Dreaming about the world, embarking on the path of spiritual practice

Chapter 283 Making a Mechanical-style Heavy Treasure

After listening to the story of the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace, Yu Liang finally understood why he was asked to leave the Xueluo World.

The human race has been fighting with other peak races for many years. The competition on the battlefield is no longer the only one. The infiltration in the dark is equally fierce.

Knowing that the Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace, the overlord of the universe, is sitting in the Xueluo world, he still sends black hands to deal with Yu Liang, which is enough to show how dangerous this time is!

"Thank you, Palace Master, for your blessing!" Yu Liang sincerely thanked the Palace Master of Heavenly Eclipse.

"Yeah!" The Lord of Heavenly Eclipse Palace nodded slightly.

Then, his fingers lightly traced across the air, and every trace seemed to contain the profound mysteries of the universe.

Following his movements, a large and complex secret pattern gradually emerged in the void.

This secret pattern is not only huge, but also full of layers and three-dimensionality.

It is made up of countless small lines intertwined, each line exudes a faint light. Sometimes these lines are winding, sometimes as straight as swords... They are intertwined with each other in a way that seems disordered but contains profound laws.

At the center of the secret pattern is a radiant complex pattern, like a mysterious vortex intertwined by countless galaxies. This vortex exudes bright light, as if it is the essence of the entire universe. It rotates, swallowing everything around it, but it is constantly creating and giving birth to new life and power.

The edge of the secret pattern is composed of a series of seemingly independent patterns. Some of them are like ancient runes, exuding a mysterious atmosphere; some are like strange creatures, each of them is lifelike, as if it will happen at any time. Jumping out of the picture...

Although these patterns appear to be independent, they are actually closely connected with the entire secret pattern, forming a large and complex system, like an indescribable cosmic symphony.

Looking at this secret pattern, Yu Liang could feel the powerful power contained in it, as if there was an invisible attraction guiding him.

He couldn't help but marvel in his heart, this was definitely the most complex and mysterious secret pattern he had ever seen. His eyes wandered over this secret pattern, as if he had been deeply attracted by it.

Just when he was deeply immersed in observing the secret pattern diagram.

The Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace stood aside, staring at the entranced Yu Liang, and sighed in his heart: Yu Liang, I hope you can really open up a new path as the Lord of Chaos City said!

The reason why the top management of Virtual Universe Company decided to 'release' Yu Liang was because top powerhouses like the Lord of Chaos City could see that Yu Liang was taking a path of cultivation that was completely different from theirs.

Does the human race lack immortality? No shortage.

Are you missing a venerable person? No shortage.

Missing the Lord of the Universe? There is no shortage either.

What the human race lacks most is the strongest person in the universe.

There is only one strongest person in the universe in the entire human race, the founder of the giant axe.

The giant ax is the backbone of the human race. Once there is a problem with the giant ax, the human race will collapse.

Therefore, the human race is extremely eager for the birth of the next strongest person in the universe.

The most difficult thing about becoming the strongest person in the universe is that each strongest person in the universe must have his own path, and cannot follow the same path as the strongest person in front of him.

They saw this in Yu Liang, although this hope was so slim that it was almost nonexistent.

Therefore, in order not to affect Yu Liang's development, we chose to let him grow freely!

Time passed little by little.

Three months passed before I knew it.

Just when Yu Liang was still immersed in the complex and mysterious secret pattern, the master of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace suddenly erased the secret pattern with a wave of his hand.

Um? Yu Liang suddenly woke up and looked up at the Master of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace in confusion.

The Lord of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace did not explain much and said with a smile: "It's getting late, you can leave!"

You took off your clothes and you just let me take a look?

Alas, I can’t stop!

Yu Liangang complained in his heart, but did not dare to complain. He raised his hand and said goodbye respectfully before turning around and leaving.

Under the escort of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace spacecraft, Yu Liang left the Heavenly Eclipse Palace.

Along the way, he was recalling the secret patterns shown to him by the Master of the Heavenly Eclipse Palace.

Returning to his residence, Yu Liang went into retreat directly.

Hundreds of years pass by in an instant.

For Yu Liang today, it is almost impossible to feel the passage of time.

"It's done!"

Yu Liang, who was in seclusion, suddenly opened his eyes.

The scene turned to an inconspicuous place in an extraterrestrial battlefield.

A seemingly ordinary asteroid suddenly bursts out with amazing power.

Silver secret patterns emerged from the void, intertwined with each other, and finally converged to form a majestic crown of thorns.

Under its attraction, the surrounding starry sky fragments gathered one after another, some of which merged into the asteroid, gradually increasing its size, while the other part rotated around it, forming a magnificent meteorite belt.

Inside this asteroid is the source base carefully built by Yu Liang.

Ever since he obtained this domain-related treasure, he has been observing and understanding the secret patterns on it. Today, I finally mastered the secret pattern.

The secret technique displayed by the secret pattern on the heavy treasure is called "Falling Space". In this field, not to mention the immortal powerful, even ordinary venerables can hardly escape its shackles.

"Now, I can be considered as having the ability to protect myself in this foreign battlefield!" Yu Liangliang was secretly proud.

But despite this, he still chose to keep a low profile and not reveal his strength easily. After all, in this foreign battlefield full of unknowns, it is always the wisest choice to proceed with caution.

In the base, Yu Liang put the precious treasure aside indifferently.

He raised his palm slightly, attracting countless tiny mechanical bodies around him to gather like dust.

For ordinary treasures, if you want to exert its full power, you often need to deeply understand its inner secret patterns. However, the mechanical treasure is unique in that it can skip this step and directly convert the secret pattern of perception into energy consumption, thus quickly displaying its complete power.

Therefore, Yu Liang plans to imitate and create a mechanical treasure!

Concentrating on controlling the tiny mechanical bodies, his consciousness seemed to be integrated with these mechanical dust, accurately guiding them to be assembled and constructed according to his own ideas. Each mechanical body is like an extension of his fingers, dancing in the void nimbly and precisely.

Time passed quietly, and in Yu Liang's palm, a complex crown-shaped mechanical structure gradually took shape.

It exudes a faint silver light and exudes an indestructible aura. This crown-shaped mechanical structure not only looks beautiful, but also contains powerful power, as if it can explode with amazing power at any time.

Looking at the mechanical treasure that he successfully copied, Yu Liang's eyes shone with satisfaction.

Although this heavy treasure is not completely comparable to those real heavy treasures, it still has 70% to 80% of its power, but this is enough.

He gently shook his palm, feeling the power brought by the mechanical treasure.

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