[Qigong has a long history. In ancient times, the content of qigong was usually called breathing, moving qi, spreading qi, convincing qi, guiding, refining alchemy, cultivating Taoism, sitting in meditation, etc...

Adjustment of breathing, adjustment of physical activities, adjustment of consciousness.

Adjust your breath, adjust your body, adjust your mind!

The practice of Qigong is: three adjustments into one!

Using specific cultivation methods and psychological activities, living things can have an effect on the body or things! 】

Although this piece of popular science information does not have a specific practice method, it explains the principles of Qigong in detail.

It has benefited a lot for Yu Liang!

How does the human body gain strength?

Yu Liang had learned in high school biology class: an energy substance is decomposed in the human body, and chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy, thereby generating power!

Since all the knowledge was given back to his former biology teacher, Yu Liang searched online and learned it again!

The main energy source of the human body is the decomposition of organic glycogen and fat.

The energy produced can be used for various functions of the body, such as muscle contraction, nerve conduction, immune response, etc.

This process requires the participation of oxygen, so it is called: aerobic metabolism.

When the human body breathes, air enters the body. After the oxygen in it enters the lungs, it diffuses through the alveolar membrane into the pulmonary capillaries and combines with the red blood cell hemoglobin in the blood to form oxygenated arterial blood.

This oxygenated arterial blood flows out of the lungs, through the body, and is used by the body.

For example: glucose interacts with oxygen transported from the blood to produce carbon dioxide and water, and at the same time releases a large amount of heat energy.

Oxygenated arterial blood travels throughout the body through meridians.

This should be the so-called 'qi' circulating around the body!

In Yu Liang's opinion, breath-taking and gun skills are 'static' 'aerobic exercises'!

Aerobic exercise can be seen everywhere in modern society and is a healthy way to exercise.

Aerobic exercise has many benefits for the body, including improving physical health, improving mental health, and enhancing body immunity.

Specific functions can improve cardiopulmonary function, increase lung capacity and increase the oxygen content in the blood through deep breathing, slow breathing and other techniques!

Another point is that people who do aerobic exercise regularly will have a lower heart rate!

After various comparisons, Yu Liang felt that the so-called internal strength training was very similar to 'aerobic exercise'!

It's just that the practice of internal strength is more effective than aerobic exercise, and it can also show some extraordinary abilities!

The ways that ordinary people perform aerobic exercise include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, skipping, dancing, etc.

In this process, the energy produced in the body will also be consumed and lost!

But when practicing internal strength, the body is in a still state!

As Master Ma Wu said: There is stillness in movement, movement in stillness, and the combination of movement and stillness.

The body is motionless, but the energy in the body is moving!

This is equivalent to temporarily storing the energy generated in the body.

This should be what is called: internal strength!

Breathing: Increase the oxygen content of the blood in the body!

Qiang Gong: run vigorously and enhance metabolism.

In this way, a large amount of energy will be generated in the body.

It's easy to release this energy, just let your body move!

But wanting to retain this 'inner power' prevented Yu Liang from researching it. This must be the secret of inner strength and mental methods.

Instead of thinking hard, it is better to wait until the time comes and let the master teach you.

After figuring all this out, Yu Liang couldn't wait to try it.

But before it even started, it failed!

Just because you know it, doesn’t mean you can do it!

Yu Liang's current body is not the same as the body after his time travel. It has gone through a lot of hard training.

He couldn't even do a few 'fish swimming' movements, let alone exert force.

For this reason, Yu Liang began to exercise honestly.

Exercise, read, play games, do business, rest...

Every day's time is fully arranged.

A week passed quickly.

At this moment, Yu Liang has finally mastered everything he knows, but his physical fitness has not yet caught up with the body after time travel.

The specific reason should be that I didn't take the tonic medicated diet and medicated wine massage.

But even so, Yu Liang can start trying to practice.

Closed on purpose for one day.

Stay home and use a plastic water pipe instead of a wooden gun.

Yu Liang held the water pipe and assumed a gun stance.

Close your eyes slightly and concentrate on feeling the changes in your body.

Breathe in

The mouth and nose began to exhale, the abdomen and chest rose slightly, and the back rolled and exerted force, causing the whole body to tremble slightly.

Breathe in

Yu Liang only felt that his body began to slowly heat up. The longer the time went on, the more obvious this feeling became, as if he was undergoing strenuous exercise and his blood was boiling all over his body.

Gradually, his breathing began to quicken, and his body was shaking violently, but he still didn't feel the 'aura' he expected!

"Wait a little longer. If your body can't stabilize the rhythm of breathing and exerting force, stop."

Yu Liang devoted all his attention to focusing on his body!

When a person's body is exhausted to the extreme, his thoughts will become simpler, his mind will seem to be empty, and his attention will only focus on the points he cares about.

Focus, focus!


Just when Yu Liang was about to pour out the energy in his body, he finally felt the so-called 'qi feeling'!

‘Aerobic exercise’ speeds up the body’s metabolism and produces a lot more energy.

When Yu Liang continued to exert force, the energy seemed to have found a vent point, and the force circulated in the body, feeling like a stream of heat!


He shouted loudly and hit the floor with the water pipe in his hand, smashing the tiles into pieces and forming a network of cracks around them.


Yu Liang lay limply on the ground

I looked sideways at my body. I was sweating profusely, red all over, and exuding bursts of heat!

This is just like after a person runs vigorously. The body produces too much energy. In addition to its own consumption, other energy is released in the form of heat energy through sweating through the pores.

A happy expression on his face!

No matter how correct the theory is, there is no reality that comes from practice!

Regarding this practice, he summed it up in two words: control!

The human body is like a precise instrument, which can produce huge amounts of energy. However, due to weak willpower and inability to fully control and operate this instrument, most of the energy is wasted.

The process of cultivation is to control the body and use this energy!

Breathing in and out, practicing spear skills, are all exercises to control the body!

The so-called ‘God’ is thought and consciousness!

‘Shen’ guides ‘Qi’: the brain issues instructions to control the body to perform aerobic exercise, and oxygen enters the blood to produce bioenergy!

Unity of Qi and Strength: Using force to consume the energy in the body.

Every process requires consciousness to control the body to complete!

"Cultivation is the practice of controlling the body with consciousness!"

Yu Liang felt that he had realized the true meaning of cultivation!

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