Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 259 Exploded, the golden legendary treasure!

Chapter 259 Exploded, Golden Legend: Heavy Treasure!

"Space blockade!" The mechanical enemy shouted in horror.

"The Immortal King, how can there be a strong person at the King level here!" Its voice was full of despair and confusion.

"Are you panicking?" Yu Liang secretly rejoiced. This way, it would be easier to deal with him!

Become a king? He doesn't have the strength to become a king, and the space blockade is all the power of the secret pattern!

"Collapse Shock Wave!"

Yu Liang gave an order, and the metal pillars surrounding the mechanical race's spacecraft suddenly burst into bright light. This light is not a simple illumination, but a powerful release of energy. Following Yu Liang's order, these metal pillars began to vibrate violently, as if countless small fluctuations converged in the space, forming invisible attack waves.

These collapse shock waves spread rapidly through the air, like countless sharp blades, cutting everything around them. When they touched the mechanical race spacecraft, the outer shell of the spacecraft was immediately cut into pieces, and the internal mechanical structure also suffered serious damage.

The mechanical enemy was terrified. It tried to maneuver the spacecraft to dodge, but the force of the space blockade prevented it from moving. It could only watch helplessly as those collapse shock waves tore apart its spacecraft bit by bit.

"No! This is impossible!" The mechanical enemy screamed in despair, but its voice was quickly drowned by the collapse shock wave.

Yu Liang observed all this indifferently, without any emotion on his face. Compassion for the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

With the continuous attack of the collapse shock wave, the mechanical spacecraft finally could not withstand this powerful force and began to disintegrate.

After the battle lasted for a while, the mechanical immortal finally couldn't hold on any longer. The spacecraft disintegrated with a loud noise, and the scattered debris flew in the starry sky. All the mechanical bodies quickly collected these debris, especially those unique alloy materials.

After collecting the materials, he brought the alloys back to his "source base". Yu Liang couldn't wait to put these materials into the "source" and started a new round of transcription process.

Under the influence of the "source", the molecular structure of these alloy materials is accurately copied and endowed with new intelligence. Yu Liang carefully observed these new mechanical bodies. Their bodies shone with a unique luster, as if they were made of stars and metal.

The skills of the machine clan in making alloys are really amazing. Their understanding and application of metals have reached an unprecedented level, as if every piece of alloy is the crystallization of their hard work and wisdom.

Time passes quietly like fine sand.

Yu Liang's Little Star Line "Source Base" continues its wandering journey on the battlefield outside the territory.

However, in a quiet moment, an invisible force suddenly blocked the surrounding space.

Yu Liang's head tightened and he immediately launched an investigation. His eyes showed solemnity and vigilance, knowing that the trouble he encountered this time was not trivial.

Soon, a huge mechanical figure appeared from the left and right sides.

There is a black iron crown of thorns on the head, which looks like a precision machining instrument. High-speed rotating gears can be seen in every gap, shining with a cold metallic luster. Their appearance fills the entire space with a sense of oppression.

In addition, there are one million E9 level mechanical puppets and two thousand F8 level mechanical puppets coming like a tide, surrounding Yu Liang's base.

Space blockade, the king of the mechanical clan is immortal!

This is really troublesome!

The other party should be here for revenge. A hero does not suffer immediate losses, and the thirty-six strategies are used to move forward!

Just when Yu Liang was about to run away, he discovered that something was wrong. The other party didn't seem to be the king!

After closer inspection, I discovered that this was not a space blockade at all, but a blockade area exerted by the black iron crown of thorns on the head of the mechanical race.

It’s better not to be crowned king! Let me tell you, how could a shark jump out from the edge of such a small pond?

There was a smile on Yu Liang's lips.

A huge number of mechanical bodies began to gather. At first glance, it looked like dust in the universe began to flow, glowing with stars. They condensed into a nebula, and a complex and mysterious secret pattern was condensed in the nebula.


As the energy field formed by the secret pattern in the nebula suddenly collapsed, the sealed space was broken.

Immediately, the mechanical body condensed into six metal pillars.

"Collapse Shock Wave!"

One million E9-level mechanical puppets and two thousand F8-level mechanical puppets collapsed one after another like waves of wheat blown by the wind under the attack of the collapse shock wave.

All this happens in an instant.

Seeing this, the mechanical clan-level immortal launched an attack on Yu Liang.

Yu Liang responded quickly.

The secret patterns on the six metal pillars shine with dazzling light, as if they contain infinite power. Yu Liang stared closely at this mechanical immortal, formulating a response strategy in his mind.

However, just when he was about to take action, he suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon. Although this mechanical immortal was fierce, his attack did not hit him directly, but was aimed at the metal pillars surrounding the base.

Yu's conscience moved, and he immediately understood his intention. This mechanical immortal wants to destroy the power of the secret pattern by attacking the metal pillar, thereby breaking the collapse shock wave, and casting a space blockade again to prevent him from escaping.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang couldn't help but sneer. He had already expected that the enemy would react like this when facing the enemy, so he made some adjustments when arranging the secret patterns.

Just when the immortal attack of the mechanical tribe was about to touch the metal pillars, Yu Liang had a thought, and the secret patterns on those metal pillars suddenly changed. The light that was originally just flickering quietly became dazzling in an instant, as if countless rays of light were shooting out of it, forming invisible energy barriers.

The immortal attack of this mechanical clan hit the energy barrier and made a deafening noise. However, their attacks did not cause any damage to the energy barrier, but were bounced back.

The Immortal of the Mechanical Tribe was shocked. He did not expect that his attack would be rebounded. He quickly adjusted his state and prepared to attack again.

However, Yu Liang did not give him a chance. Quickly manipulate the metal pillars and let them start to rotate. As the metal pillar rotated, the surrounding space began to twist, as if a huge vortex was formed.

The power of this vortex was extremely powerful, and it began to attract the surrounding mechanical bodies, including the immortal mechanical race. His body was sucked into the vortex uncontrollably and he was unable to escape.

Yu Liang did not miss this opportunity, preparing to give this mechanical race an immortal fatal blow.

The rotating metal column suddenly stopped moving, and the entire space vortex disappeared instantly.

The immortal body of the mechanical race was violently thrown out, and he fell down awkwardly, his eyes filled with fear.

At this moment, the secret pattern on the metal pillar controlled by Yu Liang changed again, and the originally dazzling light instantly converged, as if all the energy had been compressed to an extreme.

Then, the pole suddenly erupted, and a brighter light than before shot out from the metal pillar, directly hitting the mechanical immortal.

At that moment, the entire space seemed to be illuminated by this light, and its power was extremely powerful, directly smashing the immortal body of the mechanical race into pieces.


Among the scattered remains, Yu Liang's eyes were attracted by the floating black crown of thorns. He carefully stretched out his hand, gently took it into his palm, and then examined it carefully.

Suddenly there was a sound of exclamation.

"I'll go, Golden Legend!"

Yu Liang didn't expect that this black crown of thorns was actually a valuable treasure, a domain-type treasure!

Get rich!

However, just as his excitement was palpable, Yu Liang immediately regained his vigilance.

Heavy treasures are usually the weapons of the Lord of the Universe. He, a small mechanical immortal, actually has a heavy treasure on his body, and it is also a domain-type heavy treasure. The hidden information behind this is self-evident.

Gotta run away! And it’s still urgent.

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