Yu Liang raised his hand and waved, and the soil on the ground flew up in pieces, exposing the many bones buried underneath.

In the center of the cemetery, there is a dark coffin.

This coffin had been buried for an unknown period of time, but there was no trace of decay.

With a wave of his hand, the coffin floated in front of Yu Liang. Upon inspection, he found that the coffin was made of dark wood.

Sunset wood is one of the most rot-resistant woods and is formed from wood that has been buried underground for hundreds of years. Due to being buried underground for a long time, the texture of sunken wood becomes more compact.

Yu Liang opened the coffin, and there was actually a corpse of a man filled with flesh and blood lying inside, which looked like he had just died.

Just when he was curious to check, the male corpse suddenly exploded and rushed toward him.

But as soon as he left the coffin, Yu Liang was pinned in mid-air.

"Zombie? Zombie?"

Continuing to check, I found that there was some extremely small and hard-to-detect black gray dust floating around the mouth and nose of the male corpse.

Yu Liang raised his hand and waved him away from him, but unexpectedly, his body was so fragile that it broke in the middle.


Upon closer inspection, the broken parts of the male corpse were actually connected by countless filaments.

Yu Liang moved his fingers, and the man's corpse was instantly torn apart, allowing him to see more clearly what was inside his body.

The reason why the male corpse looks full of flesh and blood is entirely because his body is filled with a large amount of mycelium.


Suddenly, an air leak occurred where the coffin was originally buried.

Streams of gray-black thick fog spurted out.

The smoke did not dissipate, but gathered together.

No, this is not fog, but a fungus!

Yu Liang investigated and found that the billowing fog was actually made up of huge fungi. Facing more and more fungi, he couldn't help but take a step back.

As he raised his hand, a laser shot out, and a huge hole was shot directly in the middle of the black mist. Countless fungi dissipated, but it was quickly filled with black mist that continued to spray out from the ground.

Seeing that his attacks had no effect, Yu Liang continued to retreat.

"Did you do something terrible?"

Watching the black mist that was constantly ejected from the ground not decreasing but increasing sharply, it soon filled the entire dense forest.

All the trees that came into contact with the black mist withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, their vitality was sucked away, and they turned into rotten wood and fell to the ground.

This is a dense forest with a diameter of nearly 800 meters. If it continues to expand at this rate, it may cause a disaster!

"MD, I don't want to be the sinner who releases the devil!"

The electromagnetic field spread out over three thousand meters, directly covering all the black mist.

Yu Liang has just tested it. In fact, this fungal black mist is particularly easy to eliminate. It’s just that the amount is too large and the continuous flow is so terrifying!

"Spin the electromagnetic field for me!"

Yu Liang urged the electromagnetic field to rotate faster and faster, and arcs appeared continuously, eventually forming lightning bolts.

"Thousands of thunders from heaven!"

Zi La ~ Zi La ~

Within the electromagnetic field, countless lightning bolts formed a thunder and lightning cage, instantly wiping out all the black mist!

However, the black mist from underground was still spewing out. Yu Liang narrowed the scope of the electromagnetic field and blocked the gap in the ground where the black mist was spewing out.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a long time, and the black mist seemed to be endless.

"Holy shit, it's not over yet!"

Yu Liang began to think of a way, how to stop the black mist from continuing to spray out?

Putting the coffin back, blocking it with soil, and many other methods would not work.

"This is how to do?"

When Yu Liang was at his wits' end, he immediately intercepted a bit of black mist and began to study it.

Fungi are eukaryotic, sporulating, chloroplast-less eukaryotes.

There are more than 120,000 types of fungi that have been discovered in modern times. It can be said to be everywhere!

It is a very ancient species that is neither a plant nor an animal, but an independent group of organisms: the kingdom Fungi.

The fungal body is composed of hyphae, has no differentiation of roots and leaves, no chlorophyll, and cannot produce its own nutrients. It usually absorbs organic matter from living and dead animals and plants and their excrement as its own nutrition.

Its mycelium can spread far underground, forming a very large network.

Yu Liang once saw a fungus called Armillaria fungus on the Internet. An individual actually covered 600 hectares of land, which was the size of a small mountain.

Fungi can also exchange information through chemical signals. They also have an information exchange network similar to human neural networks, which can transmit information through electrical signals.

Yu Liang studied the black mist fungi ejected from the ground and found that they have strong devouring capabilities and are extremely interconnected. Each one is equivalent to a signal source.

Just when Yu Liang was still struggling to find a way to stop the eruption of the fungal black mist, a figure suddenly flew from the horizon. He was very fast and arrived in front of Yu Liang in a short time.

Looking at the old Taoist in front of him who was wearing a Taoist robe, with a childish face and white hair, a strong figure, fluttering clothes and a whisk in his hand, Yu Liang asked: "Is the Taoist here to solve the problem here?"

Upon hearing the inquiry, the old man smiled and nodded: "That's true."

Hearing this, Yu Liang immediately smiled and said: "Then please trouble Taoist Master to deal with them quickly!"


The old Taoist nodded again, and then took out a compass-like thing from his arms. When he turned the compass, some mysterious patterns appeared on it, emitting a dazzling light!

Yu Liang carefully looked at the patterns that appeared on the compass. Looking at them individually, they seemed to be a special kind of writing.

"All those who are facing a fight must march forward in formation!"


The compass flew out and landed at the entrance of the cave where the black mist fungus was erupting.

I saw that after these black mist fungi came into contact with the light emitted from the compass, they all shrank back in fear and stopped erupting outwards.

One thing brings down another thing! In Yu Liang's view, the compass does not actually have much power, but the black fog fungi are afraid of it, and more specifically, they are afraid of the special patterns that appear on the compass.


Yu Liang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he stepped forward and saluted the old Taoist and said, "I am Yu Liang, do you dare to ask me about your name?"

The old Taoist shook the fly whisk lightly and replied softly: "The poor Taoist Laoshan Xuanfengzi!"


After hearing the other party's self-introduction, Yu Liangliang immediately began to think.

It is said that the Taoist priests of the Laoshan sect are good at exorcising ghosts and catching demons, suppressing zombies, resolving curses, traditional Chinese medicine, geomantic feng shui, internal martial arts, etc.

Among them, the two methods of Dimai Feng Shui and traditional Kung Fu were diverted to the bandit organization, forming the Xiling Rikishi faction. The once glorious Green Forest Army had many followers from the Laoshan sect.

Huang Chao, the leader of the rebel army in the late Tang Dynasty, is said to have learned the art of Laoshan and dug many Tang tombs in Shaanxi to pay for the army. However, these skills within the Laoshan sect have gradually lost their inheritance.

"Excuse me, Taoist Priest, what is this thing erupting from the ground? How did Taoist Priest subdue it?"

Hearing Yu Liang's inquiry, the old Taoist Xuan Fengzi stroked his beard and replied: "This is the evil spirit formed by the evil energy from the ground converging with the filthy energy from heaven and earth."

"And the reason why the poor Taoist was able to surrender them is because the magic weapon is engraved with the thunder seal of my Taoist school!"

When he heard ‘Thunder Seal’, Yu Liang’s eyes lit up!

Thunder seal, a pattern in the shape of thunder and lightning. Also known as the Heavenly Book and Thunder Seal.

The Taoist Scriptures say: The source is that the traces left by thunder from the sky when it strikes evil spirits or evil people may appear on the bottom of the pot, or be written on the wall of the house, or may be written on its body. None of them are in the glyphs found in later generations. They are actually thunder and seal scripts from the Heavenly Book, or similar to the ancient scripts of Zhouwen, Tadpole, and Bird Traces!

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