capital will be completely eliminated, and many black trades will be cut off. It can be said that Bai Haonan does not really understand this. Outsiders with complex political, traditional, and cultural backgrounds in the area have come up with a rather ruthless and simple plan, which can be called a desperate plan.

After all, these border areas are not productive by themselves. Apart from drug trafficking and jadeite, they are also selling wood from virgin forests, and even wildlife smuggling is an important source. In short, advancing along the border is like rushing along the side road on a football field. The bottom line was outflanked, forcing the rebels to attack, but they couldn't do the same as before, they could only flank the border in the direction of the border, and they couldn't do anything beyond the border, right?

It is easy to win the border line. The key lies in how to defend and how to strangle the rebels who have been attracted to fight. Therefore, Major Weng Lai’s focus is on the flanks. On the huge military map, his staff drew a fan. Fans are like the defensive positions of the eyebrows, which are stacked in two or three layers of waves on one side of the border line.

Bai Haonan was holding a cane under his arm, watching it with relish, just like watching a football formation map, Qiu Zedong quietly stood beside him and whispered: "The border attack point can be about ten kilometers forward, and the border river has a turning point there, it is natural It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the enemy can’t launch an attack there at all, and can only go around to the side.

General    looked around, saw Bai Haonan nodding and laughing, and simply called, "What advice do you have?"

Bai Haonan doesn't understand office politics, but since he can carry flowers and sedan chairs, and since he has given the credit to Major Weng Lai, he also understands that it is very annoying to point out the coach's tactical arrangement flaws in front of the players. He has never been in the players' lounge before. It was said that there was something wrong with Lao Chen's tactics, so now I have an idea: "I will add the major's wave defense position, which is different from our current full-line defense. It is not hard to carry and stand still..."

While talking, he walked over with his cane, looked left and right, simply chose his own cane, folded off the green branches from the brand-new Y-shaped branch, and showed the branches with seven or eight leaves on them. Look: "It should seem that such a leaf is resilient and elastic. If the force is too large, let it go to the next position, and immediately retreat, the next leaf will bear it again, and let it retreat. We are taking the initiative to retreat, but the other It was trying to fight very hard, and after two more attempts, there was no vigor. At the same time, it also brought the enemy closer, and the artillery positions at the back were bombarded. The loss, isn't it just taking turns to climb the mountain in the reserve team."

It's hard to explain how Bai Haonan's stream-of-consciousness tactical command style came from, but someone who knows him will definitely be able to smell the chicken thief. Even if he has the strength to fight against the opponent, he must be chicken The thief's avoidance is false.

But isn't this kind of chicken thief the most important concept in war? Some famous generals are used to filling in their victories with the lives of their soldiers, but there are many guys with superb tactics who are obsessed with obtaining the greatest victory at the least cost. The generals who climbed up from the bottom tended to cherish the soldiers who cared for them very much. Bai Haonan's idea of ​​saving as much effort as possible on the football field and leaving behind others fits this idea exactly.

In short, most of the generals and school staff present at the scene may have received professional training in military command, and even have the experience of training abroad, but looking at this wild way, who is said to have never had any military experience, he can easily propose this kind of belonging to The complicated tactics in the Chaos Tactics Theory are a bit superficial to describe it as unbelievable or dumbfounded. The main reason is that it is difficult to understand why he can be so familiar with it and feel it is very simple.

   Anyway, Major Weng Lai seems to be used to Bai Haonan's surprise in the overall situation, and even immediately began to think about this possibility.

Instead, Lieutenant General Hong Deng laughed first, beckoning to indicate that Bai Haonan could come down: "At first glance, you have not actually brought soldiers to fight at the forefront. If our ordinary soldiers can master the tactics you mentioned, they can do it over and over again. If we implement a round of battles that advance and retreat freely, then the army in our northern theater will basically be able to beat the invincibles in Southeast Asia. Do you think ordinary soldiers can understand such complex tactics? Just requiring an orderly retreat, this is easy to evolve. In a collapsed situation, a little carelessness will even lead to the collapse of all other defense lines. It can't be too complicated, but the tactics are correct, and there should be tenacity. After all, our goal is not to regain how many areas, but Kill them effectively, make them tough, form a meat grinder, and consume a lot of their fighters, equipment, and funds here!"

Bai Haonan heard it immediately. This is the difference between vision and vision. The general didn't want to win this war zone alone, but considered the whole country and weakened other regions... Well, Bai Haonan doesn't know why, but now his first reaction is to To ensure that other directions, especially those areas rich in jade, will be controlled by government forces as soon as possible?

