Arrive outside Snake Valley

Yu Liang asked the village leader and others who followed him to guard at the entrance of the valley.

He entered the Snake Valley alone.

The passages in the Snake Valley are criss-crossed, but Yu Liang believes that the giant python Da Zhuang will definitely take the right path.

Sure enough, I found it in the cave at the end.

Its entire body was immersed in the pool. When it saw Yu Liang appear, it immediately raised its snake head and opened its bloody mouth, revealing two sharp fangs.

At this time, the giant python has changed drastically.

The dark scales all over the body fit tightly together, and were silky and round, exuding a metallic luster.

The horny sarcoma on the top of the head had now completely formed a unicorn shape.

Moreover, when it raised the snake's head, its head and neck actually formed a flat shape, like a fish's spread fins.

"I'll go, Da Zhuang, you've changed too much!"

"Come here and let me see!"

Yu Liang took out the flute he brought and played it slowly in his mouth.

Unexpectedly, the flat head and neck of the giant python actually trembled and incited, and also emitted a sound to counter the flute sound played by Yu Liang.

Seeing this, Yu Liang put down the flute in his hand, raised his eyes to look at its huge pupils, and actually felt a cunning gaze in them.

Is this becoming a sperm?

With kindness in his eyes, he slowly approached it, raised his hand slightly and tried to communicate with it: "Da Zhuang, it's me, don't be nervous!"


The giant python suddenly spit out snake letters and rushed towards Yu Liang

Just when he was about to respond, the giant python suddenly turned around and plunged into the pool.

Yu Liang hurriedly took a few steps forward to check, and saw a dark shadow slowly sinking downwards in the deep pool.

"If you know how to run, even if you don't become a spirit, you will still be spiritual!"

After thinking for a moment, Yu Liang dove into the pool and swam down quickly.

The depth of the pool was not as deep as he saw, and he quickly touched the bottom of the pool.

Although there was no light at the bottom of the dark pool, Yu Liang could chase the giant python closely through thermal induction.

I felt the flow of water around me, swam along with the current, and then emerged from an underground river.

Looking up at the surrounding rock walls, there are scattered luminous ores, dotted like stars in the dark cave.

"I didn't expect this pool to be connected to such a place."


The giant python in front was continuing to swim along the underground river, and Yu Liang hurried to catch up.

I don’t know how long this underground river is, as if it has no end.

For safety reasons, he stopped and did not intend to continue chasing.

Seeing the giant python disappear in front, Yu Liang sighed and turned back.

Returning to the bottom of the pool, when Yu Liang was about to go up, his swinging hands accidentally touched a round object.

He held it up with his hands and touched it, and the model of this round thing appeared in his mind, a skull.

Yu Liang tried to explore again, and soon found several other bones.

Whose corpse would appear here?

Salvage all the bones.

At the edge of the pool, Yu Liang pieced together the entire corpse, then stood aside and kept looking at it.

There's something strange about this corpse.

His spine actually has thirty-three sections.

A normal adult has only twenty-six vertebrae.

These include seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae, one sacrum, and one coccyx.

But his sacrum has five pieces and his coccyx has four.

Moreover, his tailbone is too long, which is equivalent to having an extra short tail behind his butt.

Thirty-three spines. Who has thirty-three spines? Newborn!

A newborn's spine has thirty-three segments, but as age increases, the cervical, lumbar and sacral vertebrae gradually mature and the number of vertebrae gradually decreases, eventually forming a twenty-six-segment spine.

This fusion makes the spine more stable and better able to support the body.

Yu Liang looked at the skeleton and thought about it.

If he guessed correctly, the owner of this skeleton should be the previous Miao Snake King.

Then why does his spine have thirty-three joints? And the tailbone is so long.

Yu Liang guessed that the reason was probably because he practiced the Snake King Divine Art.

The Snake King Magic Skill imitates the biological energy field of the strange snake.

Under its influence, the body undergoes such reverse growth changes.

Yu Liang doesn't know the disadvantages, but he can point out two advantages.

First, the thirty-three-section spine can make the human body more flexible and flexible.

Second, the thirty-three-section spine can produce stronger strength. Just like a whip, the power of the whip increases exponentially with each length.

"I didn't expect that this is not only the place where the previous Snake King left his legacy, but also the place where he was buried."

Yu Liang sighed for a moment, collected his bones, dug a pit aside, and buried him.

Just when he was about to put his head into the pit, Yu Liang suddenly discovered something abnormal in the gap inside his head.

I dug it out with my hands and saw that it was an ultra-thin copper sheet about the size of a square inch.

"This is the receiver!"

This is the second time Yu Liang has seen this kind of ultra-thin copper sheet in the human skull.

Last time I went to the Western Regions, I met a group of tomb robbers on the way. They took out the head of a monk from the pagoda, with an ultra-thin copper piece embedded in it.

Although one is in the south of the sky and the other is in the north of the earth, it is difficult for Yu Liang not to associate them with the same thing and the same operation.

"Could this be a secret technique?"

After thinking for a moment, Yu Liang continued to bury the body and took the copper piece removed from the skull with him.

He glanced back at the pool and sighed again.

The giant python entered the underground river and disappeared. It may be difficult to find its trace in the future.

Watching helplessly as the ninth level Snake King magic power disappears

Yu Liang didn't hesitate to guess that the previous Snake King's magical power was only at the eighth level but not at the ninth level. Could the reason be the same as his?

Turn around and leave Snake Valley.

The village leader and others who were waiting at the entrance of the valley came up to ask how the situation was.

Yu Liang shook his head slightly: "I saw the snake king Gu, but it had developed a spirit and escaped."

Hearing him say that the Snake King Gu gave birth to spirituality, everyone immediately started talking.

"Please inform me. Snake King Gu can just pay attention to it at ordinary times. There is no need to spend a lot of time looking for it."

After giving an explanation, Yu Liang and everyone returned to the Miao Village.

"Husband, how is it?"

Seeing him coming back, Shuixiang stepped forward and asked.

"Oh, let it run away."

Seeing his sigh, Shuixiang said comfortingly:

"Just run away. Don't you still have Cui Ji? If you don't like it, just catch another one. There's no need to work so hard."

Hearing this, Yu Liang raised his head and stared at Shuixiang.

"What's wrong, husband, did I say something wrong?"

Yu Liang said with a smile: "No, you are right, just run away, I will just catch another one!"

If he can cultivate one giant python, he can cultivate a second one.

If it ran away due to lack of experience the first time, then this problem will not happen again the second time.

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