Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 133 Distinguish gold by listening to sounds

Yu Liang asked some more questions about forging, and Zhang Kai answered them one by one.

Feeling that it was almost done, Yu Liang said: "Martial nephew, if you have anything to do, go ahead and get busy. Then I will get to know you better."

"Then, my nephew, I'll take my leave first. If you need anything, my uncle, just call me!"

Watching Zhang Kai leave, Yu Liang began to prepare weapons.

The Yitian Sword is made of black iron, which is a high-quality alloy material.

Yu Liang does not have black iron, but he can make steel through the 'steel pouring method', and then use the 'hundred steel making' and 'forging with steel' to create high-quality composite steel that is no less than black iron.

Ordinary repeated beating can only change the shape of the iron, remove impurities, and improve the hardness and quality of the iron.

However, hammering cannot directly turn iron into steel, because steel is an alloy containing a certain amount of carbon and requires a specialized smelting process.

The 'steel filling method' is to mix pig iron and wrought iron in a certain proportion, heat them and repeatedly forge and fold them to mix the pig iron and wrought iron into one body to achieve steel with uniform composition, dense structure and good performance.

'Bai Lian Steel' involves repeatedly folding and forging steel, which is characterized by repeated heating and forging. Repeated forging can eliminate inclusions in the steel and reduce the size of the remaining inclusions, thereby making the composition more uniform and the structure more uniform. It densifies, refines the grains and improves the properties of steel.

The last step is 'steel-clip forging', where steel is sandwiched between iron and forged to fuse the steel and iron together to obtain a composite steel with excellent properties.

Weapons made of this composite steel will retain the toughness of iron and the hardness of steel.

A combination of strength and softness is the best material!

In the entire forging process, the ratio between pig iron, wrought iron, and steel is particularly important.

The specific proportion is a secret that is not told.

Even in modern times, the proportions in which steel is made are a secret among secrets.

The method is there, but there is no data.

Therefore, Yu Liang could only obtain the ratio by forging it himself, and while constantly trying and making mistakes, he also used first-hand data to deduce.

As for how to obtain the data?

Yu Liang uses the ‘listening technique’.

Different metals make different sounds.

This is because different types of metals have different internal structures and chemical compositions, and these differences lead to different frequencies and waveforms of the sound waves produced when struck, thus producing different sounds.

For example, iron with a higher carbon content is generally harder and therefore produces a crisper sound when struck, whereas iron with a lower carbon content is softer and may produce a duller sound when struck.

Iron and steel have different timbres. The knocking sound of steel is crisper, while the knocking sound of iron is hoarse. Their type can be determined by identifying characteristics such as the crispness of the sound and the length of the echo.

Yu Liang has already mastered the data of Yitian Sword, which is equivalent to him having a benchmark parameter, and he only needs to forge it according to this standard.

Pick up a piece of iron, knock it first and listen to the sound, then throw it into the fire and burn it. Keep pulling the bellows to increase the intensity of the fire.

When the iron block turns red, take it out, place it on the anvil and beat it with hammer after hammer.

Yu Liang would write down the sound of each hammer strike as first-hand data.

in the following days

Yu Liang basically spends most of every day in the smelting cabinet, forging iron.

His strange behavior became a topic of conversation among the disciples of the Wudang Sect.

Yu Liang's powerful swordsmanship is obvious to everyone, so they don't think that Yu Liang's blacksmithing behavior is just a simple hobby.

Instead, I think it is a secret technique of cultivation.

By forging the sword yourself, you strengthen the connection between yourself and the sword, thereby improving your swordsmanship.

Since this news spread, a blacksmithing trend has quietly started within the Wu-Tang Clan.

Many people also want to improve their swordsmanship in this way.

Even Yu Lianzhou couldn't help but come to ask Yu Liang, whether this blacksmithing practice method is real?

Hearing his inquiry, Yu Liang couldn't help but smile: "Brother, where did you hear this statement?"

"Ever since you frequented the weapon refining room, it has spread within the Wudang Sect." Yu Lianzhou replied.

Yu Liang shook his head slightly: "Brother, don't listen to these rumors. I went to the weapon refining room to forge iron just because I wanted to make a handy weapon myself. It's not as mysterious as the rumors say!"


Although Yu Liang listened to Yu Liang's explanation, Yu Lianzhou was still a little skeptical.

Seeing this, Yu Liang chuckled twice.

"Hey, if you don't believe it, you can ask the master."

"If there is such a way of cultivation, Master, he must have heard of it, right?"

"It makes sense!" In this way, Yu Lianzhou firmly believed that Yu Liangzhen was just making weapons.

"In that case, senior brother, please leave first, don't bother junior brother!"

Seeing Yu Lianzhou leaving, Yu Liang's thoughts began to come alive.

Forge, practice swordsmanship!

This really may not be a method of cultivation.

There is an old saying: You can know the sound by playing a thousand tunes, and you can know the weapon by observing a thousand swords!

If he had really made tens of thousands of swords by himself, and with his own understanding of swords, he would definitely be able to make great strides in swordsmanship.

This method of cultivation is similar to accumulating knowledge.

Isn't it because some people have read too many books and relied on their profound knowledge to become extremely powerful in a very short period of time?

But how many people in this world can endure it, day after day, year after year, just to increase their own heritage?

After sighing in his heart, Yu Liang stopped thinking and continued to complete his task of blacksmithing.

During this period of time, he has accumulated a lot of data, and many proportion formulas have appeared in the interior analysis and deduction. Now he is getting closer to his goal.

When Yu Liang walked to the door of the refining room, a disciple stopped him.

"Uncle Master, the Patriarch asked you to see him."

"The Patriarch is looking for me? Okay, I understand!"

Yu Liang turned around and went to where Zhang Sanfeng lived.

He came to the door and knocked softly: "Master, disciple Yu Liang is here."

"come in!"

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's response, Yu Liang gently opened the door and saw him sitting on the futon in the center, meditating with his eyes closed.

"Master, why did you ask this disciple to come here?"

Zhang Sanfeng slowly opened his eyes and said softly: "I have studied the "Evil Sword Manual" for many days. Although I have gained some knowledge, I cannot make up for the shortcomings in it. As a result, this Zhiyang martial arts is useless. Otherwise, the child will not be able to learn."

Hearing this, Yu Liang felt a little disappointed. He thought that with Zhang Sanfeng's ability, he could repair the "Evil Sword Manual". It seemed that he was too optimistic.

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