Qingyang Palace

Look at the giant python holding its head high and swallowing a golden inner elixir under the moonlight.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Yu Liang wouldn't have believed it was true.

He has always kept the inner elixir of the giant python.

And these old Taoists actually refined and recreated an 'inner elixir' for it.

Fortunately, the giant python doesn't look smart at the moment. Presumably this artificial inner elixir does not have the function of memory storage.

"Master Taixing, can you tell me how you did it?"

Seeing the shocked look on Yu Liang's face, Master Taixing proudly stroked his beard and said with a smile: "This is the 'golden elixir' technique, and it is a secret that is not passed down by my Taoist family. However, layman Yu wants to know, the old Taoist can do it for You explain a thing or two!”

"Please give me some advice from a real person!"

Yu Liang bowed his hands and saluted, Master Taixing said slowly.

The origin of the golden elixir technique comes from the Taoist pursuit of immortality.

With subsequent development, it was gradually divided into 'outer alchemy' and 'inner alchemy'.

If gold is made, the world can be saved. If gold cannot be made, life cannot be secured!

External alchemy can be traced back to before the Qin and Han dynasties.

Eating gold is like gold, eating jade is like jade, and eating in ancestral stoves can bring about objects, and cinnabar can be turned into gold, and gold can be used as eating utensils to increase longevity.

Golden elixir is a thing, and the longer it is burned, the more wonderful the changes will be. When gold is put into fire, it will be refined a hundred times, but if it is buried, it will be immortal forever. Taking these two things can refine people's bodies, so they can make people immortal.

The method is to mysteriously refine some ores and medicines and then consume them.

Therefore, it is divided into lead-mercury faction, sulfur-mercury faction and gold sand faction.

The Gold Sand Sect advocates taking gold, gold liquid and cinnabar, believing that its golden energy can lead to immortality and longevity.

The mercuricists advocate the reaction of sulfur and mercury to produce mercury sulfide, which then sublimates and crystallizes into cinnabar.

Because lead and mercury were used to make elixirs, a poisonous mixture of mercury oxide and lead oxide was made, which caused many nobles, bureaucrats, and emperors who took the elixirs to be poisoned to death, so the art of external elixirs declined.

Later, inner alchemy emerged.

Based on the theory of "the human body is a small world" and "the unity of nature and man, and the correspondence between nature and man", we conduct life cultivation.

Using the human body as a cauldron, one can cultivate "jing, qi, spirit", etc. to form elixirs in the body to achieve the goal of strengthening the body, improving the life functions of the human body, and thus "becoming an immortal".

It is too difficult to practice inner alchemy, and only a few people have mastered it over the past thousands of years, so Taoists have turned their attention back to outer alchemy.

Although external alchemy has killed many people, it is undeniable that it has merits.

Therefore, Taoists combined the outer alchemy and inner alchemy into one.

Huangbaizhu, which makes medicinal gold and medicinal silver, is called Diyuan Lingdan.

The thing made from the essence of the sun, the moon, and the innate air is called the Tianyuan Divine Pill.

The thing refined from the earth element is used as a "divine chamber" to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon to form the heavenly essence elixir.


After listening to Master Taixing's introduction, Yu Liang was even more shocked because the practice of 'Golden Alchemy' was so similar to his current practice.

Isn’t the inner elixir formed by the giant python devouring the jade the outer elixir?

Isn't it the inner elixir that imitates the python's inner elixir, uses itself as the energy source, and cultivates it into the human elixir?

If he could learn this Taoist 'golden elixir technique', he would definitely be able to perfect the tenth level of the 'Snake King Magic' he created.

Yu Liang bowed and saluted Master Taixing: "Please teach me the 'Golden Pill Technique'!"


Master Taixing pondered for a moment. He obviously didn't want to teach Yu Liang, but he didn't know how to refuse. After all, the two of them had been together for so long, and the giant python was brought by the other party.

Seeing his difficulty, Yu Liang smiled: "After all, this is a Taoist secret that is not taught. Naturally, I will not let a real person teach it for no reason."

"Ma'am, please wait a moment. Let me go and I'll be back."

