Song Yuanqiao never expected

Master, the old man actually accepted this young man who suddenly came to the door today as a registered disciple.

If it passes the test in the future, the Seven Heroes of Wudang will be changed to the Eight Heroes of Wudang.

"Junior brother Yu Liang, meet the head brother!"

"Junior Brother Yu!"

After bowing to each other, Song Yuanqiao asked his seventh junior brother Mo Shenggu to arrange a place for Yu Liang.

Mo Shenggu is Zhang Sanfeng's seventh disciple. He has an upright character. Although he is the youngest among the Seven Heroes of Wudang, he has a young and mature personality.

After he left, Song Yuanqiao was about to say something to his master Zhang Sanfeng, but was interrupted by him reaching out.

"Yuanqiao, how long has it been since Cuishan disappeared?"

"Including this year, it has been eight years!"

"Yes, eight years." Zhang Sanfeng said with emotion:

"Among your seven brothers, the one with the highest talent is Cuishan, but now there is no news!"

"Dai Yan is paralyzed again and his martial arts skills are completely disabled."

"If I no longer serve as my master in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to support Wudang!"

Hearing these words, Song Yuanqiao felt a little ashamed.

Today, the prestige of the Wudang Sect in the martial arts world is all supported by master Zhang Sanfeng alone.

If he were gone, the Wu-Tang Clan might not be able to maintain its current status quo.

At this time, Song Yuanqiao also understood why the master accepted Yu Liang as his disciple.

This boy is not very old, but his level is astonishingly high, which shows how talented he is.

With a little more training, he will definitely become Wudang's second 'Zhang Sanfeng' in the future!

"You first go and investigate his identity. It must be accurate and you can't miss anything."

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard with his hand.

"In the next time, I will carefully consider him from many aspects to see what this person is like."

"Disciple understands!"

After the two of them finished talking, Song Yuanqiao resigned and left to investigate Yu Liang's information.

Yu Liang was led by Mo Shenggu to a small side hall.

"Junior Brother Yu, what do you think of this place?"

"Thank you, Senior Brother Mo. I am quite satisfied with this place."

"That's good, let me take you to visit and introduce other places in Wudang!"

"Thank you so much, Senior Brother Mo!"

Under the leadership of Mo Shenggu, Yu Liang gained a general understanding of the entire Wudang Sect.

And in the process, the two chatted with each other and got a preliminary understanding of each other.

After walking around, Mo Shenggu sent Yu Liang back to his residence: "Junior brother Yu, rest early today. I will come see you tomorrow."

"Senior Brother Mo, walk slowly!"

After Mo Shenggu left, Yu Liang carefully inspected the small courtyard.

A single-family wooden house with a bedroom, living room and study room.

lie down on bed and rest

Recalling today's apprenticeship experience, he did not expect it to go so smoothly. Although he was only a registered disciple, as long as he could stay and learn the inherited knowledge of the Wudang Sect, he did not force himself to formally become a disciple.

rest overnight

Just got up the next day

A Taoist boy brought him food.

After dinner, Mo Shenggu came here: "Junior brother Yu, come with me to see the master!"

"Senior Brother Mo, could you please lead the way?"

Mo Shenggu walked in front, Yu Liang followed behind, and the two came to a mountain pavilion.

I saw Zhang Sanfeng sitting cross-legged at this moment, facing the rising sun, meditating.

Seeing this scene, Yu Liang was shocked: Go ahead, this Zhang Sanfeng is really cultivating immortality!

Although he has not yet practiced Qi Refining, he has studied it countless times.

It is precisely because of this that he still dares not practice.

Because the process of practicing Qi Refining is really too dangerous.

To practice Qi Refining, in addition to being able to receive the infusion of energy from heaven and earth, you must also be able to withstand the impact of the consciousness of heaven and earth.

What is the consciousness of heaven and earth?

Everything has its frequency, and there are so many frequencies between heaven and earth. These frequencies merge and intersect with each other, ultimately forming an energy field of unity between heaven and earth.

The energy field of heaven and earth not only contains majestic energy, but also contains huge information!

What is transmitted through frequency is not only the energy of heaven and earth, but also the information contained in the energy.

If neither physical nor mental conditions are sufficient, practicing Qi refining rashly will lead to death.

Yu Liang looked at Zhang Sanfeng who was breathing out the energy of heaven and earth in front of him.

At this time, he only felt that Zhang Sanfeng had become one with heaven and earth.

Yu Liang knew the dangers contained in such a situation.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng was receiving both physical and spiritual baptism from heaven and earth all the time.

Once something goes wrong, everything will be ruined.

But looking at Zhang Sanfeng's calm and calm look, we can know how high his level is.

Yu Liang and Mo Shenggu stood aside waiting for a long time before Zhang Sanfeng seemed to have woken up, yawned, stretched and stood up.

He looked back at the two of them and said with a smile: "Come on, come on over!"

Yu Liang and Mo Shenggu came to Zhang Sanfeng and bowed respectfully.

"Shenggu, you go down first. Yu Liang and I have something to say."

Hearing this, Mo Shenggu glanced at Yu Liang, then stepped back and left.

"Yu Liang, let me ask you a question. What martial arts have you learned before?"

Yu Liang told him all the martial arts he had learned, including the 'Snake King Magic', without any concealment.

After Zhang Sanfeng listened, he nodded slightly and then started thinking.

After thinking about it, he said: "This "Snake King Magic" is a profound martial arts secret."

"Since you already possess magical skills and have all the necessary martial arts, I don't need to teach you any more martial arts."

"Well, I have some classics that I have collected over the years. They contain explanations that I have annotated casually. They are placed on the fourth bookshelf on the second floor of the Sutra Pavilion. I hope you can gain some insights after reading them!"

After hearing this, Yu Liang replied happily: "Thank you so much, master!"

Seeing his response, Zhang Sanfeng smiled and nodded.


"Disciple, resign!"

After leaving, Yu Liang went straight to the Sutra Pavilion.

The Wudang Sect Scripture Collection Pavilion is a three-story pagoda building containing Taoist classics. The sect has collected various martial arts and Wudang Sect's unique skills.

After Yu Liang entered the Sutra Pavilion, he went straight to the fourth bookshelf on the second floor that Zhang Sanfeng had mentioned.

Seeing the various Taoist classics piled up above, Yu Liang took out a few books and went to the desk nearby to read.

Alongside the obscure Taoist terms in the book, there are Zhang Sanfeng's comments and explanations.

For five days in a row, Yu Liang almost stayed in the Sutra Pavilion, reading these books with Zhang Sanfeng's annotations.

Therefore, Yu Liang had a deeper understanding and understanding of Zhang Sanfeng's handwritten "Tai Chi Sutra" that he had read in Xiaoao.

There are two qi of yin and yang between heaven and earth.

When the two qi of Yin and Yang intersect, wind, clouds, rain, thunder, electricity will be generated...

There are also yin and yang in the human body.

When yin and yang meet, surging Qi can be formed in the body.

This yin and yang energy also has many abilities.

"Tai Chi Sutra" is based on the practice of yin and yang energy.

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