early morning!

The first ray of sunlight shone in through the crack in the window, and the mottled light and shadow reflected on Yu Liang's face.

Opening his eyes suddenly, a deep feeling of exhaustion and helplessness emerged in his heart.

My heartbeat was pounding, as if it was about to jump out of my chest!

He had a nightmare and felt lingering fear, as if the air around him was filled with traces of fear.

After taking a deep breath, the fear slowly faded from my mind.

Two fingers kept pinching the center of his eyebrows.

Recalling that nightmare, he was walking alone in an endless darkness, surrounded by blurry scenes, as if everything was soaked in cold darkness.

He kept looking for a way out, but no matter how he ran, the darkness around him always followed him, as if to swallow him.

I don't know how long it took, but when he felt extremely depressed and was about to fall into despair!

A bright light suddenly shone above his head, pulling him out of the darkness.

I glanced out the window, the sun was shining brightly, and the birds were singing happily on the branches, as if everything was so calm and peaceful.

Yu Liang got up, entered the bathroom and started washing up.

When he looked at his face in the mirror, it was rosy, delicate and shiny, but the tiredness in his eyes proved that he had not had a good rest last night.

He poured cold water on his face and forced himself to cheer up.


Gently spit out the remaining water stains on your lips.

"If I had known I had gone to bed early last night, I shouldn't have watched that damn ghost movie commentary!"

Seeing that it was almost nine o'clock, Yu Liang quickly packed up and left home.

As soon as he arrived downstairs, he saw several old people sitting in the same building as him sitting beside the flower bed.

"Aunt Wang, Aunt Liu, Uncle Li, good morning!"

Yu Liang greeted them warmly and disappeared before they could respond.

"Xiao Yu overslept again!"

After jokingly scolding, the three of them continued chatting.

Yu Liang ran nearly a hundred meters and came to the gate of the community. The third shop on the left was opened by him: Xiao Yu Mobile Phone Repair.

At this time, a middle-aged woman with disheveled hair was standing at the door, holding several plastic bags of vegetables.

The other party brought the mobile phone to you last night. Yu Liang asked her to open the door and pick it up at 8:30 this morning. It is now 9 o'clock.

When she saw Yu Liang, who had arrived late, she looked dissatisfied.

"Sorry for being late!"

Yu Liang apologized and opened the store door.

The space inside is not large, only seven or eight square meters, and it seems very crowded after placing two tables.

"Hurry up, I have to rush home!"

"Okay, okay!"

Listening to the woman's urging, Yu Liang responded with a smile.

In the center of the messy maintenance desk, there was a mobile phone tied with rubber bands.

After Yu Liang picked it up, he pulled off the rubber band, and a brand new national brand mobile phone came into view.

After wiping it with a clean cloth, he stretched out his hand and handed it to the woman, saying with a smile: "It's as good as ever, one hundred and eighty in total!"

The woman took it and looked it up and down first, then clicked it and tested it. After making sure there was nothing wrong, she said: "One hundred and seventeen!"

After saying that, she was about to pay. Seeing that Yu Liang wanted to refute, she said with a straight face: "It's almost one hundred and seventy. I told you to pick it up at half past eight. You only arrived at nine o'clock, so it's only one hundred and seventy!"

When Yu Liang heard this, he first sighed sadly, and then nodded reluctantly: "Okay, just one hundred and seventeen, who made me late!"

After paying one hundred and seventeen, the middle-aged woman showed a smile and said: "Next time I have a problem with my phone, I will come to you. Let's go!"

After seeing her leave, Yu Liang sat down on the chair and secretly said that it was not easy to make money. The total craft fee was only 80 yuan, but he was shaved off 10 yuan.

He raised his foot and tapped the power button of the computer host with his toe.

I picked up my phone and started watching a short video.

A minute or two later, the computer desktop appeared. Yu Liang kicked off his shoes, controlled the mouse with his feet, skillfully opened the live broadcast software, and entered a room where he often watched game live broadcasts.

"Although it's short, it can rotate, hehehehe!"

"What you see is no longer a game! It's a massacre!"


Listening to the anchor's joking live content, he also opened the 5V5 competitive game on his mobile phone.

Choose a role that you are best at.

At the beginning of the game, Yu Liang relied on his super consciousness to kill enemies one after another in the corner, and won the victory easily.

"Oh, it's so boring and not challenging at all!"

Starting the next game, Yu Liang chose a popular character with many skills, a lot of moves, and was handsome and capable of showing off.

Before he even started, his teammates questioned his choice of role.

"Brother, okay?"

"If it doesn't work, quickly change to something simple!"


"Lie down!"

Yu Liang didn't explain too much and only responded to them with two words.

At the same time, I began to repeat the character's skill release sequence in my mind.

The second person needs to start with the third skill, then use the second skill, basic attack, the third skill, basic attack, the first skill, basic attack, the second skill, normal attack, and the first skill back.

To move to the back row, you need to start with the first skill, then follow up with the second skill, basic attack, and third skill...

At the beginning of the game, Yu Liang quickly took the team's first kill due to his inexperience in releasing skills.

This phenomenon immediately aroused doubts from his teammates.

"Lie down!"

Yu Liang still responded to them with two words.

After sending out three heads one after another, his teammates began to greet him cordially!

"You've already escaped, and you still want to move back according to your skill position?"

"If you don't know how to play, you still have to choose. Wouldn't you be showing off yourself?"


As a veteran on the battlefield, Yu Liang turned a deaf ear to his teammates' greetings and silently reported them!

Before, I was just not proficient in skill release and made a few mistakes.

Now Yu Liang feels that he is almost done practicing.

When his teammates were struggling with the enemy, Yu Liang entered the field from the best angle with his super awareness.

Start with the first skill, then follow up with the second skill, basic attack...

He directly took away the two enemy back rows in one wave.

"Nais, brother, you must have been pretending just now. This move is so awesome!"

His teammates praised Yu Liang without hesitation.


Although Yu Liang only replied with two words, he was already jumping up excitedly at this moment.

In fact, he didn't expect that the skill release just now would be so smooth, with a feeling of extraordinary performance.

"Everyone, hold on, we haven't won yet!"

Seeing his teammates' remarks, Yu Liang immediately sat up and started playing seriously.

Since the previous operation, Yu Liang's control of the character has become more and more powerful, and the enemies on the opposite side were killed by him randomly.

Soon, he was leading his teammates to victory.

"Huh? Why don't you see them praising themselves?"

Yu Liang wondered why his teammates didn't speak. He also wants to enjoy the admiration of his teammates!

after game

After receiving the system prompt, I realized that all my teammates had been banned.

Yu Liang chuckled lightly and then put the matter behind him.

"Oh, why am I so good? Is it because I feel good today?"

"One more!"

The new book opens the way, focusing on reality, supplemented by ten thousand realms, and creating a path of spiritual practice!

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