After leaving Qingyang Palace, Yu Liang went to Calabash Valley to take out the hidden python inner elixir, then returned to Qingyang Palace and handed the object to Master Taixing.

"This, this is Neidan!"

The moment he saw the inner alchemy, Master Taixing was extremely excited.

"Yes, this is the inner elixir condensed by the giant python!"

"No matter how magical the golden elixir refined by a real person is, it can't compare to the inner elixir condensed by a giant python!"

"I would like to use this inner elixir and ask the real person to teach me the art of the golden elixir."

Yu Liang bowed his hands and saluted, and then said in a different tone: "If you don't agree, then I will have no choice but to take the inner elixir and the giant python away together."


When he heard that he wanted to take away the inner elixir and the giant python, Master Taixing frowned slightly and became thoughtful.

"Please Rong Pindao discuss this with the other brothers and sisters."

"Real person please!"

Watching him take away the inner elixir, Yu Liang did not stop him, but just stood there and waited quietly.

I hope this group of veterans won't be ignorant or have strange ideas, otherwise we can't blame him for ignoring his old feelings.

The group of veterans from Qingyang Palace discussed this for a whole day and night.

Finally, he sent Yu Liang a satisfactory answer.

Under the leadership of Master Taixing and Master Taichang, Yu Liang came to the Daozang Palace in Qingyang Palace.

There are hundreds of thousands of Taoist treasures stored here, which dazzles Yu Liang. Even the Sutra Collection Pavilion of the Wudang Sect pales in comparison to this place.

"Prayer Yu, please!"

The two took him to a secret room again

Thousands of Taoist books are also placed here.

"This is where my Qingyang Palace records all the 'Golden Alchemy Techniques'. Pindao can only allow Layman Yu to read them for three months. They are not allowed to copy or take them out. How much Layman Yu can master in these three months depends on your ability. !”

This condition of Master Taixing is obviously digging a hole for Yu Liang. With so many books, how much can a normal person learn in three months? I can’t even finish watching it once!

Yu Liang disagreed with their petty thoughts. Three months was enough for him.

Without wasting any time, just take out the first book from the first row of bookshelf and take a look.

Just when Master Taixing and Master Taichang did not want to disturb him and were about to slowly exit the secret room, Yu Liang suddenly said:

"Wait a minute, you guys must remember, never return the inner elixir to the giant python, otherwise there will be endless trouble."

Hearing his warning, the two nodded and left the secret room.

Immerse yourself in books.

After reading the classics, Yu Liang discovered that the knowledge contained in the 'Water Alchemy' was greater than he had imagined.

The essence of external alchemy is actually to condense time and space in the alchemy furnace and simulate the laws of evolution and inversion of things.

Waidan is actually a wonderful mixture of chemical experiments of ancient natural science and activities seeking immortality, from which the properties and reaction mechanisms of many elements and compounds can be discovered.

For example, the 'Golden Liquid Pill' that Taoist Master Qingjing took to treat Ma Wu was made of sulfur.

Among the external alchemy techniques, the most famous one is the "Zhou Yi Shen Tong Qi" written by Wei Boyang, the king of alchemy, who is even called the "King of the Eternal Alchemy Sutra".

When external yin and yang move back and forth, it is also called external medicine. Neikanli Ververum is the internal medicine!

The important thing for cultivators of immortality is to collect the pure spiritual energy of the void in their bodies, and then to combine our spirit with this energy and cultivate it. After a long time, the spiritual energy will be integrated into one, and the great elixir will be completed.

Gold, silver, copper, lead, tin, mercury, lime, alumite, mirabilite, carbonate, asbestos, arsenic, cinnabar, realgar, sulfur, saltpeter...

Refining (heating), forging (heating at high temperature), raising (heating at low temperature), roasting (local heating), pumping (distillation), ascending (sublimation), leaching (filtering), pouring (cooling), boiling (heating with water)...

Looking at various experiments recorded in classics, ingredient ratios, method steps, reaction processes, result data...

Yu Liang couldn't help but sigh: If he didn't know this, he would have thought it was a scientific experiment done in a modern laboratory!

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