After communicating with Longmen Sect elder Chang Jingyi for several days about the external elixir surgery, Yu Liang admitted that he had underestimated Chang Jingyi who could refine the 'acquired spiritual objects'!

His external alchemy skills have gone far beyond the scope of ordinary alchemy!

During the exchange, Chang Jingyi also shared with Yu Liang his ‘Philosophy of Gold’, a secret technique used in refining acquired spiritual objects!

Dissolve gold in aqua regia, a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid and concentrated nitric acid in a volume ratio of three to one.

After drying, a yellow powder remains, which is chloroauric acid. When it is applied to the surface of copper, copper chloride will be generated due to the replacement reaction, and gold will precipitate and remain on the surface.


The Waidan sect is further divided into the lead-mercury sect, the sulfur-mercury sect and the gold-sand sect.

The mercury pie reacts with sulfur and mercury to produce mercury sulfide, which then sublimates and crystallizes into cinnabar.

Cinnabar, also known as ghost fairy cinnabar, is not only a medicinal material with sedative, soothing and sterilizing effects, its crystals are also an important material in laser technology and one of the main materials for refining acquired spiritual objects.


Chang Jingyi can also use the alchemy furnace to create a high-temperature and high-pressure environment, allowing carbonaceous raw materials such as graphite to react with some metals to produce diamonds, a precious material for refining acquired spiritual objects!

When he heard the other party say that he was making diamonds, Yu Liang couldn't help but think of the 'nuclear diamond battery' he was still researching.


Compared with Chang Jingyi, Yu Liang's only advantage in refining acquired spiritual objects is that he is fast!

Although Chang Jingyi is very capable, it takes more than a year to refine an acquired spiritual object.

He is also responsible for the refining of acquired spiritual objects for several sects such as Longmen Sect, Laoshan Sect, etc. Tens of thousands of monks wait for more than a year for a spiritual object, so even if the acquired spiritual objects are artificially refined, they are still the most important among the sects. An extremely precious existence.

"Elder Yu, I have learned a lot from my exchanges with you these days. Unfortunately, I still have important things to do, so I can't talk to you for a long time."

"If I have time in the future, Pindao will come to communicate with Elder Yu. I hope Elder Yu won't get bored!"

After hearing some of Yu Liang's whimsical ideas, Chang Jingyi benefited a lot, but he had other things to do, so he proposed to leave.

Yu Liang smiled and replied: "I am also looking forward to the next exchange with Elder Chang!

If you have time in the future, Elder Chang is welcome to come to me at any time to exchange ideas on external alchemy! "

Hearing his answer, Chang Jingyi showed a smile on his face. After bowing and saying goodbye, he left with the young man who came with him.

After they left, Yu Liang immersed himself in cultivation again.

Time passes day by day.

When Yu Liang read Ziyang Zhenren's memory of practice, he discovered that he seemed to have made a mistake.

The Fungi Forbidden Land is not called a forbidden land because of the existence of terrifying fungi.

The real forbidden area is actually still underground.

The fungus clone was actually used by Master Ziyang to guard this place.

When Ziyang Zhenren traveled here, he accidentally discovered a terrifying fungus. After subduing it, in order to explore its origin, he went deep into the underground cracks of the fungus and saw a fluorescent mountain range underground. When he entered the mountain range and came out again He found that he had no memory of this period. Faced with such terror, he decisively left and listed this place as a forbidden area.

"Underground mountains!"

Yu Liang was very curious about the description of this memory information of Master Ziyang.

I clearly went in and came out, but the memory of this period disappeared out of thin air. What secrets are hidden in this underground mountain range?

After thinking for a few days, Yu Liang decided to visit this underground mountain range.

Get up and leave the top of the mountain, arriving at the forbidden area.

Due to the previous war, the originally small underground cracks were widened greatly.

Yu Liang first sent out an electromagnetic wave to explore the path. There were countless fungi underneath, sending out electrical signals to avoid them. A channel opened between the fungi, and Yu Liang jumped down into the crack.

There was a deep darkness under his feet, his body began to sink rapidly, and the light above his head became smaller and smaller.

Yu Liang recorded the depth of descent, one thousand meters, two thousand meters... ten thousand meters!

The temperature of the originally cold surrounding environment was getting hotter and hotter. Just when it reached twelve thousand meters, Yu Liang finally arrived at the underground mountain range.

Before he even got close, he felt the presence of a powerful energy field!

Looking at the fluorescent mountains in front of him, Yu Liang sent out an electromagnetic wave to explore, but as soon as the electromagnetic wave came into contact, it was directly absorbed by the powerful energy field.

In response, he immediately retreated some distance.

While he was thinking, the energy field sent an energy wave towards him instead.

He tentatively made contact and found that there was no harm in it. Instead, it was to guide his consciousness into the energy field.

"I see!"

Yu Liang understood that this energy field was a virtual world similar to the spiritual world.

Connect to it carefully.

Yu Liang's consciousness appeared in an ancient city. Pedestrians were coming and going on the road, and there were many vendors setting up stalls on both sides.

Walking through the streets, carefully exploring the surroundings. Soon, he discovered something unusual, that was, everything here seemed to be set up and was proceeding according to a script.

Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure in the crowd, Master Ziyang!

Seeing Master Ziyang looking cautious as a newbie.

Yu Liang understood that this was not a virtual world similar to the spiritual world, but a large recorder that saved everything that had ever happened.

The Ziyang Zhenren he saw in front of him was just the memory he had lost when he first came here.

Yu Liang began to try to decode this place, but the scene in front of him changed and he appeared directly in a palace.

On the futon in the center, a man with disheveled hair was sitting cross-legged, looking up at him with a forced smile on his face.

Yes, has this been discovered?

Yu Liang said cautiously: "I have no intention of entering here. Please forgive me for any offense!"

The other party smiled and said: "I am Linghuan Zhenren, and this is the secret Black Stone City that I created to leave my legacy."

"As long as you can complete the test I left behind, you can obtain the inheritance I left behind!"

After speaking, the other party raised his hand and three groups of mysterious patterns appeared in front of him.

"This is a mysterious diagram. As long as you can understand the mystery, you will pass the test."

Yu Liang glanced at the pattern, and then asked it in reply: "What will happen if we can't complete the test?"

The other party did not answer this question.

Yu Liang decisively cut off the connection and retreated from the so-called secret realm of Black Rock City.

He is not interested in inheritance at all, maybe there is some pit buried in the middle.

The reason why Master Ziyang lost his memory in the first place must have been because he failed to pass this inheritance test. In order to prevent the secret from being revealed, his memory was erased.

Unlike when his real body entered the energy field of the mountain, Yu Liang only connected his consciousness to it, so his memory would not be erased.

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