Dream Master of Realms

Vol 2 Chapter 827: Allelopathy

"I have never seen a cat tie itself into a knot."

"Have you ever seen a cat turn into a cube?"

"It can also press the blood pack back with his hands. I have never seen a cat with such a strong resilience. It is already immortal!"

"That mouse has almost the same abilities as the cat, but it is much more dexterous."

"Although the mouse has been tossing the cat, the cat's resilience is too strong. There is no question of who will kill it. Not to mention the time for a cup of tea. I think the two of them can fight until they are old."


The people who watched the game did not find the cat and mouse chasing interesting, they saw more terrible things hidden behind them.

These hidden things are enough to change the whole world pattern.


Feeling about half of the mana flow in his body, Li Mu chanted a spell and turned himself into Spike the bulldog. Backhand he grabbed the Tom cat who came to a sudden stop in front of him and threw it into a ball. Drove out.

Then leisurely changed back to the real body, flashing back to Feng Gongzi and Mu Yebing.

The Tom turned into a big sage fell from the air, his legs spread apart, and he performed a Tom cat's master stunt in public, smashing the tree, shocking everyone once again.

All the male gods and monsters present at the scene felt that the lower part of their house was swishing coldly.


A cat can't beat a mouse, even a dog can't beat it?

Nezha's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and he went completely into the horns: "Master Bai, who can defeat you after the 72nd changes?"

The mouse abuse of cats can be regarded as Li Xiaobai's evil taste, arbitrarily changing the relationship between species.

After all, Tom cat has thrown out even the tiger elephant.

But looking back, a big dog appeared and hit the cat again casually.

Nezha couldn't keep up with Li Xiaobai's thoughts.

The mutual growth and restraint between species is completely useless in Li Xiaobai's 72 Transformations.

"There is no one who denies who." Li Mu smiled and glanced at Nezha, "The seventy-two changes after the change are designed to avoid the three plagues and are not suitable for combat. Besides, your body can't learn the art of change! "

"Dr. Banner gave me a physical body in the new body plan, and I can learn the art of change in the future." Nezha said, but then, his face sank, "Damn red boy, wasting our time," If you find a chance, you have to beat them severely."

"Master, when can I learn the Seventy-Two Changes from you?" Chen Xiang ran over and asked expectantly.

The abilities revealed by several masters became more and more miraculous, making Chenxiang more and more indifferent to the power of the gods in the original world.

Ao Chun and Xiaoyu also looked at Li Mu with eager eyes, and were grateful that they really worshipped the right master this time.

"First lay a solid foundation, and you can learn it at any time." Li Mu smiled, not explaining that the cartoonized Seventy-two Transformation would fail after one kilometer away from him.

After this battle with Monkey King, he finally realized the magic of the cartoon-like seventy-two changes. After he used it well, he could not go to the company's skills at all.

far away.

After Jerry disappeared, Monkey King's transformed Tom Cat returned to normal.

But he didn't change back immediately. Instead, he glanced at Li Xiaobai, and tried to become Jerry, Spike, and then into a tree with a weird style, an animated version of the blow fly, and the black cat policeman. The Bald Eagle in Changli...

In the end, he recovered his true body, feeling lost.

The seventy-two changes were completely changed.


"I lost, I'll go with you." Sun Wukong said when he came to Li Xiaobai's face, this time he didn't shame anymore.

Even if Li Xiaobai changed back into a human form before him, there are too many mysteries hidden in the bodies of the three senior Li Xiaobai brothers and sisters.

His curiosity was completely mobilized, regardless of winning or losing.

"Welcome to the Great Sage." Li Mu smiled.

From beginning to end, he didn't want to convince Monkey King.

What he has to do is to show them as different as possible from this world.

Monkey King will naturally be attracted in.

A Monkey King who sincerely joins them will show all his power.


Xiaoyu looked at Monkey King who had joined their team, bit his lip, and clenched his fist, suddenly feeling that revenge was far away.

Chenxiang intimately took Xiaoyu's hand, and softly comforted her in her ear: "It's okay, there's a chance."

Xiaoyu raised her head and glanced at Chenxiang, tears rolling in her eyes a few times: "Agarwood, I feel like I drank less of the fish soup just now."

Sun Wukong's ears and eyes were clear, and he naturally heard these words, turned his head and barked his teeth at Xiaoyu angrily, shuddering in shock, and hid him behind Chenxiang.

"Xiaobai, will the seventy-two changes in the future never change back?" Monkey King approached Li Mu, bumped his shoulder, and asked with a smile.

"No." Li Mu said.

"Don't bluff people." Monkey King scratched the back of his hand, "My old grandson has tried it just now. Everything is so weird, it's not a serious thing at all."

"You will know later." Li Mu said with a smile at him.

Sun Wukong's eyes rolled a few times: "Lao Sun just wanted to ask, how did you manage to change my seventy-two changes?"

"Because I changed the rules of the Three Realms." Li Mu said.

"..." Monkey King was stunned, "Scientific cultivation of immortals?"

"Yes." Li Mu nodded and said with a smile, "The Great Sage is scientific cultivation of immortality. The definition of scientific cultivation of immortality is to analyze all the magic of immortality fundamentally. Familiar with the basic principles of Dao, everyone can create and belong My own unique magic, redefines this world."

"So, the cat may not be a cat, and the mouse may not be a mouse." Monkey King scratched his head and said, "Why do I become a cat and see you become a mouse, so I can't help but want to catch it?"

"It's natural for cats to catch mice." Li Mu smiled at Monkey King, "This is normal."

He also discovered this problem just now.

During the cat and mouse chase, Monkey King seemed to have given up his ability to think and went to catch Jerry with all his heart.

According to Monkey King's thinking, even if he couldn't find a creature to restrain Jerry, at least a mouse would appear exactly the same.

But Tom seemed to be stunned. He didn't do it all the time. He didn't stop until he recovered.

This is actually not normal at all.

Li Mu guessed that Tom Cat’s instinct was too strong, after all, he had been persistently catching Jerry among cats and mice.

This may be a shortcoming of the Seventy-Two Changes of Cartoons. Fortunately, most of the world does not know the peculiar theory of mutual coexistence and restraint in cartoon species.

"It's true that a cat catches a mouse by nature, but there has never been a mouse that can beat a cat so badly." Sun Wukong took an annoyed look at Li Mu and continued to ask, "Also, why can you run through the air while I Will it fall in the middle of the run?"

"Maybe you are not proficient!" Li Mu said, he would not tell Monkey King that Tom and Jerry's hidden attributes are that they must not look down when they are walking in the air.

He wants to keep the hidden skills of anime characters for his own use.

Monkey King would like to ask again.

Li Mu interrupted him: "Great Sage, we can talk about these things after we return to the Jingtan Temple. Now, let's close the end. It's time to rush back. We still have many things to do. It is not suitable to waste time. Here."

"Listen to you, listen to you." Since Sun Wukong agreed to go to Jingtan Temple, he no longer entangled in these trivial matters.

"Friends in the sky, the excitement is about to be seen, shouldn't it be time to show up?" Li Mu smiled and rose into the sky, shouting towards the hidden data looming in the clouds.

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