“Brother Hao, let’s forget about opening a bar!

If you really want to do business honestly, I will teach you a way to make money, which is absolutely formal and makes money faster than ordinary business. "

"What way?"

"Selling medicine for athlete's foot!"

After listening to Yu Liang's suggestion, Pan Hao shook his head in disgust: "How much money can you make from this thing?"

"Don't underestimate athlete's foot. Nine out of ten people have it, and even if it is cured, athlete's foot will come back again, so the market is very big."

"I recommend you a medicine to treat athlete's foot. As long as the market opens up, it will definitely be sold out."

After hearing Yu Liang's story, Pan Hao asked curiously: "Can you tell me more specifically?"

Yu Liang opened his phone and found a brand of disinfectant and showed it to him.

"Look, just buy a few barrels of this brand of disinfectant and put it in your home.

Then buy some small bottles, label them, and mix the disinfectant water directly with some purified water to put them in. It is absolutely effective in treating athlete's foot.

The cost is no more than two yuan. If you sell a bottle for ten yuan or twenty yuan, you can sell dozens or hundreds of bottles a day. The profit is big enough! "

Pan Hao asked suspiciously: "Real or false!"

Yu Liang smiled slightly: "I am not bragging to you, 90% of the medicines for treating athlete's foot on the market are not as effective as what I said. If you don't believe me, you can go back and give it a try first."

Pan Hao lowered his head and thought for a while: "Forget it, selling athlete's foot water is too shameful. I'd better open a bar and be the boss!"

Hearing his answer, Yu Liang shook his head helplessly, and it was difficult to persuade the ghost who was looking for death.

"Then you go do it yourself, and I won't get involved in your affairs."

In fact, the method of making athlete's foot water from disinfectant water was Yu Liang's original plan to use it to make money for himself.

Since Pan Hao didn't like him, Yu Liang was helpless and had to ask him to leave.

I no longer paid attention to his affairs and continued to read leisurely.

"Is Yu Liang here?"

Just after it was quiet for a while, someone came to the door again. From the other person's inquiry, I knew it was not business.

Looking up, I saw an aunt in her fifties or sixties.

"What's up?"

Hearing Yu Liang's answer, the other party immediately smiled and came over enthusiastically: "You must be Xiao Yu, oh, you are so old, you are so handsome."

"I'm your Aunt Feng. I don't know you. I hugged you when I was a child."

Looking at the unfamiliar face in front of him, Yu Liang smiled twice, and then asked: "Aunt Feng, what can I do for you?"

"What can I do? I'm just passing by and stopping by to see you."

"Oh~ Really?"

Yu Liang stood up and invited Aunt Feng to sit down.

After chatting for a few words, the other party revealed the purpose of the trip.

"I heard that you went back to your hometown two days ago!"

"I also cured the old cold leg on your grandma's leg. You are really promising."

"It just so happens that you, Aunt Feng, and I also have this old problem, so you can help me take a look at it."

"Of course it's no problem!"

Yu Liang said with a smile: "It's just that you have to wait for two days."

"I'm currently taking the exam for my medical qualification certificate and plan to open a health care shop. You can come back then."

When she heard that he was going to open a shop, Aunt Feng smiled and praised: "Xiao Yu is really getting more and more promising. He doesn't have a partner yet. I will introduce you to one."

Regarding this enthusiastic Aunt Feng, Yu Liang didn't know what to say for a moment, so he just laughed twice.

"Um, when will this store of yours be able to open?"

"Let's see, it's only happened in the past few months."

"Hey, it's only been a few months, why don't you treat your aunt first?"

"Rheumatism is an old problem. Although it is not life-threatening, it is torturous. If you get better a day earlier, you will suffer less, don't you think?"

"Yeah!" Yu Liang nodded.

Then he said with a sigh: "This medicine is just for treating diseases. It requires a lot of things, and I don't have them yet."

"And some medicines are not only hard to find, but also very expensive."

Hearing Yu Liang talk about money, Aunt Feng's expression changed slightly, and then she asked softly: "How much does this cost?"

"Tens of thousands~"

Yu Liang said exaggeratedly.

"What, tens of thousands!"

Aunt Feng was also shocked when she heard the numbers reported by Yu Liang.

Yu Liang nodded solemnly.

"Yeah, tens of thousands."

"This is still a situation where you can buy medicine. If you can't buy medicine, you won't have any money."

"You know that Wu Laoer from the village next to Xiaoyuzhuang, right?"

Hearing Yu Liang's inquiry, Aunt Feng didn't know whether she really knew him or not, so she nodded.

"He likes to drink wine. Many rich people want to buy his wine at high prices, but he won't sell it."

"He brewed a kind of snake wine, which is particularly good for treating Lao Han's legs. It's only because my grandfather had a good relationship with him.

It was with this hard-earned medicinal wine that I cured my grandma's old cold legs. "

After listening to Yu Liang's story, Aunt Feng, who had always been enthusiastic and smiling, suddenly became cold.

"So that's it, then I'll go take a look too!"

"Xiao Yu, you don't have to send me off."

Before Yu Liang could say anything, Aunt Feng left his shop directly.

"Aunt Feng, when my store opens, you must come and support me~"

Looking at her retreating back, Yu Liang shouted with a smile.

He has already thought about it. If someone comes to him for treatment again, he will shirk the problem and ask them to wait until his shop opens.

It's not that he has a bad heart and asks for tens of thousands of dollars in treatment fees, but that his medical skills are worth the money.

Moreover, unlike villages where generations of proud people live together, in modern times, it is better to collect more money. If you collect less money, trouble will continue!

Continue to guard the shop, and go home to sleep at night.

Early next morning

Before Yu Liang woke up, he was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

He reached out to touch the phone and asked vaguely: "Hey, who is it?"

"Grandson, I am your grandfather."

"Master? Is there anything wrong with calling so early?"

"Are you free today? Come back quickly, I have something to ask you."

Yu Liang glanced at the time on his phone. It was only half past five in the morning: "What's the matter, Master?"

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone. You'll find out when you get back."

"okay, I get it."

After hanging up the phone, although I didn't say anything, Yu Liang had already made a guess.

Get up, wash up, get dressed and go downstairs.

"Why did Xiao Yu get up so early today?"

Several old neighbors downstairs saw him and greeted him with some confusion.

"Go to bed early and get up early for good health!"

Yu Liang responded with a smile, and then went to the stop sign to wait for the bus back to the village.

More than an hour later, Yu Liang returned to Xiaoyuzhuang.

Before she even entered the door, grandma greeted her with a smile: "You came back very quickly. I thought you would have to wait a little longer to get home."

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