So I glanced at Zhuang Chenxiang subconsciously. The Chief Executive of the Special Administrative Region was also in charge of military operations in the past. Now he can naturally understand various arrangements and terms, and his expression is even more thoughtful. It is definitely not the kind of vase. When the Chief Executive gave his opinion, Zhuang Chenxiang didn't just perfunctory like you or me, but described the two attacks that happened in the capital of the SAR today: "If this situation turns into a terrorist attack, it will be targeted at people from all over the country. Terrorist attacks, that is a big problem, so I used today's events to appeal to other anti-government armed areas through various media and international organizations, hoping that they can lay down their weapons and come to the new special zone to work and live, that is, While fighting and pulling, you must give them a way to fight to be effective, otherwise they will be forced to launch terrorist attacks, which will outweigh the gains.”

The lieutenant general also nodded thoughtfully, and Zhuang Chenxiang took advantage of the situation and saw it: "Then there is a question of funding, this battle is fought on the ground of the new special zone, we should raise military rations for the special zone army, but just now Listening to the situation described by the major, there will be more military input in the future, who will come out? There is no more funds in the SAR.”

The lieutenant general has the kind of meaningful smile unique to senior leaders. Bai Haonan couldn't help but learn it quietly. It is estimated that he is not young enough to look like him, especially when he speaks in a tone of voice: "If it is in the name of the government army. On the one hand, it will cause unnecessary international public opinion, and on the other hand, it will also reduce the willingness of the anti-government armed forces to fight head-on. Therefore, it must always carry the name of the SAR coalition forces. The military defense zone can provide officers, training, guns and ammunition and more. equipment, but the military personnel still have to mobilize and prepare for the SAR itself, and we expect to mobilize ten battalions to participate in the war within this year!”

Even Bai Haonan understands that people have to come out of the special zone, and military salaries and food must also be supported by the special zone. The government forces can manage all by themselves. Maybe Bai Haonan still holds the title of the highest military representative, but in fact, no matter from training to commanding The power is all in the hands of the military. It is a typical example of losing the wife and turning the army away, spending one's own money to help others train soldiers!

Where is this warm embrace of a big family? It's a huge pit. No wonder Zhuang Tiancheng and the others are willing to be warlords instead of wholeheartedly relying on the government. So cruel, there are struggles everywhere.

Zhuang Chenxiang's face immediately sank and did not speak, the lieutenant general explained a few words in an official tone, nothing more than that the military would fully support the construction of the special zone, but if it didn't fight like this, the construction of the special zone would be impossible to talk about. These clichés.

Bai Haonan, who had slowly moved to the door again, listened to Qiu Zedong's low voice: "This is why many states are reluctant to give up their armed forces, because once they are handed over, it will be handled by others as they please. Back then, the Soviet Union completely reduced its nuclear weapons. In exchange, it was forced to disintegrate, and Ukraine took the initiative to sell its nuclear strike force, and after becoming a non-nuclear country, it immediately became a battlefield for others, so miserable."

Bai Haonan looked at the woman who was striving to pursue her dream, and sat at the conference table in the command center without saying a word until the lieutenant general who had fully finalized the rainy season offensive was satisfied and decided to dispatch three or four battalions to assist in the early offensive. To return to Hewan and take a helicopter to leave, Zhuang Chenxiang just tried to express her difficulties with a helpless smile and shaking her head.

Originally she had to rush back overnight, but Bai Haonan stopped her. He didn't have to send the Lieutenant General's vehicle away from the barracks because he was crippled with a half-ass. Live here and have a good talk with her about business operations. A penny can beat a hero, isn't it a matter of money? Listen to her idea, maybe you can tell the lieutenant general that the military will try its best Helping you with construction."

  Zhuang Chenxiang's eyes finally lit up: "It's like I'm on my way hungry now, with a plane bomb on my head and countless pursuers behind me. Only you are the one who really helps me at this time."

Bai Haonan is not a young boy who is in love: "To help you, to help Mi'er, and also to help myself, I understand the difficulty of your independent support, but this is the path you chose by yourself, and you can't rely on others, right? This is also what you are teaching me, so no matter what happens between us in the future, you know that I have no bad intentions towards you, and I believe in you as well."

Zhuang Chenxiang looked at Bai Haonan quietly for a while: "Those who are not cruel and can't stand firm, must be cruel enough, you are the kindest part of me..." She actually laughed: "Very good. Well, I think we are a bit like old couples who depend on each other, reminding each other, I'll leave it to you here, I'll go and see what tricks your ex-girlfriend has now."

   Bai Haonan suddenly muttered, Yu Jiali is really not an ex-girlfriend now.

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