"Are you willing to throw yourself into my arms and pursue the eternal truth?"

Yu Liang fell into silence. Faced with such a mysterious existence, he could not predict the consequences of different answers, so he did not know how to answer for a while.

As if aware of Yu Liang's thoughts, the other party said softly: "Every living thing has its own unique thoughts and consciousness. I will not force you to make any decision."

Then he added: "When you are ready one day, just call silently in your heart, and I will feel it and come to pick you up."

After saying this, he sent Yu Liang's clone away from this holy place.

After leaving, Yu Liang looked around and saw that the magnificent church was still bathed in a golden light as warm and holy as the sun, but the mysterious existence had disappeared without a trace.

Yu Liang didn't stay too long and left quickly.

The experience just now really filled his heart with all kinds of doubts. Who is that mysterious existence, why did it suddenly come, and what is its attitude towards the earth...

Also, why did the earth become like this?

In the simulated space, the earth that Yu Liang saw was much larger than the earth today, and it was directly exposed to the universe. The creatures at that time were also extremely powerful.

The so-called harsh environment will create powerful creatures.

Compared with the earth at that time, the earth today is a gentle cradle.

This also explains why the prehistoric world and the posthistoric world are so different!

Yu Liang came to outer space beyond the earth.

Last time, due to his limited strength, he couldn't even pry into the mysteries between the earth and the moon.

But today is different from the past, and his strength is no longer what it used to be.

However, under Yu Liang's observation, he discovered that not only the relationship between the earth and the moon is complex, but also the entire solar system reveals something unusual.

The deeper he probed, the more intense the shock in his heart became. Those seemingly coincidental phenomena are actually the result of careful arrangements.

In addition to the earth itself, there are four mysterious protections in the solar system.

The first line of protection is located outside Pluto's orbit, about 6.4 billion kilometers away from the Earth. There is a huge meteorite belt there, shaped like a donut, with a diameter of 22.5 billion kilometers from the inner ring to the outer ring.

The second layer of protection is the solar system fire wall, which is about 18 billion kilometers away from the earth. This wall of fire is formed by the collision of solar wind and the interstellar medium, and the lowest temperature is as high as over 50,000 degrees.

The third layer of protection is located one light-year away from the Earth. It is composed of countless meteorites and comets, forming a hollow sphere. This spherical object has a radius of three light-years and a thickness of two light-years, tightly wrapping the entire solar system within it.

As for the fourth level of protection, Yu Liang was directly shocked. He couldn't even predict what kind of powerful being used what kind of magical powers to form it.

It is a full 500 light-years away from the earth and is a low-density, high-temperature plasma gas cosmic bubble with a diameter of up to 1,000 light-years.

The solar system where the earth is located is located in the center of this bubble.

Regarding the overall shape of this bubble, it is indeed difficult for Yu Liang not to associate it with the cells of the human body.

The low-density plasma gas cosmic bubble seems to be a huge cell membrane, and the solar system is like the cell nucleus, tightly wrapped in it.

This bubble is not static, but is constantly changing and moving. Just like a cell membrane, it is constantly exchanging matter and energy with the outside world.

At the same time, the planets and other celestial bodies inside the solar system, like the molecules and atoms in the nucleus of a cell, operate according to certain laws and orders.

Yu Liang took a deep breath and thought to himself: If this bubble really looks like a human cell, what does it mean? Is the solar system, or even the entire universe, part of a huge life form?

Immediately, Yu Liang shook his head and speculated that instead of such a bold assumption, it is better to say that the structure of life is created according to the structure of the universe.

For better observation, Yu Liang planned to leave and take a look outside.

But he didn't expect that he couldn't get out!

"Let me go, is this protection or shackles?"

Faced with this situation, Yu Liang complained directly.

That's when.

Above the cosmic bubble, an illusory and real figure gradually emerged.

It was a figure that condensed endless mystery and majesty, with the body of a human, animal and snake, like a god from ancient legends. Surrounded by stars, it seemed as if the entire universe was contained within her body. And each of those stars seemed to be a world, a life. They rotated around her, emitting melodious hymns. It was the chorus of all living beings, and it was the endless reverence and worship for her.

"Empress Nuwa!"

After seeing this figure, Yu Liang felt strong reverence, both psychologically and physically.

Although her figure is illusory, she exudes an aura of incomparable majesty. Slowly lowering his head, those eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything fell on Yu Liang.

Yu Liang only felt as if his body was penetrated by a powerful force.

"You are still too weak."

Nuwa's voice seemed to come from the end of the universe. It was a voice that transcended time and space. It sounded directly in Yu Liang's heart, as if it was echoing deep in his soul.

As she spoke, Nuwa slowly raised a finger, and the stars rotated between her fingers, as if they were a small universe. A ray of aurora shot out from between her fingers and shot directly into Yu Liang's body.

Immediately, Nuwa's majestic shadow disappeared again.

Yu Liang closed his eyes and stood in the void. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, smiled, and sighed: "This is really a great opportunity!"

Nuwa taught Yu Liang a profound method called the "Ascension to Immortality Method".

But Yu Liang prefers to call it the ‘dimension-enhancing method’.

The basic structure of the universe is composed of vibrating one-dimensional strings. These strings exhibit different properties in different vibration modes. The low-dimensional world is actually a projection of the high-dimensional world.

Take the three-dimensional world Earth where Yu Liang is currently in as an example. It is projected from the four-dimensional world.

When observing a three-dimensional mountain peak in a three-dimensional world, human vision can only capture a two-dimensional plane and cannot see all its faces at the same time. To fully understand this mountain, you need to look at it from multiple angles.

Similarly, if you want to understand the mysteries of space and time in the four-dimensional world, you also need to explore in depth from multiple angles, and finally restore the true appearance of space and time through modeling and construction. Only in this way is it possible to cross from the three-dimensional world to the four-dimensional world.

This is the core of the ‘Dimension Upgrading Method’!

"It turns out that this is the essence of the 'collapse' phenomenon!"

Yu Liang suddenly realized that he had been puzzled before as to why the special energy field would collapse, and he could glimpse the existence of space-time strings from it. Everything is clear now.

All energy changes are just a reflection of the high-dimensional space-time he observed in the low-dimension. Each change represents viewing from a different angle. Through a specific operation method, the energy field changes and the complex structure collapses, thus giving a glimpse of the mystery of time and space.

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