In response to Gui Hai Yida's request, Yu Liang shook his head slightly.

"This is my father's relic, why didn't you tell me?"

Yu Liang replied: "The reason why I want to destroy it is because it is the Menmo Sword and you can't control it, so I don't tell you for your own good!"

Hearing this, Gui Hai Yi Dao was a little excited. Now that both of his parents have died, although the person who killed his mother is dead, the revenge for his father's murder has not yet been avenged. He wants to practice the sword skills left by his father to avenge him.

"No, you have to tell me!"

Seeing Guihai Yida's behavior, Yu Liang knew that he had a mental problem. This should be related to the martial arts "Ba Dao" he learned. To learn Ba Dao, he must kill seven of his good friends in a row within seven years. , in order to achieve the state of absolute love, absolute love and absolute relatives and friends.

It's no wonder that Guihai Yidao was able to master it so quickly after obtaining "Domination of the World" and "Abi Dao Three Swords".

"Why do you want to practice the martial arts left by your father so much?" Yu Liang asked.

"I want to practice martial arts well and avenge my father!" Gui Hai replied with a knife.

"To avenge your father, let me give you a suggestion. Go check your father's body and you will know who the murderer is."

After saying that, Yu Liang left directly.

After Guihai Yidao thought about it for a while, he decided to follow his suggestion and check on his father's body.

Traveling all the way.

More than ten days later, Yu Liang came to Shaolin Temple.


On the way Yu Liang came to Shaolin, Shaolin had already received the news. When he came to visit, Shaolin's Master Lokong came to receive him personally.

"Almsgiver Yu, the owner of Shangguan Village has found out the previous matter and informed Lao Na through summons. Mrs. Lu's death has nothing to do with you. It was the work of Lord Tietan. Lao Na hereby apologizes to you!"

"I don't care about this matter."

Yu Liang said: "I came to Shaolin this time because I want to discuss Buddhism with the master."


Hearing this, Master Liao Kong smiled and invited Yu Liang to enter Shaolin.

Arriving at a Zen monastery, the two of them sat face to face.

"Master Liaokong, can you explain the Six-Character Great Ming Mantra to me?"

After hearing Yu Liang's question, Liao Kong said directly:

"The six-character Great Ming Mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum is the heart mantra of the Great Compassionate and Compassionate Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, symbolizing the compassion and blessings of all Bodhisattvas. It has subtle and inconceivable merits and immeasurable samadhi methods, and is loved by all the eight deities and dragons who protect the Dharma. If you support this mantra, if you wear it on your body, touch your hands, hide it at home, or write it on your door, you will be able to turn misfortune into good luck, and any adversity into good fortune, and all your desires will be fulfilled..."

After listening to the other party's story, Yu Liang showed piety and asked again: "Buddhism is boundless. Can the master tell me other mantras?"

"It's natural. The donor has the heart to worship the Buddha, and I am also willing to preach the Dharma to the donor."

Master Liao Kong said: "I will teach the donor the Heart Sutra!"

"...I know that Prajnaparamita is a great divine mantra, a great enlightenment mantra, a supreme mantra, and an infinite mantra. It can eliminate all suffering and is true and true..."

Master Liaokong lectured all day and night, and Yu Liang also listened carefully all day and night, and gained a lot.

Mantra, also called mantra, real language.

Buddhism believes that only mantras are true and sacred words that are in line with the original intention of the Buddha. Others are not as real and straightforward as mantras.

The way to achieve Prajna is to recite mantras with concentration and enter a state of meditation. From meditation, Prajna wisdom can be elicited.

Buddhist mantras include the Great God Mantra, the Great Ming Mantra, and the Supreme Mantra.

‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ is the six-character Great Ming Mantra.

In Yu Liang's view, mantras are patterns and words are frequencies.

Reciting mantras and practicing meditation is to comprehend the ripple pattern.

It was a pity that the old monk Kong had been preaching the Heart Sutra for a day and a night, but he didn't say a single 'mantra'. Yu Liang suspected that the other party did it on purpose.

