After a round of sweeping, Yu Liang had gained a lot. Finally, he came to Ruin No. 31.

Ancient civilization ruins No. 31 are located deep in the Shennongjia Mountains of China. It looks like a huge sphere with a large amount of poisonous gas surrounding it.

This round ball is actually a Zerg mother nest. There is a sleeping world lord-level Zerg mother queen inside. It was left by Hu Yanbo on the earth. He wanted to enslave it when the time was right. Unfortunately, Hu Yanbo fell, and this Zerg mother nest was... It has been left on the earth like this.

Yu Liang stood outside the insect nest, pulling the entire insect nest into his energy field to isolate it from the outside world.

Striding into the insect nest, the poisonous air around him immediately separated, opening up a passage for him.

There is a unique cave inside the insect nest, like a huge honeycomb, smooth to the touch and flowing with fluorescence. The intricate tower-like structure forms a maze-like layout with the surrounding passages and rooms.

At this moment, there was silence in the insect nest, and the sleeping insect race was like a guarding soldier, motionless. The fluorescence on them is integrated with the architecture, as if this space is a huge living body.

In the central area, the Zerg Queen lies peacefully. The six-meter-tall body is crystal clear, and its wings are as light as butterfly wings. That pink face seemed to be a perfect piece of art carved out of it.

The Queen Mother's body emits a faint blue light, and the halo is like waves on the water's surface and twinkling like stars. Every fluctuation turned into a point of light, dancing in the air.

Yu Liang slowly approached the insect mother, and he could clearly feel the effect of the energy field.

This energy field was weak at first, but gradually strengthened as it got closer, surging like a wave. It is like a seductive abyss, tempting people to sink into it.

If a weak person enters this energy field, his brain will gradually become dull and his consciousness will gradually become blurred. The originally clear world became hazy, and reason was eroded little by little. At the same time, all kinds of negative emotions deep in my heart are also evoked one by one by this energy field. Fear, anxiety, desire... these originally buried emotions were revealed one by one at this moment, leaving him struggling painfully between reason and emotion. If you stay here for a long time, this energy field will also distort people's cognition, making people turn a blind eye to danger and fall into absurd hallucinations.

"As expected of the Mother Queen of the Zerg, she is still so dangerous even in her deep sleep."

Yu Liang stood beside the Queen Mother, leaning slightly and singing softly. His voice was soft and magnetic, as if it could penetrate into the deepest soul.

The Queen Mother's originally closed eyes opened slightly, and her empty eyes began to focus on Yu Liang. Its body trembled slightly, as if it was contending with the chanting.

As the chanting continued, the Queen Mother's eyes gradually lost focus, her eyes gradually became blurred, her body became more relaxed, the trembling slowly stopped, and the surrounding energy field began to weaken.

Yu Liang stretched out his palm again and placed it in front of the female insect's eyes, emitting a soft light that echoed the light chanting. The light gradually spread and enveloped the Queen Mother's body. The Queen Mother's consciousness seemed to be drawn by this light, and she gradually fell into a deep sleep.

The Queen Mother's body was completely still, as if frozen, and her consciousness was gradually controlled by Yu Liang.

But at the last moment, the Queen Mother's consciousness suddenly began to resist again.

"It's useless, this is my home court now!"

Yu Liang continued to go deeper and guided the Queen Mother into a virtual world. There is no pain, no fear, just endless peace and harmony. The Queen Mother's consciousness floated in it, as if she had found a long-lost peace.

The highest state of hypnosis is to create a real world and let the enemy deceive yourself!

He began to guide the insect mother into a new virtual world created by him.

This world echoes reality but is different from it. He carefully constructed every detail to ensure that what the Queen feels in this world is a real and profound experience.

In this world, the Queen Mother became Yu Liang's loyal partner, fighting side by side with him against foreign enemies who tried to destroy the world. Through constant victories and challenges, the Queen Mother gradually believes in the reality of this world and is completely immersed in it.

Yu Liang was observing from the sidelines, constantly adjusting and improving the world. He ensured that the world was filled with harmony and beauty, allowing the Queen Mother to feel endless happiness and satisfaction in it.

As time goes by, the Queen Mother becomes more and more dependent on this world. She forgot the existence of reality and just wanted to stay in this world forever.

And Yu Liang also achieved his goal, suppressing the Queen Mother's consciousness, causing her to fall into a deep sleep, and seizing her insect nest.

The insect nest built by the insect queen is like a super powerful arsenal. As long as there is a sufficient supply of resources, Zerg warriors can be continuously produced.

There are two types of Zerg warriors, one is ordinary warriors, and the other is elite warriors trained through cultivating gu.

Create ordinary Zerg on a large scale, and then let them kill each other internally and devour each other. The weak will die, the strong will survive, and the strong will devour the weak and become stronger. When a large group of Zerg warriors are all dead and only one is left, That one is the best elite.

Yu Liang is not interested in making Zerg warriors, he is particularly interested in how the Zerg Hive makes Zerg!

This insect nest is not a single individual, but is composed of countless tiny insect nest fragments. These fragments are constantly swimming and floating, like cells, forming a complete insect nest.

Yu Liang calls each insect nest fragment a insect nest cell.

These hive cells are constantly moving around, absorbing surrounding resources, including energy and various ores, swallowing them up bit by bit, digesting them internally, and then dividing to form new hive cells.

When it is necessary to make a new Zerg warrior, these hive cells will condense with each other, and some will become the body of the Zerg warrior, some will become the organs of the Zerg warrior, and some will become the skeleton of the Zerg warrior... and finally form a The complete Zerg warrior.

For this insect nest, Yu Liang came up with a bold idea: What would it be like if he could transform these insect nest cells into a biological computer?

Build a blueprint in your consciousness and imagine how to connect these hive cells to form a huge biological computer network.

He imagined that each hive cell could serve as a processor, and they could collaborate with each other to perform complex calculations.

He began making minor changes to the hive cells, trying to adjust their structure and function. He guides the hive cells to form specific connections that allow them to pass information and process data.

This process is very complex and requires extreme precision and patience. Yu Liang spent a long time constantly testing and adjusting.

Finally, under Yu Liang's careful design and patient operation, the hive cells began to change. They began to form a complex connection network according to Yu Liang's vision. This network grows larger and more complex, eventually forming a giant biological computer.

This biological computer is different from traditional computers in that it is composed of living cells and has the ability to grow and repair itself. It can process large amounts of data, perform complex calculations, and even learn and evolve.

Yu Liang looked at the biological computer he had created with his own hands, feeling filled with a sense of accomplishment.

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