Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 255 A first glimpse into the rules of the universe

In the vast universe, there are six peak tribes, namely the human race, the mechanical race, the demon race, the insect race, the prison race and the crystal race.

Among them, the territories of the four ethnic groups, the human race, the mechanical race, the monster race and the Zerg race, are close to the core area of ​​the original universe. Their territories are adjacent to each other, so the battles between these four groups are particularly frequent and fierce. In order to compete for resources, territory and survival rights, desperate battles continue between them.

In order to reduce the damage to their respective territories and provide a platform for the new generation to hone and grow, the four major ethnic groups joined forces to open up a huge extraterritorial battlefield.

This battlefield is not only a place for life and death fighting, but also a cradle for training and selecting outstanding talents. Here, the younger generation has experienced countless life and death tests, constantly honing their will and strength.

Although on this extraterrestrial battlefield, countless world lords and even immortal strongmen fell and paid huge sacrifices. But the leaders of the tribe know that these sacrifices are worth it. Because only through true iron-bloodedness and cruel tempering can a truly strong man be cultivated. These strong men who have passed the test of life and death will become the future pillars of the ethnic group and lead the ethnic group to a more glorious future.


Driving the machine race spacecraft Yu Liang, he came to the place where the human race territory leads to the battlefield outside the territory.

The extraterritorial battlefield was jointly established by the four major races: humans, machines, bugs, and monsters. There are a total of eleven major battlefields, each battlefield is extremely cruel, and the lowest probability of death is above 95%.

People participating in extraterritorial battlefields are divided into two categories: one is the lone traveler, who enters the battlefield spontaneously; the other is the group army, which is composed of the five giants of the human race or the legions sent by the one thousand and eighty-one advanced cosmic nations. These legions are led by Immortal and have a certain number of world lords, domain lords and a large number of universe-level warriors. They have high discipline and extremely strong combat effectiveness.

The genius war is over!

On the small earth, Yu Liang, Hong, Lei Shen, and Luo Feng appeared one after another and joined the Virtual Universe Company through the genius battle at the same time. In this case, the secrets of the earth will definitely be exposed in advance.

When the time comes, the strongest man, Giant Ax, who looks through the earth's log, will definitely find something unusual about Yu Liang, so he has to leave early and hide himself.

Only a chaotic place like the battlefield outside the territory can hide oneself and obtain massive cultivation resources, so Yu Liang came here.

After Yu Liang entered the battlefield outside the territory.

On the other side, the clone on the earth, also escorted by the Virtual Universe Company, came to the Universal Headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company with Hong, Lei Shen, and Luo Feng.

When contestants from all over the universe who have passed the Genius Battle arrive one after another, it's time for everyone to head to Chaos City together.

A tall, thin man with red eyes shrouded in an elegant white robe suddenly appeared in front of everyone and said hoarsely: "Everyone, please follow me!"

This tall, thin man with red eyes released a powerful and irresistible force and enveloped everyone. It instantly turned into a stream of light. After flying for a few minutes, they came to a strange spaceship parked on the lawn. The man then put everyone down.

"Everyone, please enter the spaceship." The tall, thin man with red eyes said indifferently.

Everyone took a closer look and saw a strange-shaped spaceship in front of them. It was completely blue and looked like a huge fish. The tail fin swings slightly, and the entire spacecraft is nearly a kilometer long. The hatch in the belly of the spacecraft is open, and the corridor inside can be seen through the hatch.

At the man's urging, everyone entered the spacecraft along the hatch.

Inside the spaceship, Lord Nine Swords had been waiting in the spaceship for a long time. When everyone arrived, he said, "Let's go to the original universe!"


The giant fish-like spaceship swung its tail fin and disappeared instantly.

When the spaceship entered the initial universe and the original universe, everyone turned pale because of the sense of time and space confusion.

After a while, Lord Nine Swords pointed outside and said: "Now we have entered the initial universe."

"Initial universe?"

"Have we reached the initial universe?"

The geniuses from various universe countries were full of curiosity and looked around. Even the dozen or so immortals who came with the Nine Swords Venerable had their eyes full of expectation and looked up from time to time.

"Top open!"

Lord Nine Swords gave an order, and the metal top of the hall slowly opened as if controlled by an invisible force, revealing a transparent glass-like outer layer. Everyone looked up and saw the scenery outside.

Yu Liang also looked up and saw that it was extremely dark outside, with chaotic air flowing erratically. In a distant place, the sky and the earth sometimes split open, revealing strange scenes. A large number of strange secret patterns flowed at the edge of the cracked space, as if containing some unfathomable power. The secret patterns are floating on the crystalline silk threads, just like the threads on a loom, weaving the world into a bigger and bigger world.

"This is this?" Everyone looked at the strange secret patterns flowing on the crystalline silk threads, and felt a mysterious feeling in their hearts. The dozen or so immortal beings raised their heads and stared at the secret pattern, sometimes closing their eyes and thinking, sometimes watching carefully, as if trying to understand the mystery.

Yu Liang stared up at the secret patterns intently, marveling secretly in his heart. He knew that this was the 'initial universe', which was actually the universe of the 'original ancestor' of the human race. Only in such a place can we directly see the secret pattern that is closest to the rules that appears due to the changes in the operation of the universe.

He worked hard to memorize the shape and flow of each secret pattern, trying to imprint them deeply in his mind.

Time passed unconsciously. Yu Liang and everyone were immersed in this mysterious and profound cosmic scene, as if they had forgotten the existence of time.

The spaceship is still moving forward, cracks in the universe often appear, and those strange secret lines of silk threads can be seen at any time.

"Stars and planets all have a lifespan, and this universe also has a lifespan, but its lifespan is extremely long." Venerable Nine Swords smiled and explained to everyone, "This initial universe is the universe in its initial state when the universe first opened."

"The universe is constantly being perfected and formed, and the original operating rules of the universe will be revealed. Those cracks in the universe that are constantly being repaired are the original operating rules of the universe."

Everyone was stunned, while Yu Liang was trying to write down everything he saw.

"The crystalline silk threads that repair the universe, and the large number of secret patterns floating on the silk threads, are they the laws of the universe's operation?"

Just as everyone was thinking about it, the Lord Nine Swords continued to explain: "The original universe we live in is an extremely vast, huge, and perfect universe. Because of its perfection, it is impossible to reveal the laws of operation. If you want to understand It is very difficult. In the initial universe, you can see it directly with the naked eye, and you can also see how the various laws are perfectly combined with each other, how the universe was formed, how the rules operate, everything can be seen directly, so It’s much easier to understand.”

"The quota for initial cosmic enlightenment is therefore extremely precious." Lord Nine Swords glanced at the dozen immortals.

Those dozen immortal beings have been looking up at the universe, obviously cherishing every bit of time here.

Soon after, Lord Nine Swords issued another order, and the metal top of the hall slowly closed, cutting off the outside scenery. Only then did everyone come back to their senses from their intoxication, with shock and amazement on their faces.

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