Send Dai Linger away.

Be prepared

Yu Liang holds a flag in his left hand with a gourd hanging on it. The flag reads: Rejuvenate with wonderful hands!

Holding a bell in his right hand, he raised it above his head and walked through the streets of Chang'an City.

Shout and ring the bell.

"Exquisite rejuvenation, specializing in treating difficult and complicated diseases!"

During this period, I treated several patients, all of whom had minor ailments and received a small amount of money.

Continue walking through the streets.

A middle-aged man who passed by Yu Liang suddenly turned around and called him.

"Specialized in treating difficult and complicated diseases. I wonder if you can cure night terrors?"

Night Terrors! This is no ordinary incurable disease.

Looking at the person who asked, although the clothes were simple but made of silk, Yu Liang knew that this was big business.

He asked: "I wonder how old the patient is this year?"

The other party replied: "Twenty to eight!"

Night terrors in adults are mostly caused by emotional and personality abnormalities or drug abuse. In addition, poor sleeping environment, heavy bedding, chest pressure, overeating, nasal obstruction, etc. can also lead to the occurrence of night terrors.

Yu Liang then carefully asked about some specific symptoms of the patient.

The other party replied that patients often experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, sweating, and flushing at night. They also suddenly sit up, scream and shout at the mouth, and are difficult to wake up.

Fear and panic appear at night. These are symptoms of excitement of the autonomic nervous system. After a little analysis, Yu Liang determined that it was night terrors.

"Mr. doctor, can you cure this disease?"

Yu Liang nodded and said: "It can be cured, and the medicine will cure the disease!"

Seeing how confident he was, the other party was a little suspicious.

Yu Liang smiled and said: "If the medicine cannot cure the disease, not only will I not take any money, but I will also let you destroy my sign!"

Seeing that he was so confident, the other party took Yu Liang home.

Looking at the huge mansion in front of me, to have such a residence in Chang'an City, the owner here is definitely not an ordinary wealthy person.

After entering the mansion, the middle-aged man first asked Yu Liang to wait in the flower hall. After leaving, he came back and took Yu Liang to the backyard.

Beside the garden pond, a richly dressed lady was quietly admiring the koi in the pond, with two maids standing beside her to serve her carefully.

"Madam, the doctor is here!"

Hearing the sound, the lady turned to look at Yu Liang and said softly:

"Can you cure night terrors?"

Yu Liang replied: "I have a secret medicine here. As long as you take it, the disease will be cured!"

With that said, he took out a red pill from the gourd hanging on the flag!

The middle-aged man on the side took the pill from Yu Liang and swallowed it himself instead of giving it to the lady.

Seeing this, Yu Liang took out another medicine from the gourd and said calmly: "Ten taels of gold for one, do you want to taste another one?"

Hearing the price, the middle-aged man looked at him with wide eyes and said, "Why is your medicine so expensive?"

"Expensive?" Yu Liang said calmly: "I make this secretly with many rare medicinal materials, so you will lose one less when you eat it!"

Hearing this, the lady smiled and said, "As long as the medicine is real, money doesn't matter!"

After glancing at the maid next to her, the latter stepped forward and took the elixir from Yu Liang's hand and handed it to her.

The lady held the elixir in front of her eyes and observed it for a long time. Then she sniffed it a few times and said with a slight frown:

"You don't think this is medicine!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang smiled. This is indeed not medicine. He can't make any medicine in such a short period of time. Moreover, he does not rely on medicine to treat diseases. Pills are just a cover.

"The secret medicine, if it can be seen through so easily, then it is not a secret medicine!"

After hearing Yu Liang's explanation, the lady also smiled and said, "That's right!"

Place the pill in your mouth and swallow gently.

Seeing this, Yu Liang used electromagnetic field, and the lady who took the pill closed her eyes and stood there.


After a while, seeing that the lady didn't respond, the maid next to her let out a soft cry.

"Shh, the secret medicine is working, don't disturb me!"

Half an hour later, the treatment was over. The lady slowly opened her eyes and sighed softly: "It is indeed a secret medicine, and the effect is extraordinary!"

Yu Liang smiled and stretched out his hand and said: "The medicine will cure the disease, and I will benefit from twenty taels of gold!"

The lady nodded and said: "Twelve taels of gold a piece, this medicine is indeed worth the price!"

"I wonder how much of this medicine you still have?"

Seeing that the other party wanted to buy them all, Yu Liang replied: "There are not many left. If Madam wants it, I can refine it specially for Madam!"

The lady turned to the maid beside her and said, "Go and get a hundred taels of gold!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

After a while, the maid came with four servants holding gold bars on trays.

Yu Liang smiled and stepped forward to accept the gold bar, and said: "When the medicine is refined, I will send it to Madam immediately."

Unexpectedly, the lady smiled and shook her head.

"This hundred taels of gold is to buy your prescription!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang put away his smile and looked at her.

"Ma'am, are you kidding me? This is a secret recipe passed down from our ancestors!"

Just when the lady wanted to say something, Yu Liang continued: "One hundred taels of gold is not enough, we have to add more money!"

The lady smiled and asked for another fifty taels of gold.

One hundred taels of gold originally wanted to refine a better elixir for the other party, but in this case, the one hundred and fifty taels of gold sold her a prescription of 'Cinnabar Anshen Pills', which was considered to be well worth the money.

After accepting the money, Yu Liang left the prescription and left the mansion.

One business deal solved the problem of money shortage. Yu Liang stopped practicing medicine and went to the store to buy the ghost ball, and then purchased some things.

Arrive at Jinchengmen House.

"I'm leaving Chang'an City. Have you thought about your request?"

After hearing what Yu Liang said, Dai Ling'er and others asked him in surprise why he left Chang'an City? Where to?

"I don't know where I'm going, but it's probably near Chang'an City!"

The main purpose of Yu Liang's time travel was to practice. It's been a few days and he still hasn't practiced properly. It's really a bit unprofessional.

"I'll accompany you!" Dai Ling'er said.

Yu Liang shook his head: "I am going to do business, and if you follow me, you will only get in the way."

Take out one hundred taels of gold from the package.

These actors had never seen so much gleaming gold before, and their eyes were fixed on it.

"They say a promise is worth a thousand pieces of gold, so I'll give you a hundred taels of gold here!"

"I ask you to think about it slowly, and I will ask you again when I come to Chang'an some time later!"

After the words fell, Yu Liang left directly.

Straight out of Chang'an City.

Chang'an is located in the Guanzhong Plain, bordering the Weishui River to the north and the Qinling Mountains to the south. The terrain is high in the south and low in the north, in a stepped shape.

Yu Liang came to the southern Qinling Mountains and spent four days finding a place with excellent Feng Shui by observing the terrain.

It is a small valley surrounded by mountains, with a pool formed by underground water in the middle. The climate is warm and mild, like a small paradise.

"A great place, this is just the right place for me to practice!"

Yu Liang chopped down trees and built a small wooden house in less than half a day. He put in the supplies he brought and it became his residence from then on.

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