Just when Yu Liang was immersed in the study of Feng Shui, his grandfather suddenly called and told him that his grandfather had passed away.


Yu Liang recalled the great grandfather who taught him hard qigong and asked when did this happen?

On the phone, grandpa replied that he died three nights ago while sleeping, and tomorrow was the day of the funeral. Grandpa asked Yu Liang to come back to attend the funeral.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Liang immediately took the car back.

When he saw his grandfather at home, Yu Liang asked, "Grandpa, my uncle passed away three days ago. Why didn't you tell me earlier?"


Grandpa sighed and replied: "He died three nights ago, but he was only discovered yesterday."

Hearing this, Yu Liang was stunned for a moment.

Then I remembered that most of the old people in the village lived alone.

The children are busy working outside, the grandchildren are in school, and the death at home cannot be discovered immediately. Thinking of this, I can't help but feel a little sad.


"Let me go and take a look!"

Yu Liang turned around and went to his uncle's house.

Both pairs of his children have come back from other places, and the mourning hall is quite lively.

Looking at the black and white photos on display, Yu Liang stared at them for a moment, then stepped forward to burn a few pieces of yellow paper and kowtowed four times.

He didn't know many people here, so he didn't stay long after worshiping and returned home.

As long as a person lives, the vegetation and trees will fall, coming like wind and rain, and going away like fine dust.

Time is the biggest enemy in the world!

Looking at the grandparents in front of him, he thought that they would soon leave him.

And although he has great opportunities now, he only has a hundred years.

Unwillingness arose in my conscience!

Suddenly I remembered what Master Ma Wu once said, above the masters are Peng Zu and Lu Zu!

Peng Zu lived for eight hundred years, and Lu Zu soared on a crane!

In terms of cultivation, he even accomplished what Lu Zu couldn't do, so why couldn't Yu Liang be like them?

Practice and become an immortal!

After thinking about it, Yu Liang strengthened his belief that he wanted to be immortal!

The second day.

After attending his grandfather's funeral, Yu Liang returned to the county town.

At home, he set up an 'electromagnetic field' training field, which was actually a circle surrounded by wires.

When the wire is energized, when the current passes through the coil, the electric field changes and a corresponding magnetic field is produced.

Yu Liang sat cross-legged in the training field, and by changing the size of the current, the magnetic field generated was the same as the magnetic field of his own body.

When two magnetic fields have the same frequency, they will interact, causing magnetic field energy to be transferred between them.

By slightly increasing the current, the magnetic field generated increased slightly, and Yu Liang's human body's magnetic field also increased accordingly.

When the temperature increased a little, Yu Liang suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and stopped quickly.

"Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought!"

Yu Liang's magnetic field cultivation method completely makes use of his ability to "one certificate lasts forever".

Strengthening one's own magnetic field through external forces, but this method of direct improvement, compared with the method of stimulating the body to strengthen, will cause disorders of various body functions and systems, but it only needs to be properly controlled and restored and adjusted. .

Looking at the time, it was time to go to work, and Yu Liang went to the store.

After get off work, my body has recovered and I can go home and continue practicing!

Improve a little at a time, slowly but constantly.

two months later

Yu Liang's human body magnetic field strength was finally able to show a little of his extraordinary abilities.

Opening your palms, a dozen iron filings scraped from the iron pipe floated a few centimeters above the palms of your hands.

Although it is only a few centimeters, it is a big improvement!


Under the control of Yu Liang's thoughts, these dozen iron filings slowly rotated, condensing and dispersing under his control.

In addition, the enhanced magnetic field also greatly improved Yu Liang's physical strength.

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!"

Yu Liang is now full of confidence. As long as he keeps improving like this, the situation will change and the planet will reverse in the blink of an eye, and he will really become a god-like existence.

Just when he was still immersed in ordinary practice, his parents who had been doing business outside suddenly came back.

When he came back, he didn't tell Yu Liang in advance and just showed up in his store.

Entering the store and seeing that the store that was originally a mobile phone repair shop had turned into a traditional Chinese medicine health center, Yu Liang's father asked doubtfully: "Er, why has your store changed?"

"Mom and Dad, when did you come back?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Yu Liang hurriedly greeted him.

"Tell me first, what is going on in this store?"

Hearing his father's question and seeing his mother's confused look, Yu Liang replied with a smile: "It's not like you can't make money repairing mobile phones, so I thought about changing to another industry."

"There is an old saying, if you move a tree, you will die, but if you move a person, you will live."


Dad immediately replied: "It depends on where you move."

"Do you know about traditional Chinese medicine? It's passed down from our ancestors. Eight generations of Lao Yu's family haven't had a single doctor. Where did you get the ancestral skills?"

Hearing this, Yu Liang chuckled: "This is just a gimmick, don't take it seriously."

"Besides, I'm a serious doctor, a licensed one, so I have no problem opening a shop."

"License? Where did you get the license? It's dangerous to forge this thing, in case someone finds out!"

"Dad, where are you thinking?"

Yu Liang interrupted his father's random speculation and explained: "I took the exam myself, it's formal."

With that said, he took out the certificate from the drawer and handed it to his father to see.

"Hey, it's true. My son has a future. He can be a doctor. He is indeed my son!"

Seeing his father's proud smile, Yu Liang curled his lips.

"How is the business of this store?" Mom asked.

"That's okay!"

"By the way, Mom, why are you back suddenly? Don't you and Dad usually not come back until the Chinese New Year?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, my father sighed: "It's hard to do business outside now. I haven't made a dime in half a year and I've lost a lot of money. Instead of wasting it outside, it's better to go home early and think of something else to do." .”


Just when Yu Liang was about to say something, an old customer came to the door.

When my mother saw that there was business, she naturally stepped forward to receive the reception.

"Hello, welcome, what would you like to order?"

"Mom, let me do it!"

After Yu Liang finished massaging an old customer, the customer left in a hurry as if something was wrong.

When my father saw that he only massaged for three minutes and the other party left before paying, he asked in confusion: "What's going on?"

"Bad service, ran away?"

Yu Liang explained with a smile: "My ancestral massage program only lasts three minutes, and this customer is a member of my store, so the massage is free."

"Just three minutes? Return the membership? How much does it cost to recharge the membership?"

"Not much, six thousand one year!"

Upon hearing this amount, both my parents were shocked and thought to themselves: Weird, this is such a stupid person with so much money!

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