"Master, can you teach me the next mantra?"

The other party didn't say anything, so Yu Liang asked him directly.

In response, Liao Kong actually looked at Yu Liang with a smile and remained silent.

Seeing this, Yu Liangwei looked at him with a smile.

Eye to eye

Feeling that the other party was trying to confuse his mind, Liao Kong's expression suddenly changed.

Such a strong willpower, it turns out that people with faith are not easy to hypnotize.

Now that you've done it, you can't stop.

Yu Liang's strength was fully activated, and golden light waves emitted from his body.

Liao Kong saw the Buddha's light appearing on his body, and the six-character Great Ming Mantra rang in his ears, and his mind suddenly fell into a trance. It was at this opportunity that Yu Liang directly hypnotized and controlled him.

"Tell me what Buddhist mantras you know."

"Nawu Sa Duo Nan, Sanliu San Bodhisattva, Ju Hao Nan Ta Nephew, Om Zhe Ruo Zhu Ruo, Zundi Sao Po He!"

As Yu Liang expected, Liao Kong did know a mantra called "Pure Heart Mantra".

Moreover, this "Pure Heart Mantra" is very special. It was passed down by Master Zhizhen. It is also the only mantra created by later generations besides ancient Buddhist scriptures. Its function is to purify the heart and calm the mind, remove troubles and stop evil.

Yu Liang asked him again if there were any other monks in Shaolin who knew mantras and mantras.

The mantra and mantra are the true secrets!

Liao Kong replied that there were only three masters in Shaolin, Liao Fan, Jie Jie and him, and each of them knew a true mantra.

Three mantras, after learning the information, Yu Liang knocked out Kong Kong and hid it, and then left to find Fanhe and end it.

Yu Liang came to the Zen monastery where Tie Jie was.

At this moment, the other person is meditating facing the Buddha statue.

Master Jiejie, as the leader of the three masters in Shaolin, not only has a high prestige in the world but is also very powerful.

He has magical powers such as 'Great Compassion Palm' and 'Lion's Roar'. He can knock back Gui Hai at his peak with one strike, and one move of 'Lion's Roar' can break Cao Zhengchun's fifty-year-old Tiangang Boy Kung Fu.

As soon as Yu Liang entered the monastery, he opened his eyes and looked at him.

"I, Yu Liang, have met Master Jiejie!"

"What's the matter with Donor Yu's visit?" Jie Jie asked.

"I came here to ask Master Jiejie for Buddhist teachings!" Yu Liang replied.

Like Liao Kong, after hearing that Yu Liang wanted to ask for Buddhist teachings, Jie Jie directly smiled and invited him to sit down.

Yu Liang came forward and sat down opposite him, and asked:

"Master Jiejie, I would like to ask you for Buddhist mantras!"

The conclusion is: "The Mahavairocana Sutra says: The mantra is the inconceivable wisdom of the Buddhas, based on the natural wisdom that is separated from all dramas, in order to satisfy all the prayers of sentient beings, and based on the wonderful interpretation of the true and conventional truths, Words spoken for all living beings in the world..."

Just when Jie Jie was speaking seriously, Yu Liang suddenly attacked, but Jie Jie was not affected at all, and his willpower exceeded his expectations.

And when the other party faced this situation, he had no intention of blaming Yu Liang. Instead, he asked softly: "If the donor wants to know, you can just ask me. There is no need to do this."

Seeing this, Yu Liang said bluntly: "I want the Buddhist mantra that the master knows."

"I see, it seems you already know this from Junior Brother Kong!"

He put his hands together, recited a Buddhist saying, and then said: "The donor has wisdom and is able to comprehend the six-syllable Great Ming Mantra because he is destined to be the Buddha. I am willing to pass on the true words to you."

"Om Ah Hum Panzha Guru Pema Siddhi Hum!"

"This is the heart mantra of Padmasambhava. Those who accept it will help practice and enlightenment, and purify themselves and all sentient beings!"

Yu Liang did not expect that the other party would tell him the mantra directly. After receiving the mantra, he saluted him and then left.

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