Cancer cells are mutated cells. Unlike normal cells, cancer cells have the ability to proliferate indefinitely.

Due to mutation, the genetic coding of cancer cells is also different from that of normal cells, with phenomena such as genome instability, amplification, deletion or rearrangement, which also changes its structure and forms a four-stranded helical structure.

Under Yu Liang's research and observation, the four-strand structure resembles the shape of a four-leaf clover. This structure is further twisted and folded on the basis of the double helix structure, forming a more complex spatial conformation.

This four-stranded helical structure is very stable, so Yu Liang began to try to use the gene of the python clone as a template to construct it into a four-stranded helical structure.

This was an extremely complex and time-consuming research, so he handed over this task to the python clone.

Stayed in Swordsman World for a while.

Yu Liang thought about going to Yitian World. After all, he still had a master Zhang Sanfeng in this world.

So many years have passed, but he has never visited even once, which is really a bit unfilial!

Travel to Yitian.

Yu Liang looked at the ruins around him and couldn't help but have a doubt in his heart.

"Why is the Mingjiao General Forum in Nuo Da gone?"

After investigating and confirming that this place was Guangmingding, Yu Liang understood that the Mingjiao General Altar had been destroyed, and he could probably guess who did it.

He didn't pay much attention to this situation. Looking in the direction of Wudang Mountain, Yu Liang rose into the sky and disappeared like a stream of light across the sky.

Tianzhu Peak is the main peak of Wudang Mountain. Its peak stands tall and steep, like a pillar standing majestically among the peaks, so it is known as "one pillar holding up the sky".

When Yu Liang came to the sky above Wudang and saw Zhang Sanfeng sitting cross-legged on the top of Tianzhu Peak, he immediately lowered his figure.


Seeing Yu Liang falling from the sky, Zhang Sanfeng's eyes were slightly surprised at first, then returned to calm, and said with a smile: "Yu Liang!"

"I haven't seen you for so many years, but you are still more charming and better than before. You are truly worthy of being an old Wudang immortal!"

After listening to Yu Liang's words, Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile: "My name as an old god is just a false compliment given to me by others. But you, Yu Liang, have become a real god after not seeing you for so many years!"

Yu Liang smiled, then walked up to Zhang Sanfeng, raised his palm and said to him: "Back then, the master taught his disciples the kindness of teaching. Today, the disciple also teaches the master the method of cultivation and leads you on the path to immortality!"

Zhang Sanfeng closed his eyes slightly and received the information transmitted to him by Yu Liang.

Two hours passed quickly, and Zhang Sanfeng was still digesting the cultivation information that Yu Liang passed on to him.

"Junior Brother Yu!" "Master Yu!"

At this moment, two figures came here.

Yu Liang looked back at them and replied with a smile: "Senior Brother Song, long time no see!"

"Qingshu, you've grown so big!"

"Uncle Yu, it's really you. Where have you been all these years?"

Song Qingshu came to Yu Liang excitedly and asked, and Song Yuanqiao also cast a questioning look at him.

"I'm going to seek the path to immortality!"

Hearing Yu Liang's answer, the two of them were not surprised, but showed expressions as if it was true.

"Junior Brother Yu, have you gained anything over the years?"

"Find some magical miracles."

Song Yuanqiao just asked casually, but Yu Liang unexpectedly answered that he had really found some immortal traces, and asked again: "Junior brother Yu really found some immortal traces?"


Seeing Yu Liang nodding in affirmation again, Song Yuanqiao suddenly lost his composure and immediately asked, "What can Junior Brother gain?"

Yu Liang smiled and replied: "The harvest is not small, I have passed on a complete set of practice methods to the master!"

Looking back at Zhang Sanfeng, he happened to open his eyes at this time.

"Master, how do you feel?" Yu Liang asked

"Yeah!" Zhang Sanfeng just nodded expressionlessly.

When Yu Liang saw this, he thought to himself: Master, has he cultivated his state of mind to a state where he will no longer be happy with things or sad with himself? After obtaining such a method of practice, there was no change in his expression.

Song Yuanqiao saluted Zhang Sanfeng, and then asked excitedly: "Master, is the cultivation method given to you by my junior brother an immortal method?"

Zhang Sanfeng was silent for a while, then said calmly: "No!"

no? Hearing this answer, Yu Liang was a little surprised. What he passed on to Zhang Sanfeng was a complete set of cultivation methods. As long as you practice step by step, you will gain immortality and magical powers. Isn't this considered an immortal method?

After a pause, Zhang Sanfeng continued: "Although it is not an immortal method, it can also allow people to master the divine passage method and live forever."

After hearing what he said, Song Yuanqiao and Song Qingshu looked at each other and expressed to each other that they had mastered the magical passage method to live forever, but it was not an immortal method?

Yu Liang asked Zhang Sanfeng: "Master, if this is not an immortal method, then what is an immortal method?"

Hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly and said: "Immortal method, enlightenment!"

"Enlightened the Tao?" Yu Liang asked in confusion: "The method you practice, my disciple, contains a lot of 'Tao'!"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head slightly: "It seems that you still don't understand 'Tao' very well!"

Hearing this, Yu Liang frowned slightly.

"Tao, isn't it the law of all things between heaven and earth?"

After hearing Yu Liang's answer, Zhang Sanfeng shook his head again and said: "What you said is the Dharma!"

"The law is Tao, but Tao is not law!"

Seeing Yu Liang's confused expression, Zhang Sanfeng began to teach him what 'Tao' is!

"There is something mixed, born in advance of heaven and earth, silent and lonely, independent and unchanging, moving around without peril, it can be the mother of heaven and earth. I don't know its name, but it is called Tao."

"Tao" is the mother of the beginning of all things in the world. It is formless, silent and empty. It does not rely on any external force and exists independently forever. It circulates over and over again and is the total source of everything in the world. Everything in the world is produced by it, but it can give rules and principles to everything, allowing them to maintain operation and change.

After the explanation, seeing that Yu Liang still looked confused, Zhang Sanfeng stood up and patted him lightly on the top of his head.

In response, Yu Liang showed a bewildered expression on his face.

Zhang Sanfeng raised his hand and patted the top of his head again, and said seriously:

"The great road has no form, and the great road has no image. What you see, what you hear, and what you touch are not the 'Tao'!"

"If you want to understand the Tao, you should let go of your body and mind and throw away everything, only then can you feel the existence of the 'Tao'."

Yu Liang is a staunch materialist. Once the problem is elevated to a philosophical and psychological perspective, he simply cannot understand it.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Sanfeng sighed.

"There is a copy of "Tai Shang Laojun Speaks of Chang Qingjing Sutra" in the Sutra Pavilion. Go and study it carefully to understand the 'Tao' from it!"


Following Zhang Sanfeng's teachings, Yu Liang went to the Sutra Pavilion and read the Taoist classic "Tai Shang Laojun Speaks of Chang Qing Jing Jing" over and over again.

[The great road is invisible, giving birth to the heaven and the earth; the great road is ruthless, moving the sun and the moon; the great road is nameless, nourishing all things; I don’t know its name, so I call it Tao...]

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