"This wrist is a common wrist in the universe. Although it is not valuable, there is a crystal core in the inner layer of the left wrist, which is my temporary residence."

"You take it with you and I can follow you."

Babata handed his wrist to Yu Liang, but he did not take it.

"What?" Seeing that Yu Liang didn't pick up his wrist, Babata had a puzzled expression on his face.

Yu Liang smiled and said: "No need for the time being. I think it's nice here. It's quiet and secluded. I want to practice in seclusion here for a while."

After hearing this, Babata still felt a little confused. What does this have to do with Yu Liang's refusal to take action?

"I left something outside, go get it."

With that said, Yu Liang left the Death Ink Star directly.

Come to the Bermuda waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

Yu Liang walked into the mechanical spacecraft on the bottom of the sea. As his command was given, the spacecraft was activated.

The power system of this mechanical spacecraft is the intricate secret patterns all over the interior and exterior of the spacecraft.

"Activate the hidden function!"

A flash of silver light flashed, and the mechanical spacecraft disappeared.

He drove the spacecraft up, and the sea water surged, as if an invisible force quietly emerged in the sea water.

Driving the mechanical spacecraft, Yu Liang came to Shennongjia, China, and installed the Hive Computer into the spacecraft. Then the spacecraft disappeared directly from the earth and appeared in outer space.

"It's so exciting. This is the romance of men!"

After just a little manipulation, Yu Liang fell in love with this mechanical spacecraft.

"Target, Mars!"

The flight speed of the mechanical spacecraft instantly increased to sub-light speed. Due to the adjustment system in the cabin, Yu Liang quickly reached Mars without any discomfort.

"Open the 100% location virtual system!"

On the metal wall in front of him, a picture of Mars appeared, as if Yu Liang was immersed in it.

At a glance, Yu Liang saw nine tall pyramid-shaped buildings standing in the distance.

Then, he discovered that there was a city that had been dilapidated for many years beneath the nine pyramids.

Mars was once a territory of the Silver-Blue Empire, and there were many miners mining on it. Later, Hu Yanbo came here and easily eliminated the stationed Star Fleet, while the miners gradually disappeared due to supply interruption.

Yu Liang lowered the spacecraft and used a detector to detect the Martian mineral veins, and found that there were rich black iron deposits here.

Dark iron is an A8-level metal, the black iron essence is a B8-level metal, and the best black iron mother is a C8-level metal. These are very popular in the universe.

After some searching, Yu Liang obtained a total of more than 100 million tons of black iron, more than 30,000 tons of black iron essence, and more than two tons of black iron mother. The harvest was quite fruitful.

After the search, Yu Liang fell in love with this underground city made of black iron.

Soon, he dismantled the city into pieces and obtained another 9.2 billion tons of dark iron raw materials.

"The search is complete, next stop, the Horned Dragon Star!"

As Yu Liang's order was issued, the flight speed of the mechanical spacecraft quickly increased to super-light speed. In an instant, the spacecraft disappeared from the original universe and entered the dark universe.

"We have entered the dark universe!"

Yu Liang opened the virtual system and observed the scenery outside.

In the original universe, matter could not exceed the speed of light. Once it reaches the speed of light, matter will shuttle directly into the dark universe, and the dark universe can exceed the speed of light.

The coordinates of the dark universe and the original universe correspond to each other, but their ratio is 1:10.081 million times. This means that flying one light-year in the dark universe is equivalent to flying 10.81 million light-years in the original universe.

10081 is a number with special meaning. Because in terms of time units, it represents an epoch.

Regarding the dark universe, Yu Liang believes that it is another energy level of the entire universe.

In the universe, everything is constantly moving and changing.

At the microscopic level, electrons orbit the nucleus and neutrons orbit the protons…

On a macroscopic level, planets orbit stars, which in turn orbit the Milky Way…

When an electron gains enough energy, it jumps from one energy level to another.

Similarly, when the speed exceeds the limit of the speed of light, it will enter another energy level of the universe. And this energy level is the dark universe.


The Horned Dragon Star is located in the Black Dragon Mountain star field, 320,000 light years away from the earth. It is the core trading planet of hundreds of galaxies.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Yu Liang got off the mechanical spacecraft before approaching the Horned Dragon Planet, allowing the spacecraft to hide its body and activate its autonomous defense mode, while he crossed the void and entered the Horned Dragon Planet.

Yu Liang first came to the service building established by the Black Dragon Mountain Empire in Qiulong City on Qiulong Star.

"Hello, is this where you can handle nationality business?"

Yu Liang asked the receptionist in fluent universal language. It is essential to master the universal lingua franca in the universe.

"The nationality business is handled on the 32nd floor."


Yu Liang arrived at the 32nd floor of the office hall.

"Hello, sir! What business do you need to handle?" A receptionist came up and asked.

"Hello, I want to join the nationality of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire." Yu Liang looked at the receptionist and expressed his needs directly.

"Country of Citizenship?"

The receptionist was stunned for a moment, and then responded quickly: "Sir, please go to the left. The second to last room in the innermost room is where you apply for nationality."

"OK, thanks!"

Yu Liang nodded slightly and followed the receptionist's guidance to the corresponding room.

Dong dong dong~

Yu Liang came to the door of the room and knocked gently.

"Come in!" came a casual voice from inside.

Yu Liang pushed the door open and saw two uniformed staff members in the room. When Yu Liang came in, he asked, "What business do you want to handle?"

"I want to join the nationality of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire."

Hearing Yu Liang's request, the staff looked up and looked at him curiously. After all, this business is rarely handled, and then asked: "Which country in the universe did you belong to before? Is there any release procedure for your original nationality?"

"I didn't have any nationality before."

The two staff members were stunned after hearing this, looked at each other and said to themselves: These days, is there anyone without a nationality?

"Stand where you are and don't move!"

One of the staff members pressed the instrument on his arm, and a misty light enveloped Yu Liang.

The instrument displays "No such person found!"

After a while, the staff member said with certainty: "Since Mr. has never joined any other nationality, you only need to pay the processing fee. The processing fee is fifty black dragon coins!"

"Okay!" Yu Liang nodded slightly, took out a dry witch coin and handed it to him.

"Dry witch coins!"

The staff suddenly became excited when they saw this precious currency.

He quickly took out a stack of thin banknotes from his pocket, selected a fifty-denomination note and put it into the instrument. Then he handed the remaining banknotes to Yu Liang: "Sir, this is nine hundred and fifty." Black Dragon Coin.”

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