Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 19: Stretch the muscles and bones and open the dragon's spine.

Pay close attention to Ma Wu's agile posture while swimming in the water.

I saw him lifting his legs, the soles of his feet seemed to be held up by the water, and his body tilted slightly, like an arrow about to be shot.

With a strong swing, the legs instantly popped out like springs, driving the body forward.

The soles of the feet draw a perfect arc on the water, like a dancer's steps, light and elegant.

The moment he broke out of the water, his body rolled in the air.

Falling into the water again, water splashed everywhere. His figure stretched out in the water, and every inch of his skin was full of strength.

Yu Liang secretly wrote down every move. This must be a unique underwater martial arts skill!

If he could learn these movements, he would be able to move quickly in the water like Ma Wu.

Bang ~

There was an explosion in the water

Ma Wu soared into the sky, followed by countless waves falling on the deck.


Shaking her disheveled hair, water droplets splashed everywhere.

"Come on, how about having some fun in the water with me?"

Yu Liang nodded to Ma Wu's request.

He also wanted to observe the opponent's posture and movements in the water more closely.

The two of them jumped into the water together.

Following Ma Wu, Yu Liang unconsciously imitated his movements, but found that his body was too straight to swing as softly as his opponent.

The body lost its center of gravity, and Yu Liang hurriedly started swimming!

He surfaced to take a breath, then climbed onto the fishing boat.

Ma Wu also emerged from the water and jumped onto the deck.

"Boy, you were imitating my moves just now!"

Yu Liang wanted to wave his hand and explain, but Ma Wu stopped him disapprovingly: "I'm not afraid that you will learn anything secretly, but because you can't do my moves!"

"Tell you directly, my underwater kung fu is child's kung fu!"

"At your current age, your muscles and bones have already been shaped. If you try to imitate it forcibly, your body won't be able to handle it!"

After hearing Ma Wu's explanation, Yu Liang recalled the upright state of his body when he was imitating in the water just now.

I want to bend my limbs, but it feels like there is a tendon holding me back!

If I want to bend my body, I can only swing my upper limbs and lower body as a whole.

Thoughtful in my heart!

Seeing that Yu Liang was silent, Ma Wu thought he was depressed, so he patted him on the shoulder and said, "You were swimming like a frog just now. You only need to coordinate your limbs to shuttle through the water. It's simple and easy!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang smiled and made a gesture asking Ma Wu to send him back to the shore!

After Ma Wu understood the meaning, he used the pole to row the fishing boat to the shore.

After returning to the shore, Yu Liang saluted him to express his gratitude and wanted to give him the fish he harvested today as a return gift.

Ma Wu laughed and said, "I'm on this lake every day, and I'm tired of eating fish. You can keep it for yourself!"

After that, row the fishing boat and leave!

Yu Liang returned home with his things

After tidying up, I moved a few pieces of wood, built a single frame, and started practicing leg presses!

When Ma Wu was talking about shaping the muscles and bones, Yu Liang suddenly thought of the book "Basic Martial Arts Training Methods"!

Aren’t the leg presses, splits, lowering, turning over and other movements taught above just teaching people how to stretch their muscles and bones and improve their body’s flexibility?

This is really the basic skill of martial arts!

Why does the Sun Moon God Cult recruit children between eight and fifteen years old?

One is to cultivate and instill the idea of ​​loyalty from an early age.

Second, only for people of this age group, the muscles and bones have not yet been finalized and are easier to shape, making them suitable for martial arts training.

[Positive leg pressure: Facing an object of a certain height, place your left heel on the object, lift your toes, straighten your legs, place your hands on your left knee, or grasp your left foot with both hands, and then stand with your upper body forward at the waist. Vibrate downward and try to touch the toes with the top of your head. Alternate legs.

Key points of training: Straighten your legs, stand upright, straighten your waist and press forward]

[Rear leg press: Stand with your right leg supported, place your left foot from the side of your body on an object of a certain height, lift your toes, raise your right arm, stand your left palm in front of your chest, straighten your legs, stand tall with your waist, and raise your upper body to Vibrate downward on the left side, and the amplitude of the vibration should gradually increase until the upper body can fall sideways on the left leg. Alternate legs.

Key points of training: Straighten your legs, open your hips, raise your waist and raise your chest, and turn your upper body completely sideways. 】

When Yu Liang performed leg presses, stiff ligaments held his movements firmly in place.

He didn't dare to exert too much force. It would be bad if the ligament was strained. Lying in bed for a few days would be more than worth the loss.

Therefore, Yu Liang clicked to the end of each stretching movement.

After training your legs, start training your waist!

[Bend forward: Stand side by side, interlock the fingers of both hands, raise your straight arms, palms upward; bend your upper body forward, lift your chest, collapse your waist, and try your best to touch the ground with both hands. Then release your hands, use your hands to wrap around your legs, hug the heels of your feet, and try to keep your upper body and face as close to your legs as possible.

Key points of training: Keep your legs straight and your knees straight. When your upper body is leaning forward, raise your chest, collapse your waist, and retract your hips. 】

With his stiff waist, Yu Liang's drooping hands couldn't even reach his anklets, and he still felt sore and numb after a long time.

After that, there are many basic movements such as shoulders, footwork, jumping, and balance.

Unfortunately, Yu Liang didn't have the patience to read it at that time. Apart from the legs and waist, he didn't know the rest of the content.

Stretching movements must be standard, otherwise it will easily cause muscle and ligament strain, so Yu Liang did not dare to exercise based on his own knowledge alone.

After exercising his legs and waist, Yu Liang felt that his body had relaxed a lot. He didn't know if this was an illusion?

rest for a while

Then work out again!

This stretch was obviously a little better than the last stretch.

If he continues at this rate of progress, Yu Liang will be able to stretch to the extent mentioned in the book within a dozen or twenty times at most.

Stretch, rest for a while, then stretch again…

By the time it got dark, Yu Liang had already exercised five times!

Wake up the next day.

But I found that my whole body was sore. It must be because I stretched too much yesterday and my body has not yet digested it.

Lie in bed and take a day off.

After his body recovered the next day, Yu Liang continued stretching.

Muscles and bones that have never been stretched out will become more effective the more you exercise!

After two or three times, Yu Liang was able to achieve the standard level of stretching described in the book.

Next, he would practice Ma Wu's underwater swimming moves on the bed.

Other movements are fine, but if you want your upper body to move like a curve, it's difficult!

Fortunately, Yu Liang had seen a small video screen that taught people how to open the dragon's spine!

I thought it was amazing at the time, thinking that the human body could still move like this?

So I deliberately studied it!

There are three steps to open Dragon's Back:

The first step is to activate deep muscles: lie flat on your back, put your arms naturally on both sides of your body, bend your legs naturally and bring them together, use your abdominal muscles to lift your head and upper back in turn, then slowly lay them down, and practice several groups repeatedly .

The second step is to improve the flexibility of the spine: lie on your side with your arms under your head, straighten one leg, and bend the other leg under your chest. Use your abdominal muscles to lift your upper arm, head, and upper back in sequence. Get up, then slowly lower down, and repeat for several groups.

The third step is to increase the elasticity of the spine: press the shoulders, turn the hips, and compete with each other, just like two big hands stretching the spine into a bow, so that the spine is full of elasticity. Like elastic bamboo, it stretches into a bow and is full of elasticity, preparing for the release of force.

The key to Kailongji's movements is to use deep muscles to control movements, keep breathing smooth, ensure correct posture and stable physical condition, and do not hold your breath or use excessive force...

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