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Huzi returned to the village after receiving the message from his fifth uncle.

I haven't seen him for several years. He was originally a thin and dark man, but now he has grown into a young and strong young man.

When Yu Liang saw him for the first time, he didn't recognize him for a while.

"God Sect Yu Hu, pay homage to the envoy Yu!"

Looking at Hu Zi who was saluting him respectfully, Yu Liang replied angrily: "You brat, I haven't even recognized Brother Yu since we haven't seen you for a few years!"


Hearing this, Huzi laughed with a serious face: "Aren't I afraid that Brother Xiao Yu will say that I have no rules and have lost my etiquette!"

Having joined the divine sect, he knows very well what weight the word 'Yu Liang' holds in the world today.


"Why didn't you show so much etiquette when you were following me?"

Hearing Yu Liang's answer, Hu Zi no longer hesitated and said openly: "Brother Yu, how did you become so powerful?"

"Now your reputation has been spreading throughout the world. You are the leader of the Kunlun Sect, the Sword Master of Japan, the abbot of Shaolin, the leader of Wudang, and Feng Qingyang of Huashan. You are recognized as the best in the world!"

Seeing Hu Zi looking at him with admiration, Yu Liang waved his hand slightly and said calmly: "It's just a basic operation, no need to make a fuss."

"Brother Xiao Yu, do you have any cultivation secrets?"



Meeting Hu Zi's expectant eyes, Yu Liang chuckled and said: "Read more, eat more, concentrate on practicing and sleep more; get angry less, quarrel less, think more and worry less!"

"Ah, what kind of cultivation secret is this?"

Hearing Yu Liang's answer, Huzi looked disappointed.

Patting his shoulder lightly, Yu Liang replied earnestly: "You don't understand it now, but when you reach my level, you will realize how reasonable this sentence is!"

Hearing this, Huzi nodded in understanding.

In fact, this sentence can be summed up in twelve words: be strict with yourself, be self-restrained and cautious, and be kind and sincere!

Yu Liang asked some more questions about daily life. Is there anything you don't like?

Huzi replied with a smile, his life is quite good now, and everyone in the cult takes special care of him.

He also knew very well that the reason why these people were like this was because of his relationship with Yu Liang.

Hearing Huzi's answer, Yu Liang nodded slightly, thinking that this kid was not just ignorant, and then he warned:

"If they treat you well, you can go on with peace of mind. But remember one thing: no matter what they ask you to do or what they ask you to promise them, you must keep an eye on it."

"If something really happens, you can compromise first. Don't bear it and lose your life in vain. If anything happens next, come to Brother Xiao Yu and I will help you solve it!"

Hearing these words, Huzi nodded emotionally.

Later, Yu Liang asked him what skills he had learned in the Sun and Moon Sect?

Huzi scratched his head in embarrassment: "It's just some simple medical skills and two superficial martial arts."

"What kind of martial arts? Show me!"

Taking two steps back, Huzi showed off what he had learned.

Inhale~exhale~qi sinks into the Dantian...

A simple breathing technique.

After adjusting the breath, he started to develop a skilled boxing technique.

Yu Liang took a look, wasn't this Bajiquan? This is what he taught Hu Zi back then.

After Huzi finished his punch, he asked him, "Isn't this the punch I taught you? Didn't you learn other martial arts moves in the Sun Moon God Sect?"

Huzi replied with a smile: "I learned it, I learned the 'Iron Palm'!"

"But after I heard about Brother Xiao Yu's reputation, I gave up the 'Iron Palm' and concentrated on studying the boxing skills you taught me!"

"Silly boy!"

Hearing his answer, Yu Liang couldn't help but feel a little funny. He really didn't know whether to call him smart or stupid.

Close your eyes and meditate.

Since Huzi wanted to practice the martial arts he had entrusted to him, he would simply improve the Bajiquan and teach it to him.

Seeing him deep in thought, Huzi stood aside quietly and waited, not daring to disturb him.

"Bajiquan" itself has a very high intention. In the interior scene, Yu Liang improved it into a unique skill with just a little deduction.

After the deduction, he opened his eyes and looked at Hu Zi.

"The boxing technique I taught you before was not complete. Now, I will teach you the complete boxing technique."

Hearing this, Huzi replied excitedly: "Thank you so much, Brother Xiaoyu!"


"'Between heaven and earth, there are eight extremes of Kyushu.' This boxing method is called "Bajiquan", which means the eight directions are far away!"

"Bajiquan's moves pursue strong, unpretentious and rapid force. Fight, help, squeeze, rely on, collapse, and shake. It emphasizes taking every inch and hitting hard...

The head and feet are the universe, the shoulders, knees, elbows and hips are the four directions, the arms are facing each other front and back, and the Dantian Baoyuan is in the center...

The force is exerted on the heel, traveling on the waist, and penetrating the fingertips. The momentum is like shaking the arms and hitting the sky, and stomping the feet to shake the nine states!


After teaching it once, Yu Liang asked Hu Zi, who looked shocked, "Did you remember it?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, Huzi quickly shook his head: "No."

"Then how much do you remember?"

Huzi replied awkwardly: "I didn't remember a word of it."

"You didn't remember a word? Then what were you doing just now?"

Seeing that he was embarrassed to answer, Yu Liang shook his head slightly, sighed and said, "Okay, I'll teach you again, please listen carefully!"

"This boxing technique is called Bajiquan..."

To be honest, Huzi's talent was really average. Yu Liang taught him seven or eight times in a row but he still couldn't remember it. In the end, he used hypnosis to force him to remember it.

"Remember, don't tell anyone in the future that I taught you this boxing technique."


Why? Shame on you!

Yu Liang just glanced at Huzi and did not say this.

"Go ahead, go back to the logistics and practice more. If you can practice to perfection, you will have a place in this world."

"Thank you, Brother Xiao Yu!"

Huzi replied happily and turned to leave.

Looking at his back, Yu Liang sighed: With his qualifications, I'm afraid he will never achieve success in this life.

Sure enough, he made the right choice to abandon martial arts and pursue medicine!

Living in the village for more than two months

The village leader and other Miao people came to look for Yu Liang.

They were not here to urge Yu Liang to go back, but to accompany him.

Yu Liang's identity is the Snake King of the Miao people. Although he does not do anything, his role is to rule over the Miao people in his name.

Among those mountains and mountains, the Miao people are a force with a very loose structure based on villages.

The name "Snake King" brings scattered villages together, allowing the entire Miao people to develop better.

Yu Liang, the Snake King, can leave, but he cannot break away from the Miao people.

The village owner said that if Yu Liang did not want to return to the Miao village to live, they would build a branch village here.

Yu Liang thought about it and decided to forget it. If he wanted to go back to the village, he could come back often.

There are too many things involved in the Miao people coming out of Sichuan.

Therefore, he returned to Miao Village with water fragrance.

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