Shaolin and Wudang are not far apart.

It only takes a few days to reach Songshan from Wudang Mountain.

Yu Liang and Zhang Sanfeng crossed the Han River from the mouth of the river to Nanyang, then headed north to Ruzhou, and then westward to Songshan Mountain.

The two came to Shaoshi Mountain, tied their horses under a tree, and walked up the mountain.

Zhang Sanfeng can be regarded as revisiting an old place. The scenes from the past are still vivid in his mind. He can't help but recall that more than 80 years ago, Master Jue Yuan picked up a pair of iron burdens and took Lady Guo and him to escape from Shaolin.


Seeing him let out a long sigh, Yu Liang asked what happened?

"It's okay, let's go up the mountain!"

Arrive at the gate of Shaolin Temple

The two gatekeepers put their hands together and asked them, "Amitabha, what are you doing with these two donors?"

Zhang Sanfeng returned the greeting and said: "Excuse me, please tell me that Zhang Sanfeng is here from Wudang Mountain and wants to see Master Abbot."

The two monks were shocked when they heard Zhang Sanfeng's name, and looked at him together. They saw that he was unusually tall, with silver beard and hair, and a rosy and smooth face.

I secretly thought in my heart, haven’t Wudang and Shaolin always been at odds? Why did Zhang Sanfeng suddenly visit? Could it be that he is here to cause trouble?

Not daring to delay, the two monks flew back to the temple to report.

After waiting for a while, no one came out to greet him, so Yu Liang said to Zhang Sanfeng: "Master, just wait here. I'll be right back!"

Zhang Sanfeng knew what he wanted to do, but he didn't stop him and just told him to be careful.

Yu Liang nodded, then left the place and found a secluded place. Seeing no one around, he climbed over and entered the Shaolin Temple.

Before coming, Yu Liang had already figured out the terrain of Shaolin while chatting with Zhang Sanfeng.

After knowing the direction, we went straight to the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple.

At this time, most of the monks in the temple had been attracted by Zhang Sanfeng at the door. Only scattered monks could be seen along the way, so Yu Liang easily arrived at the Sutra Pavilion.

“Shaolin Temple Sutra Pavilion, I don’t know how many people have visited here from ancient times to the present!”

I sighed in my heart, then tiptoed from the corner to the open window on the second floor, and got in carefully.

Hiding behind a pillar, he looked sideways at the situation inside the Sutra Pavilion.

I saw an old gray-robed monk sweeping slowly with a broom.

The sweeping monk of the Sutra Pavilion?

Yu Liang's head tightened.

He immediately checked his condition and found that the heat source on his body was as weak as the afterimage of a candle in the wind.

I thought to myself, it seems that I am overthinking it, why are there so many ‘sweeping monks’ in the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple!


Yu Liang imitated bird calls.

Hearing the noise, the gray-robed monk looked up and found nothing. When he turned back, a ring pendant appeared in front of him at some point, and he was confused for a moment.

"Tell me, apart from you, is there anyone hiding in this Scripture Pavilion?"


"Where are the seventy-two stunts of Shaolin?"

"There are no seventy-two unique skills in the Sutra Pavilion."

"No? If the martial arts secret books are not placed in the Sutra Pavilion, then where should they be placed?"

"Martial arts secrets are guarded by the directors of each hospital!"

Grandma’s, it’s all for nothing!

"What kind of Shaolin martial arts have you learned?"

"Shaolin Changquan and Arhat Fist!"

With the mentality that thieves never leave empty-handed, Yu Liang asked about Shaolin Changquan and Luohan Quan from his mouth, and then returned the same way.

When he came to Zhang Sanfeng, the people from the Shaolin Temple hadn't come out to greet him yet.


"How about it?"

"Hey, there's nothing. It's empty."

Hearing Yu Liang's answer, Zhang Sanfeng thought thoughtfully: "It seems that after so many years of changes, Shaolin has paid more attention to the strict protection of martial arts."

Thinking back on it, Yu Liang felt that this was the case. Everyone in the martial arts knew the saying, "The world's martial arts originated from Shaolin."

The Buddhist Scripture Pavilion of Shaolin Temple is so crowded in and out by outsiders that it has almost become a public toilet.

In addition, people like Jue Yuan, Zhang Sanfeng, Huo Gong Tou Tuo, etc., shouldn't their martial arts be taken care of?

After waiting for a while, Abbot Kong Wen of Shaolin Temple came out with his junior brothers Kong Zhi and Kong Xing.

Behind the three of them, there were five old monks wearing dark yellow monk robes.

These five old guys were not simple at first glance. Yu Liang asked Zhang Sanfeng in a low voice: "Master, who are these five people?"

Zhang Sanfeng also whispered back: "They should be the protectors of Bodhidharma Academy. They are higher than Abbot Kongwen. They only study martial arts in the temple and never ask about foreign affairs."

"Master Zhang came to Shaolin and I don't know why?"

Kongwen, the abbot of Shaolin Temple, held a Zen staff and asked with a serious face.

Zhang Sanfeng replied with a smile: "When I served Master Jue Yuan, I was taught the 'Nine-Yang Magic'. However, I didn't learn all of it when I was young. I still regret it, so I would like to ask for advice on your sect's 'Shaolin Nine-Yang Magic'." "."

After hearing that Zhang Sanfeng was plotting his own unique skills, Kongxing yelled:

"Zhang Sanfeng, we know how powerful you are, but we are not afraid of you. There are thousands of monks in the Shaolin Temple, and if they all swarm you, you may not be able to defeat the Shaolin Temple."

Hearing his confident words, Yu Liang couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, looked at him intently, and thought to himself: Brother, are you talking about human words?

You are the first person I have ever seen who can speak soft words so harshly.

At the same time, Yu Liang took a look at Kong Xing's hand that was half hidden in his sleeve. The six fingers that he had originally cut off were now replaced with six metal fingers.

Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile: "Don't misunderstand me, what Pindao said about asking for advice is really asking for advice.

Just because I am a poor practitioner of the "Nine-Yang Magic Technique" passed down by my ancestors, there are many incomprehensible problems and incompleteness.

The eminent monks in Shaolin are extremely skilled in cultivation. If they can give you advice without hesitation, so that a poor man can learn the great truth, he will be grateful and disrespectful. "

With that said, Zhang Sanfeng saluted everyone in Shaolin.

Zhang Sanfeng's words greatly exceeded everyone's expectations in Shaolin Temple.

It was expected that he, Zhang Sanfeng, would have unparalleled miraculous powers, establish a sect, and be invincible for decades.

In today's martial arts world, his reputation and status are so high that no one can match him. He never expected that he would come to Shaolin for advice today.


Kong Wen, the master of Shaolin Temple, returned the greeting and said, "Zhenren Zhang has incredible magical powers. Why should he ask for advice from us, the 'last generation of Shaolin'?"

Zhang Sanfeng continued: "Pindao is willing to exchange the 'Wudang Nine Yang Kung' and 'Wudang Pure Yang Kung' he created with the 'Shaolin Nine Yang Kung' of your sect. What do you think?"

After hearing these words, Kong Wen, Kong Zhi and Kongxing were somewhat moved.

But at this moment, one of the five Dharma Protectors of the Bodhidharma Academy spoke.


"Host, how many Shaolin skills do I have?"

Kong Wen replied: "Seventy-two gates."

"How many subjects has the host learned now? How many subjects are he proficient in?"

"Amitabha, I have enlightened!"

When they first heard the Dharma Protector of Bodhidharma Academy speak, Yu Liang and Zhang Sanfeng knew that it was impossible to change their martial arts.

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