After leaving Qi Qi Pavilion, Yu Liang went to another shop and sold the Arc Knifehead in the same way, and obtained a price of 18 billion Black Dragon Coins, which was one billion Black Dragon Coins more than the previous one.

Then he continued to the next store. In less than half a day, Yu Liang sold five arc knife discs and obtained 87 billion black dragon coins.

He was in a good mood, but he had no intention of continuing to sell the arc cutterhead.

Although there are many shops in Qiulong City, if he sells twenty arc cutterheads in one go, it will still cause some unnecessary trouble, so he needs to relax a little.

Before returning to the Machine Tribe spaceship, Yu Liang bought ten different first- and second-level force weapons in Qiu Long City, not because he had any other uses but because he wanted to study and learn the secret patterns on them.

Although the secret patterns on advanced weapons are more numerous and more complex in structure, they are actually composed of simple secret patterns.

Just as units combine to form more complex structures, these simple patterns combine with each other to form complex patterns.

When there are enough secret patterns, they will form a secret pattern, just like the secret pattern on the mechanical race's spaceship.

As tall buildings rise from the ground, any profound knowledge needs to be established from the most basic knowledge.

Yu Liang knew this truth well, so he planned to study it step by step, starting from the simplest secret patterns, and gradually master the more complex secret patterns.

Therefore, in the following days, Yu Liang, in addition to selling a few made weapons at intervals, also observed and learned the secret patterns on them.

Then, he slowly gnawed at the secret pattern on the mechanical race's spaceship.

Time passes day by day.

Yu Liang had accumulated enough five thousand third-level arc knife disks without knowing it. As long as he sold them all, he would make a lot of wealth. But he won't use the money for other purposes, because Yu Liang wants to use it to buy a fourth-level weapon to make the money work.

Because there are too many, Yu Liang wants to put them for sale in the virtual universe.

Virtual universe, cosmic galaxy bank.

Yu Liang entered the bank and came to a "self-service business processing" room through the "self-service processing channel".

After logging into the account, an intelligence appears to serve it.

"Dear customer, what business do you want to handle?"

"I want to consign something." Yu Liang said.

Smart replied: "Okay, respect our customers, our bank has very powerful sales channels in all the 'cosmic countries' of the vast universe, which can sell your products in a very short time."

“And we only have to charge one thousandth of the handling fee.”

Hearing this, Yu Liang curled his lips. One thousandth sounds like a small amount, but in fact it is a large commission.

"Dear customers, in addition to the 'item consignment service', our bank also has an 'item purchase service', but the purchase price is based on the standard price."

After hearing what Zhi Zhi said, Yu Liang asked what the purchase price was for its third-order arc cutterhead?

In comparison, it was found that this standard price was too deceptive. It was better to let it be consigned with a commission of one thousandth.

"This is the item I want to sell."

Yu Liang sends the details of the items for sale to Smart.

"Okay, dear customer, our Universe Galaxy Bank will sell these five thousand items immediately in the auction areas of the major universe countries in the 'Virtual Universe'."

Smart asked: "Where and when will your five thousand items be handed over to our bank?"

Yu Liang answered that the location of the Horned Dragon Star of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire would be tomorrow morning.

Smart said: "Confirm the time and place, please sign the consignment document."

A contract floated in front of Yu Liang. The content of the contract was very detailed, including the rights and responsibilities of both parties, as well as breach of contract clauses and so on.

Yu Liang signed the contract after reading it carefully.

"The signing of the consignment documents is completed!"

Then, Zhizhi asked Yu Liang: "Dear customer, is there anything else I can serve you?"


Yu Liang turned around and left directly.

The next day, a spaceship appeared in the space outside the Horned Dragon. The fuselage of this spacecraft was extremely gorgeous. The shape of the entire spacecraft was like a sword, giving people a dreamlike feeling. It had the word "Cosmic Galaxy Bank" on it. symbols of.

Yu Liang emerged from the hidden spaceship, and a man wearing a Galaxy Bank uniform also appeared in the sword-shaped spaceship!

The other party said to Yu Liang respectfully and politely: "Hello, sir, I am a staff member of Universe Galaxy Bank, number EG071341. Please give me your goods."

Yu Liang delivered 5,000 arc blades to the opponent. Seeing so many identical third-level weapons, the opponent was slightly stunned, and then immediately adjusted his state.

"Goods confirmed."

"The transaction was successful, thank you for your support of our Universe Galaxy Bank."

After the transaction ended, the other party left in the spaceship, and Yu Liang also returned to the mechanical spacecraft.

After a while, Yu Liang received news from the bank that all five thousand arc cutterheads had been sold and the payment had been credited to Yu Liang's bank account.

"This is so efficient!"

After getting the money, Yu Liang bought a fourth-level weapon from the Universe Galaxy Bank to suppress the mountain.

In just three days, Universe Galaxy Company delivered the goods to Yu Liang's doorstep.

After signing for it, Yu Liang immediately started studying it.

The main shape of the Zhenshan is a stick, showing a deep brown color. The top of the column is designed in the shape of a strange and ferocious monster's head. A pair of ruby ​​eyes shine with dangerous light. The surface of the stick is engraved with complex secret patterns.

The difficulty of making fourth-level weapons is not even one point higher than that of third-level weapons.

In addition to the more complicated secret patterns, its refining process and structure are also extremely complicated.

It looks like a complete whole, but it is actually made up of tens of thousands of unit parts.

They say they are refining a stick, but they are actually making a sophisticated and complex instrument.

"This should be considered a mechanical weapon!"

During the imitation process, this question suddenly flashed in Yu Liang's mind.

"Mechanical flow!"

Yu Liang suddenly had a flash of inspiration. It was also constructed with precision parts. Can it combine the secret pattern with the body?

Yu Liang paused the refining of weapons and began to calculate and conceive.

After thinking about it, he found that this idea was really promising, but the biggest problem was that compared to the hard alloy metal, the flesh and blood body was still too weak and could not bear the pressure caused by the huge power of the powerful secret pattern.

After thinking about how to solve this problem, Yu Liang finally came to the conclusion: in the final analysis, the level of life is still too low!

If the body structure is stable enough, it can bear the pressure caused by the explosion of secret lines.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang stood up and looked in the direction of the earth.

Even though it will take some time for the golden-horned giant beast to arrive on Earth, there is actually no need to wait during this time.

Without the golden-horned behemoth, there are also some other slaves with high life levels in the slave market of the Horned Dragon Star!

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